Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Ng Teng Yong
Associate Professor, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Programme Director, Aerospace and Defence (SC3DP), Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP)
Journal Articles
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Highly Cited
He, X. Q., Ng, T. Y., Sivashanker, S., & Liew, K. M. (2001). Active control of FGM plates with integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 38(9), 1641-1655.

Ng, T. Y., Lam, K. Y., Liew, K. M., & Reddy, J. N. (2001). Dynamic stability analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shells under periodic axial loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 38(8), 1295-1309.

Fan, X., Phan-Thien, N., Chen, S., Wu, X., & Ng, T. Y. (2006). Simulating flow of DNA suspension using dissipative particle dynamics. Physics of Fluids, 18(6).

Liu, Z., Toh, W., & Ng, T. Y. (2015). Advances in Mechanics of Soft Materials: A Review of Large Deformation Behavior of Hydrogels. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 7(5).

Han, J., Globus, AI, Jaffe, R., and Deardorff, G. (1997). Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon nanotube-based gears. Nanotechnology 8(3).

Fan, X., Phan-Thien, N., Yong, N. T., Wu, X., & Xu, D. (2003). Microchannel flow of a macromolecular suspension. Physics of Fluids, 15(1), 11-21.

Liew, K. M., Ng, T. Y., Zhao, X. (2005). Free vibration analysis of conical shells via the element-free kp-Ritz method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 281(3-5).

Ng, T. Y., Yeo, J. J., Liu, Z. S. (2012). A molecular dynamics study of the thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribbons containing dispersed Stone–Thrower–Wales defects. Carbon, 50(13), 4887-4893.

Liew, K. M., Ng, T. Y., Zhao, X., & Reddy, J. N. (2002). Harmonic reproducing kernel particle method for free vibration analysis of rotating cylindrical shells. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 191(37-38), 4141-4157.

Seo, D.H., Pineda, S., Woo, Y.C. …, & Ostrikov, K. (2018). Anti-fouling graphene-based membranes for effective water desalination. Nat Commun 9, 683.

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Recent Publications
Lin, R. M., & Ng, T. Y. (2018). Higher-order FRFs and their applications to the identifications of continuous structural systems with discrete localized nonlinearities. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108, 326-346.

Ang, E. Y. M., Ng, T. Y., Yeo, J., Lin, R., Liu, Z., & Geethalakshmi, K. R. (2018). Effects of CNT size on the desalination performance of an outer-wall CNT slit membrane. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(20), 13896-13902.

Lin, R. M., & Ng, T. Y. (2018). Secure Image Encryption Based on an Ideal New Nonlinear Discrete Dynamical System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018.

Lin, R. M., & Ng, T. Y. (2017). Exact vibration modes of multiple-stepped beams with arbitrary steps and supports using elemental impedance method. Engineering Structures,152, 24-34.

Ang, E. Y. M., Ng, T. Y., Yeo, J., Lin, R., & Geethalakshmi, K. R. (2017). Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics Working Principles of Transverse Flow Carbon Nanotube Membrane for Enhanced Desalination. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 09(03).

Toh W, Ng TY and Liu ZS.(2013). Non-Linear Large Deformation Kinetics of Polymeric Gels. In Lu GX and Zhang QM(Ed), Advances in Engineering Plasticity XI Book Series: Key Engineering Materials.Trans Tech Publications, Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland.

Ng TY, Li H, Pan LS, Xu D and Lam KY.(2008). Simulation of Micro-Fluidic Liquid and Gas Flows in MEMS. In Aluru N, Cercignani C, Frangi A and Mukherjee S(Ed), Advances in Multiphysics Simulation of MEMS and NEMS.Imperial College Press, London, United Kingdom.

Ng TY, Yeak SH and Ren YX.(2007). Multiscale Modelling of Carbon Nanostructures. In Z. Xiao Guo(Ed), Multiscale Materials Modelling.Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Li H, Lam KY and Ng TY. (2005). Studies in Applied Mechanics – Rotating Shell Dynamics. Elsevier, United Kingdom.

Fan XJ, Nhan PT, Ng TY, Wu XH and Xu D.(2002). Nano and Micro Channel Flows of Biomolecular Suspension. In Francis E. H. Tay and Stephen D. Senturia(Ed), MICROSYSTEMS Vol. 10 – Microfluidics and BioMEMS Applications.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
Web of Science