Project title


Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.024 seconds).

Dynamics of dissipative Landau-Zener transitions in an anisotropic three-level system   [2023]

Zhang, Lixing; Wang, Lu; Gelin, Maxim F.; Zhao, Yang

Emission spectral non-Markovianity in qubit-cavity systems in the ultrastrong coupling regime   [2022]

Zhang, Chenyi; Yu, Minghong; Yan, Yiying; Chen, Lipeng; Lü, Zhiguo; Zhao, Yang

Engineering cavity singlet fission in rubrene   [2022]

Sun, Kewei; Gelin, Maxim F.; Zhao, Yang

Finite temperature dynamics of the Holstein-Tavis-Cummings model   [2024]

Hou, Erqin; Sun, Kewei; Gelin, Maxim F.; Zhao, Yang

Finite-temperature hole–magnon dynamics in an antiferromagnet   [2024]

Shen, Kaijun; Sun, Kewei; Gelin, Maxim F.; Zhao, Yang

Hamiltonian non-Hermicity: accurate dynamics with the multiple Davydov D2 Ansätze   [2024]

Zhang, Lixing; Shen, Kaijun; Yan, Yiying; Sun, Kewei; Gelin, Maxim F.; Zhao, Yang

Plenty of room on the top: pathways and spectroscopic signatures of singlet fission from upper singlet states   [2022]

Bai, Yiting; Ni, Wenjun; Sun, Kewei; Chen, Lipeng; Ma, Lin; Zhao, Yang; Gurzadyan, Gagik G.; Gelin, Maxim F.