Academic Profile : Faculty

Prof Gan Chee Lip
Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education)
Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering
Director, CSA-NTU Joint Center (CNJC)
Executive Director, Office of Research and Technology in Defence and Security (ORTDS)
External Links
Journal Articles
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(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
H.M. Wang, L.Y. Liu, P. Ye, Z. Huang, A. Ng, Z.H. Du, Z.L. Dong. D.Y. Tang and C.L. Gan, “3D printing of transparent spinel ceramics with transmittance approaching theoretical limit,” Advanced Materials, (2021).
Z.H. Du, X.R. Zhou, P.C. Ye, X.M. Zeng and C.L. Gan, “Shape-Memory Actuation in Aligned Zirconia Nanofibers for Artificial Muscle Applications at Elevated Temperatures,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 3(3), p. 2156-2166, (2020).
Y. Gao, W.A. Sasangka, C.V. Thompson and C.L. Gan, “Effects of forward gate bias stressing on the leakage current of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 100, Art. No. UNSP 113432, (2019).
E.J.R. Phua, M. Liu, B.K. Cho, Q. Liu, S. Amini, X. Hu and C.L. Gan, “Novel high temperature polymeric encapsulation material for extreme environment electronics packaging,” Materials & Design, vol. 141, p. 202-209, (2018).
X.M. Zeng, Z.H. Du, C.A. Schuh, and C.L. Gan, “Enhanced shape memory and superelasticity in small-volume ceramics: a perspective on the controlling factors,” MRS Communications, vol. 7 (4), p. 747-754, (2017).
W.A. Sasangka, G.J. Syaranamual, Y. Gao, R. I Made, C.L. Gan and C.V. Thompson, “Improved reliability of AlGaN/GaN-on-Si high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) with high density silicon nitride passivation,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 76 (SI), p. 287-291, (2017).
R.I Made, Y. Gao, G.J. Syaranamual, W.A. Sasangka, L. Zhang, X.S. Nguyen, Y.Y. Tay, J.S. Herrin, C.V. Thompson and C.L. Gan, “Characterisation of defects generated during constant current InGaN-on-silicon LED operation,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 76 (SI), p. 561-565, (2017)
Z.H. Du, P.C. Ye, X.M. Zeng, C.A. Schuh, N. Tamura, X.R. Zhou and C.L. Gan, “Synthesis of monodisperse CeO2-ZrO2 particles exhibiting cyclic superelasticity over hundreds of cycles,” J. of the American Ceramic Society, vol. 100 (9), p. 4199 – 4208, (2017). #
X.M. Zeng, Z.H. Du, N. Tamura, **Q. Liu, C.A. Schuh and C.L. Gan, “In-situ studies on martensitic transformation and high-temperature shape memory in small volume zirconia,” Acta Materialia, vol. 134, p. 257 – 266, (2017).
Z.H. Du, X.M. Zeng, Q. Liu, C.A. Schuh and C.L. Gan, “Superelasticity in micro-scale shape memory ceramic particles,” Acta Materialia, vol. 123, p. 255-263, (2017).
C.T. Chua, H.G. Ong, K. Sanchez, P. Perdu and C.L. Gan, “Effects of voltage stress on the single event upset (SEU) response of 65 nm flip flop,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 64 (SI), p. 199-203, (2016).
X.M. Zeng, A. Lai, C.A. Schuh and C.L. Gan, “Crystal orientation dependence of the stress-induced martensitic transformation in zirconia-based shape memory ceramics,” Acta Materialia, vol. 116, p. 124-135, (2016).
S. Chef, S. Jacquir, K. Sanchez, P. Perdu, S. Binczak and C.L. Gan, “Unsupervised learning for signal mapping in dynamic photon emission,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 55 (9-10), p. 1564-1568, (2015).
A. Lai, Z.H. Du, C.L. Gan and C.A. Schuh, “Shape memory and superelastic ceramics at small scales,” Science, vol. 341 (6153), p. 1505-1508, (2013).
Leong HL, Gan CL, Made RI, Thompson CV, Pey KL, Li HY. (2009). Experimental characterization and modeling of the contact resistance of Cu-Cu bonded interconnects. Journal of Applied Physics, 105(3), Article Number: 033514.
Leong HL, Gan CL, Thompson CV, Pey KL, Li HY. (2009). Electromigration-induced bond improvement for three-dimensional integrated circuits. Applied Physics Letters, 94(8), Article Number: 081901.
M.K. Lim, C.L. Gan, T.L. Tan, Y.C. Ee, C.M. Ng, B.C. Zhang, and J.B. Tan. (2008). Effects of Pulsed Current on Electromigration Lifetime. (pp. 72-77).
Z.H. Du, X.R. Zhou, P.C. Ye, X.M. Zeng and C.L. Gan, “Shape-Memory Actuation in Aligned Zirconia Nanofibers for Artificial Muscle Applications at Elevated Temperatures,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 3(3), p. 2156-2166, (2020).
Y. Gao, W.A. Sasangka, C.V. Thompson and C.L. Gan, “Effects of forward gate bias stressing on the leakage current of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 100, Art. No. UNSP 113432, (2019).
E.J.R. Phua, M. Liu, B.K. Cho, Q. Liu, S. Amini, X. Hu and C.L. Gan, “Novel high temperature polymeric encapsulation material for extreme environment electronics packaging,” Materials & Design, vol. 141, p. 202-209, (2018).
X.M. Zeng, Z.H. Du, C.A. Schuh, and C.L. Gan, “Enhanced shape memory and superelasticity in small-volume ceramics: a perspective on the controlling factors,” MRS Communications, vol. 7 (4), p. 747-754, (2017).
W.A. Sasangka, G.J. Syaranamual, Y. Gao, R. I Made, C.L. Gan and C.V. Thompson, “Improved reliability of AlGaN/GaN-on-Si high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) with high density silicon nitride passivation,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 76 (SI), p. 287-291, (2017).
R.I Made, Y. Gao, G.J. Syaranamual, W.A. Sasangka, L. Zhang, X.S. Nguyen, Y.Y. Tay, J.S. Herrin, C.V. Thompson and C.L. Gan, “Characterisation of defects generated during constant current InGaN-on-silicon LED operation,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 76 (SI), p. 561-565, (2017)
Z.H. Du, P.C. Ye, X.M. Zeng, C.A. Schuh, N. Tamura, X.R. Zhou and C.L. Gan, “Synthesis of monodisperse CeO2-ZrO2 particles exhibiting cyclic superelasticity over hundreds of cycles,” J. of the American Ceramic Society, vol. 100 (9), p. 4199 – 4208, (2017). #
X.M. Zeng, Z.H. Du, N. Tamura, **Q. Liu, C.A. Schuh and C.L. Gan, “In-situ studies on martensitic transformation and high-temperature shape memory in small volume zirconia,” Acta Materialia, vol. 134, p. 257 – 266, (2017).
Z.H. Du, X.M. Zeng, Q. Liu, C.A. Schuh and C.L. Gan, “Superelasticity in micro-scale shape memory ceramic particles,” Acta Materialia, vol. 123, p. 255-263, (2017).
C.T. Chua, H.G. Ong, K. Sanchez, P. Perdu and C.L. Gan, “Effects of voltage stress on the single event upset (SEU) response of 65 nm flip flop,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 64 (SI), p. 199-203, (2016).
X.M. Zeng, A. Lai, C.A. Schuh and C.L. Gan, “Crystal orientation dependence of the stress-induced martensitic transformation in zirconia-based shape memory ceramics,” Acta Materialia, vol. 116, p. 124-135, (2016).
S. Chef, S. Jacquir, K. Sanchez, P. Perdu, S. Binczak and C.L. Gan, “Unsupervised learning for signal mapping in dynamic photon emission,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 55 (9-10), p. 1564-1568, (2015).
A. Lai, Z.H. Du, C.L. Gan and C.A. Schuh, “Shape memory and superelastic ceramics at small scales,” Science, vol. 341 (6153), p. 1505-1508, (2013).
Leong HL, Gan CL, Made RI, Thompson CV, Pey KL, Li HY. (2009). Experimental characterization and modeling of the contact resistance of Cu-Cu bonded interconnects. Journal of Applied Physics, 105(3), Article Number: 033514.
Leong HL, Gan CL, Thompson CV, Pey KL, Li HY. (2009). Electromigration-induced bond improvement for three-dimensional integrated circuits. Applied Physics Letters, 94(8), Article Number: 081901.
M.K. Lim, C.L. Gan, T.L. Tan, Y.C. Ee, C.M. Ng, B.C. Zhang, and J.B. Tan. (2008). Effects of Pulsed Current on Electromigration Lifetime. (pp. 72-77).
Web of Science