Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Shirley Ho
Associate Vice President (Humanities, Social Sciences & Research Communication)
Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
President's Chair in Communication Studies, Nanyang Technological University
External Links
Dr. Shirley Ho is Associate Vice President (Humanities, Social Sciences & Research Communication) in the President's Office at Nanyang Technological University. She is President's Chair Professor of Communication Studies in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at NTU. She is an elected fellow of the International Communication Association, a recognition of her distinguished scholarly contributions to the broad field of communication.

Her primary research area focuses on cross-cultural public opinion dynamics related to science and technology, with potential health or environmental impacts. Her work emphasizes the roles of values, social media and other emerging modes of communication in shaping public attitudes toward emerging technologies (e.g., nuclear energy and renewable energies), applications of artificial intelligence technologies (e.g., autonomous vehicles), as well as novel food technologies (e.g., cultured meat, nano-enabled food, and plant-based protein). As a firm believer of science communication, her research investigates how best to motivate scientists to take the role of the “public intellectual” to communicate their research findings to the general public and the media. Science communication is pertinent amidst the current climate of misinformation. Dr. Ho is invited by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Medicine, and Engineering to serve as member of their study committee to address inaccurate and misleading information about biological threats through scientific collaboration and communication.

Dr. Ho is currently leading several large-scale, interdisciplinary science communication projects as Lead PI, including: (a) "SPACE: Shaping Public Adaptive Capacity for Environmental Infectious Diseases” (funded by the National Research Foundation); (b) "Climate Change Transformation Programme" (Lead of Sustainable Societies Cross-Cutting Theme) (funded by Ministry of Education Tier 3c Grant); (c) “ATTAIN*SG: Achieving public TrusT in AI in autoNomous vehicles in SinGapore” (funded by AI Singapore Governance Programme); (d) "Intelligent Modelling for Decision-Making in Critical Urban Systems (DesCartes)" (Lead of WP7) (funded by NRF through CNRS@CREATE); (e) “Facing Plastic Waste Through Virtual Reality (VR): Using Narratives to Promote Plastic Recycling Behaviours among Secondary School Students” (funded by NTU Accelerating Creativity & Excellence Grant); and (f) "A Multi-Methods Approach to Investigate Factors Shaping Public Acceptance of Cultured Meat in Singapore" (funded by Ministry of Education Tier 1 Grant). Her other research is funded by A*STAR, Defence Science Organization, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, the Infocomm Media Development Authority, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, National Medical Research Council, and the Workplace Safety and Health Institute.

She has given keynote talks, plenary speeches, and other invited talks on science communication, public opinion, and cyber risks at institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Houston, the Science Centre Singapore, and many more. She has published over 100 papers in top-tier communication journals such as Communication Research, Journal of Health Communication, New Media & Society, Public Opinion Quarterly, Public Understanding of Science, and Science Communication, as well as journals in other disciplines such as Nature Nanotechnology and Energy Policy.

Dr. Ho is the recipient of the Hillier Krieghbaum Under-40 Award, given by AEJMC to honour a scholar annually who have shown outstanding achievement in research, teaching and service. She has twice won the AEJMC ComSHER Division’s coveted Top Published Article of the Year Award (2018 & 2013) on science and risk communication, and International Communication Association (ICA) CAM Division’s Best Published Article Award (2019), in addition to the numerous top faculty paper awards that she has won at AEJMC and ICA over the years. She is the recipient of the Women in Education Leadership Award at the 9th Asia’s Education Excellence Awards in Singapore. She won the 2019 AEJMC ComSHER's Teaching Award (Second Place) for innovative and effective pedagogy in the areas of science, health, environment, and risk.

She has been an advisor for a number of honors, masters, and PhD students. Under her guidance, her students have won numerous top research paper awards at international conferences.

She received a Ph.D. in mass communications and a M.A. in journalism and mass communication from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008 and 2005, respectively. She also received a B.A. in communication studies (first class honors) from NTU in 2002. Her personal homepage is
• Public opinion and science communication
• Societal implications of emerging science and technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, food technologies, renewable energies)
• Impact of new media on attitudes and behaviours related to science and health
  • Climate Transformation Programme - Cross-cutting theme 1 (Community Engagement)
  • Climate Transformation Programme - Cross-cutting theme 1 (Sonny Rosenthal - SMU)
  • Shaping Public Adaptive Capacity for Environmental Infectious Disease (SPACE)
  • Singapore Food Demand Survey
  • CometoCare: Investigating the Roles of Computer-mediated Self-disclosure and Social Support on the Psychological Well-being of Family Caregivers of the Elderly
  • Climate Transformation Programme - Cross-cutting theme 1 (Laura Miotto)
  • Southeast Asian Climate Change Communication Checker (SEA4Cs Lab)
  • Intelligent Modelling for Decision-making in Critical Urban Systems (DESCARTES): WKW (Sub-project 2)
  • Climate Transformation Programme
  • Climate Transformation Programme ( PI: Thomas Schroepfer, SUTD)
  • ATTAIN*SG: Achieving public TrusT in AI in autoNomous vehicles in SinGapore
  • Monetary Academic Resources for Research
  • Climate Transformation Programme - Cross-cutting theme 1 (Edson Tandoc Jr)
  • Consumers’ Risk Perceptions, Rational, and Implicit Considerations in Alternative Protein Acceptance Behaviours
  • Climate Transformation Programme - Cross-cutting theme 1 (Shirley Ho)
  • Climate Transformation Programme - Cross-cutting theme 1 (Yong Ming Lee)
  • Climate Transformation Programme - Cross-cutting theme 1 (Ute Meta Bauer)
2021 Top Faculty Paper Award (with Ou), Information Systems Division, International Communication Association Annual Conference
2019 ASCoR (Amsterdam School of Communication Research) McQuail Award (with Lee & Lwin), a prestigious award given annually to the best article advancing communication theory published in an international journal in the previous 2 years.
2019 Best Published Article of the Year Award (Honourable Mention) (with Looi, Leong, & Chuah), Communicating Science, Health, Environment, & Risks Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual conference
2019 Top Faculty Paper Award (First Place) (with Chen, Lwin, & Fu), Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual conference
2019 Best Published Article of the Year Award (First Place) (with Lee & Lwin), International Communication Association Annual Conference, Children, Adolescents and Media Division
2018 Recipient of Hillier Krieghbaum Under-40 Award, a prestigious award given by the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annually to a top scholar under 40 years of age who showed outstanding achievement in research, teaching and service
2018 Recipient of the Women in Education Leadership Award, 9th Asia’s Education Excellence Awards, Singapore
2018 Best Published Article of the Year Award (First Place) (with Chen & Lwin), Communicating Science, Health, Environment, & Risks Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual conference
2017 Best Presentation Award (with Leong, Looi, & Chuah), ICNESE 2017 International Conference on Nuclear Energy Systems Engineering
2016 Top Faculty Paper Award (First Place) (with Ong, Lim, & Detenber), Environmental Communication Division, International Communication Association annual conference, Fukuoka, Japan
2016 Top 4 most cited article (with Chen & Sim) in the Asian Journal of Communication
2015 Top 5 most cited article (with Chen & Sim) in the Asian Journal of Communication
2015 Top Faculty Paper Award (Second Place) (with Bautista, Buenrostro, Sagun, & Guo), 21st Annual International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, Hong Kong, China
2015 Top 2 most accessed article (with Brossard & Scheufele) in the International Journal of Public Opinion Research
2014 Best Published Article of the Year Award (Second Place) (with Dahlstrom), Communicating Science, Health, Environment, & Risk (ComSHER) Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual conference
2014 Top Faculty Paper Award (Second Place) (with Liao & Rosenthal), Communicating Science, Health, Environment, & Risks Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual conference
2013 Top 8 highly-cited article (with Brossard & Scheufele) in the International Journal of Public Opinion Research (from Oct 1, 2011 - Oct 1, 2013)
2013 Top 25 most highly-cited article (with Brossard & Scheufele) in the International Journal of Public Opinion Research (in the entire 25-year history of the journal, as of 2013)
2010 Top 10 most downloaded article (with Chen & Sim) in the Asian Journal of Communication (Jan-Jun 2013)
2010 Top Faculty Paper Award (First Place) (with Peh & Soh), Communicating Science, Health, Environment, & Risks Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual conference
2010 Top Faculty Paper Award (Second Place) (with Corley & Scheufele), Mass Communication Division, International Communication Association annual conference
2005 Top Student Paper Award (Fourth Place), Communication Theory and Methodology Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual conference
Fellowships & Other Recognition
2022 Fellow, International Communication Association Class of 2022
Supervision of PhD Students
Current PhD Students:
- Huang Mengxia (2022-present)
- Ou Mengxue (2021-present)
- Goh Tong Jee (2018-present)
- Cheung Chun Ting (2022-present)

Current MA Students:
- Tan Wenqi (2021-present)
- Liu Xinyi (2022-present)
- Lin Shengjun (2022-present)

Former PhD Students:
- Chen Liang (graduated 2017; Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China)
- Yang Xiaodong (graduated 2017; Associate Professor, Shandong University, China)
- Priyanka Dasgupta (graduated 2017; Assistant Professor, Amity University Dubai)
- Edmund Lee Wei Jian (graduated 2018; Assistant Professor, NTU)
- Chuah Soo Fei (graduated 2018; Senior Research Fellow, NTU)
- Andrew Yee Zi Han (graduated 2019; Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design)

Former MA Students:
- Ou Mengxue (2021); Leong Xue Li Alisius Deon (2019); Looi Jiemin (2019); Liao Youqing (2014); Edmund Lee Wei Jian (2013); Peh Xiang Hong (2013)