Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Prof David Wardle
Professor, Asian School of the Environment
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
van den Hoogen J, Geisen S, Routh D, Ferris H, Traunspurger W, Wardle, D. A., et al. (2019). Soil nematode abundance, distribution, and trophic group composition at a global scale. Nature, 572, 194-198.

Kardol P, Fanin N, Wardle DA. (2018). Long term impacts of species loss on community properties across contrasting ecosystems. Nature, 557, 710-713.

Isbell F, Gonzalez A, Loreau M, Cowles J, Díaz S, Hector A, Mace GM, Wardle DA, O'Connor MI, Duffy JE, Turnbull LA, Thompson PL, Larigauderie A. (2017). Linking the influence and dependence of people on biodiversity across scales. Nature, 546, 65-72.

Teste FP, Kardol P, Turner BL, Wardle DA, Zemunik G, Renton M, Laliberté E. (2017). Plant-soil biota feedback and the maintenance of diversity in Mediterranean-climate shrublands.. Science, 355, 173-176.

Mayor JR, Sanders NJ, Classen AT, Bardgett RD, Clément JJ, Fajardo A, Lavorel S, Sundqvist MK, Bahn M, Chisholm C, Cieraad E, Gedalof Z, Grigulis K, Kudo G, Oberski D, Wardle DA. (2017). Elevation alters ecosystem properties across temperate treelines globally. Nature, 542, 91-97.