Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Ben Choi
Associate Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Information Technology & Operations Management
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Ben Choi is an associate professor in Information Technology and Operations Management at the Nanyang Technological University. He was previously a faculty at the University of New South Wales. He has been named the Best Associate Editor (2024) and Reviewer of the Year at the Journal for the Association of Information Systems (2020) and received the Best Reviewer Award at MIS Quarterly (2016). He has published multiple papers in premier information systems journals, including Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and Production and Operations Management. His research interests focus on human-algorithm/robotic interactions, data visualizations, sustainability, and information privacy using various methods (i.e., lab/field experiments, surveys, driving and flight simulations, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and physiological measurements, such as voice and respiration analytics, GSR, EEG, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and eye-tracking).
Ben is the recipient of the Nanyang Education Award 2023.
Office: GAIA 06-16
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
1. Babar, Y., Chan, J. and Choi, B., 2024. EXPRESS:“Run Forrest Run!”: Measuring the Impact of App-Enabled Performance and Social Feedback on Athletic and Usage Outcomes. Production and Operations Management,
2. Li, Z. and Choi, B.C., 2024. Encouraging Eco-driving with Post-trip Visualized Storytelling: An Experiment Combining Eye-Tracking and a Driving Simulator. Information Systems Research. Open Access
3. Feng, N., Hu, Z., Wu, Y., and Choi, B. (2023). Avoiding Diffusion of Responsibility in Social Networking Groups: A Field Experiment on Responses to Online. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(2), 430-451.
4. Liu, Y, Jiang Z., and Choi, B. (2023) Pushing Yourself Harder: The Effects of Touch Modes on Users’ Self-Regulation. Information Systems Research, 34(3), pp.996-1016.
5. Choi, B., Wu, Y., Yu, J., and Land, L. (2018). Love at First Sight: The Interplay between Privacy Dispositions and Privacy Tradeoff in Online Social Connectivity Management. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19(3), Article 4.
6. Wu, Y., Choi, B., Guo, X. and Chang, K. (2017). Understanding User Adaptation toward a New IT System in Organizations: A Social Network Perspective. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 18(11), Article 2.
7. Choi, B., Kim, S.S., Jiang, Z. (2016). Influence of Firm’s Recovery Endeavors Upon Privacy Breach on Online Customer Behavior. Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(3), pp.904-933.
8. Choi, B., Jiang, Z., Xiao, B. and Kim, S.S. (2015). Embarrassing Exposures in Online Social Networks: An Integrated Perspective of Privacy Invasion and Relationship Bonding. Information Systems Research, 26(4), pp.675-694.
9. Jiang, Z., Heng, C.S. and Choi, B. (2013). Privacy concerns and privacy-protective behavior in synchronous online social interactions. Information Systems Research, 24(3), pp.579-595.
Selected Refereed Conference Articles
1. Lunina, Y and Choi, B. (2024) When Machines are Learning, Why Not Humans? A Study Examining Roadcraft Training by AI Coaches, the 45th International Conference on Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023.
2. Hong, Z., Choi, B., Boh, W. (2024) Beyond (J)ust a (R)ather (V)ery (I)ntelligent (S)ystem: Can You Outdo Ironman Troubleshooting Complex Technical Problems? the 45th International Conference on Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023.
3. Xu, J., Liu, H., Choi, B., Zhou, J., Boh, W.F. (2024) Seeing Is Believing or Is It Not? Expectancy Formulation and (Dis-)Confirmation with Virtual Reality Tours in Fanwork Merchandise Manufacturing, the 23rd Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024.
4. Lunina, Y. and Choi B. (2024) Reverse Discrimination in Genderized Artificial Intelligence, the 23rd Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024.
5. Zhu, FF and Choi B. (2024) AI in Me or Me in AI? Giving Credit Where Credit is Due in Human-AI Co-Creation, the 6th Workshop on the Digitalization of the Individual, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024.
6. Xing, Y., Peng, X., Choi, B., and Qang, Q. (2024) I Know What You Did Last Summer”: Chatbot Memory, Transparency, and Self-Disclosure’, the 6th Workshop on the Digitalization of the Individual, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024.
7. Xing, Y., Peng, X., Choi, B., and Qang, Q. Memory in the Chatbot: An Integrated Perspective of Human-Chatbot Relationship and Privacy Concerns. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024.
8 Li, Z. and Choi, B. Illustrating the Myths with Explanations and Linking the Excuses with Dynamicity: A Visualized Discourse for Climate Actions. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024. [Best Paper in Track]
9. Zhu, F. and Choi, B. I See and I Remember. I Do and I Understand. Understanding Sustainability through Cognitive and Affective Immersion. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024.
10. Hong, Z., Choi, B., and Boh, W. (2024) Overcoming Local Problems with Remote Intelligence: Empowering Next-Generation Diagnosis with Augmented Reality. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024. [Best Paper in Track]
11. Zhu, F. and Choi, B. Inception for Good: Leveraging the Unconscious Mind for Sustainability Promotion. The 17th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Xiamen, China, June 29-30, 2024.
12. Hong, Z., Choi, B., and Boh, W. Bringing Digital Boots on the Remote Grounds: Overcoming Complex Technical Breakdowns with Augmented Collaborative Diagnosis. The 17th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Xiamen, China, June 29-30, 2024.
13. Li, Z. and Choi, B., Debunking Sustainability Excuses with Instrumentality and Expectancy Visualizations: A Physiological Perspective, 44th International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2023. [Best Paper Nominee]
14. Li, Z. and Choi, B., Unlocking Sustainability with Visualizations: Driving the Driven through the Whys and Hows, 44th International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2023.
15. Zhu, F., Zhou, X., Li, Y., and Choi B., Outwitting Shakespeare: Unpacking the Mechanics of Immersive Storytelling with Physiological Measurements, 44th International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2023.
16. Li, Z. and Choi, B., Promoting Eco-driving with Post-Trip Visualized Storytelling, the 21st Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022.
17. Li, Z. and Choi, B., Demystifying Relative Evaluation in Social Fitness Apps, 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, Austin, USA, 2021.
18. Wang, X., Guo, J., Choi, B., and Wu, Y., Lexical Copy or Semantic Imitation? Exploring the Implications of the AI Text Generator on Medical Crowdfunding Performance, 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, Austin, USA, 2021.
19. Choi, B, Social Comparisons in Sustaining Exercise Intensity, in Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2020), Dubai, 20 – 24 July 2020.
20. Choi, B, and Li, Z., The Longitudinal Effects of Social Sharing on Physical Health, in Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019), China, 10 – 12 July 2019.
Working Papers
1. Promoting Sustainability Knowledge and Pro-Environmental Behaviors through Immersive Narratives: A Laboratory and Field Experiments
2. Refuting Falsehoods or Refuting Threats? Understanding Rebuttals to Dubious Content through Machine Learning and Neuroscience Techniques
3. Voice Agents and Human Psychology
4. Human-AI Collaboration with Augmented Reality
5. Reversed Gender Biases in Human-AI Interactions
6. Uncertainty Reduction or Legitimacy Building? Uncovering the Decision-making Processes through Immersive Video Analytics
Journal Editorial
1. Editorial Review Board Member, Information Systems Research (2023 – present)
2. Expert Review Panel, Research Commentary on “Digital Resilience for the Climate Crisis”, MIS Quarterly, 2022.
3. Associate Editor, Information & Management (2024 - present)
4. Associate Editor, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2020 – present)
5. Associate Editor, Special Issue on “Digital Resilience”, MIS Quarterly, 2020.
6. Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Dark Side of Online Information Behavior”, Information Processing & Management, 2019.
7. Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2018 – 2020)
8. Associate Editor, Internet Research (2018 – present)
Research Awards, Grants, and Prizes won
1. Research Excellence Award (2024), Division of Information Technology & Operations Management, Nanyang Business School, NTU.
2. Best Conference Short Paper, the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2024), Bangkok, Thailand.
3. Best Workshop Paper Award, the 6th Workshop on the Digitalization of the Individual (DOTI 2024), Bangkok, Thailand.
4. Best Paper in Track Award (Human-Computer/AI Interaction), PACIS 2024.
5. Best Paper in Track Award (Sustainability and Societal Impacts of Digital Technologies), PACIS 2024.
6. Ministry of Education Research Grant (Tier-1), $79,600
7. Best Track Paper Award, 2018, the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, USA, 13 – 16 December 2018.
8. Best Paper Award (Runner-up), 2015, the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), Singapore, 5 – 9 July 2015.
Teaching Awards
1. 2023, Recipient, Nanyang Education Award (School)
2. 2022, Recipient, Graduate Programmes Teacher of the Year Award
3. 2020, Recipient, Teaching Excellence Award
Supervision of Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
1. Fenfen ZHU, PhD Candidate (thesis title: to be confirmed), 2020-2024, NTU Research Scholarship (4 years)
2. Zeyuan (Stephen) HONG, PhD Candidate (thesis title: to be confirmed), 2022-2026 , NTU Research Scholarship (4 years), Ting Peng Liang PACIS Young Scholar Award Recipeint
3. Lunina YULIA, PhD Candidate, 2023 - 2027, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (4 years)
Student Placement
1. Zhiyin, LI, PhD, 2023. First placement: Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong.
Ben is the recipient of the Nanyang Education Award 2023.
Office: GAIA 06-16
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
1. Babar, Y., Chan, J. and Choi, B., 2024. EXPRESS:“Run Forrest Run!”: Measuring the Impact of App-Enabled Performance and Social Feedback on Athletic and Usage Outcomes. Production and Operations Management,
2. Li, Z. and Choi, B.C., 2024. Encouraging Eco-driving with Post-trip Visualized Storytelling: An Experiment Combining Eye-Tracking and a Driving Simulator. Information Systems Research. Open Access
3. Feng, N., Hu, Z., Wu, Y., and Choi, B. (2023). Avoiding Diffusion of Responsibility in Social Networking Groups: A Field Experiment on Responses to Online. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(2), 430-451.
4. Liu, Y, Jiang Z., and Choi, B. (2023) Pushing Yourself Harder: The Effects of Touch Modes on Users’ Self-Regulation. Information Systems Research, 34(3), pp.996-1016.
5. Choi, B., Wu, Y., Yu, J., and Land, L. (2018). Love at First Sight: The Interplay between Privacy Dispositions and Privacy Tradeoff in Online Social Connectivity Management. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19(3), Article 4.
6. Wu, Y., Choi, B., Guo, X. and Chang, K. (2017). Understanding User Adaptation toward a New IT System in Organizations: A Social Network Perspective. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 18(11), Article 2.
7. Choi, B., Kim, S.S., Jiang, Z. (2016). Influence of Firm’s Recovery Endeavors Upon Privacy Breach on Online Customer Behavior. Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(3), pp.904-933.
8. Choi, B., Jiang, Z., Xiao, B. and Kim, S.S. (2015). Embarrassing Exposures in Online Social Networks: An Integrated Perspective of Privacy Invasion and Relationship Bonding. Information Systems Research, 26(4), pp.675-694.
9. Jiang, Z., Heng, C.S. and Choi, B. (2013). Privacy concerns and privacy-protective behavior in synchronous online social interactions. Information Systems Research, 24(3), pp.579-595.
Selected Refereed Conference Articles
1. Lunina, Y and Choi, B. (2024) When Machines are Learning, Why Not Humans? A Study Examining Roadcraft Training by AI Coaches, the 45th International Conference on Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023.
2. Hong, Z., Choi, B., Boh, W. (2024) Beyond (J)ust a (R)ather (V)ery (I)ntelligent (S)ystem: Can You Outdo Ironman Troubleshooting Complex Technical Problems? the 45th International Conference on Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023.
3. Xu, J., Liu, H., Choi, B., Zhou, J., Boh, W.F. (2024) Seeing Is Believing or Is It Not? Expectancy Formulation and (Dis-)Confirmation with Virtual Reality Tours in Fanwork Merchandise Manufacturing, the 23rd Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024.
4. Lunina, Y. and Choi B. (2024) Reverse Discrimination in Genderized Artificial Intelligence, the 23rd Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024.
5. Zhu, FF and Choi B. (2024) AI in Me or Me in AI? Giving Credit Where Credit is Due in Human-AI Co-Creation, the 6th Workshop on the Digitalization of the Individual, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024.
6. Xing, Y., Peng, X., Choi, B., and Qang, Q. (2024) I Know What You Did Last Summer”: Chatbot Memory, Transparency, and Self-Disclosure’, the 6th Workshop on the Digitalization of the Individual, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024.
7. Xing, Y., Peng, X., Choi, B., and Qang, Q. Memory in the Chatbot: An Integrated Perspective of Human-Chatbot Relationship and Privacy Concerns. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024.
8 Li, Z. and Choi, B. Illustrating the Myths with Explanations and Linking the Excuses with Dynamicity: A Visualized Discourse for Climate Actions. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024. [Best Paper in Track]
9. Zhu, F. and Choi, B. I See and I Remember. I Do and I Understand. Understanding Sustainability through Cognitive and Affective Immersion. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024.
10. Hong, Z., Choi, B., and Boh, W. (2024) Overcoming Local Problems with Remote Intelligence: Empowering Next-Generation Diagnosis with Augmented Reality. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024. [Best Paper in Track]
11. Zhu, F. and Choi, B. Inception for Good: Leveraging the Unconscious Mind for Sustainability Promotion. The 17th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Xiamen, China, June 29-30, 2024.
12. Hong, Z., Choi, B., and Boh, W. Bringing Digital Boots on the Remote Grounds: Overcoming Complex Technical Breakdowns with Augmented Collaborative Diagnosis. The 17th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Xiamen, China, June 29-30, 2024.
13. Li, Z. and Choi, B., Debunking Sustainability Excuses with Instrumentality and Expectancy Visualizations: A Physiological Perspective, 44th International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2023. [Best Paper Nominee]
14. Li, Z. and Choi, B., Unlocking Sustainability with Visualizations: Driving the Driven through the Whys and Hows, 44th International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2023.
15. Zhu, F., Zhou, X., Li, Y., and Choi B., Outwitting Shakespeare: Unpacking the Mechanics of Immersive Storytelling with Physiological Measurements, 44th International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2023.
16. Li, Z. and Choi, B., Promoting Eco-driving with Post-Trip Visualized Storytelling, the 21st Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022.
17. Li, Z. and Choi, B., Demystifying Relative Evaluation in Social Fitness Apps, 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, Austin, USA, 2021.
18. Wang, X., Guo, J., Choi, B., and Wu, Y., Lexical Copy or Semantic Imitation? Exploring the Implications of the AI Text Generator on Medical Crowdfunding Performance, 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, Austin, USA, 2021.
19. Choi, B, Social Comparisons in Sustaining Exercise Intensity, in Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2020), Dubai, 20 – 24 July 2020.
20. Choi, B, and Li, Z., The Longitudinal Effects of Social Sharing on Physical Health, in Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019), China, 10 – 12 July 2019.
Working Papers
1. Promoting Sustainability Knowledge and Pro-Environmental Behaviors through Immersive Narratives: A Laboratory and Field Experiments
2. Refuting Falsehoods or Refuting Threats? Understanding Rebuttals to Dubious Content through Machine Learning and Neuroscience Techniques
3. Voice Agents and Human Psychology
4. Human-AI Collaboration with Augmented Reality
5. Reversed Gender Biases in Human-AI Interactions
6. Uncertainty Reduction or Legitimacy Building? Uncovering the Decision-making Processes through Immersive Video Analytics
Journal Editorial
1. Editorial Review Board Member, Information Systems Research (2023 – present)
2. Expert Review Panel, Research Commentary on “Digital Resilience for the Climate Crisis”, MIS Quarterly, 2022.
3. Associate Editor, Information & Management (2024 - present)
4. Associate Editor, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2020 – present)
5. Associate Editor, Special Issue on “Digital Resilience”, MIS Quarterly, 2020.
6. Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Dark Side of Online Information Behavior”, Information Processing & Management, 2019.
7. Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2018 – 2020)
8. Associate Editor, Internet Research (2018 – present)
Research Awards, Grants, and Prizes won
1. Research Excellence Award (2024), Division of Information Technology & Operations Management, Nanyang Business School, NTU.
2. Best Conference Short Paper, the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2024), Bangkok, Thailand.
3. Best Workshop Paper Award, the 6th Workshop on the Digitalization of the Individual (DOTI 2024), Bangkok, Thailand.
4. Best Paper in Track Award (Human-Computer/AI Interaction), PACIS 2024.
5. Best Paper in Track Award (Sustainability and Societal Impacts of Digital Technologies), PACIS 2024.
6. Ministry of Education Research Grant (Tier-1), $79,600
7. Best Track Paper Award, 2018, the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, USA, 13 – 16 December 2018.
8. Best Paper Award (Runner-up), 2015, the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), Singapore, 5 – 9 July 2015.
Teaching Awards
1. 2023, Recipient, Nanyang Education Award (School)
2. 2022, Recipient, Graduate Programmes Teacher of the Year Award
3. 2020, Recipient, Teaching Excellence Award
Supervision of Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
1. Fenfen ZHU, PhD Candidate (thesis title: to be confirmed), 2020-2024, NTU Research Scholarship (4 years)
2. Zeyuan (Stephen) HONG, PhD Candidate (thesis title: to be confirmed), 2022-2026 , NTU Research Scholarship (4 years), Ting Peng Liang PACIS Young Scholar Award Recipeint
3. Lunina YULIA, PhD Candidate, 2023 - 2027, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (4 years)
Student Placement
1. Zhiyin, LI, PhD, 2023. First placement: Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong.
My research interest is in the area of information technology consumerization, which explores both positive implications and negative implications of technologies. A substantial body of my research is associated with information privacy, particularly the privacy issues invoked through social media usage. More recently, I have examined the impact of visualized storytelling on increasing environmental awareness and motivating sustainabilty practices.
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