Academic Profile : Faculty

Asst Prof Sabrina Luk Ching Yuen_1.jpg picture
Asst Prof Sabrina Luk Ching Yuen
Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences
Dr. Sabrina Ching Yuen LUK joined School of Social Sciences in July 2017. Prior to this, she was Adjunct Associate Professor at the Open University of Hong Kong (January-June 2017), Visiting Lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University SPEED (January-June 2017), and Associate Professor at Kunming University of Science and Technology, China (2013-2016). She holds both Bachelor of Social Science (First Class Honours) and M.Phil from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham, the United Kingdom.

At NTU, she has designed and taught the following courses: HA2009 The Making of E-govenrment, HA3026 Crisis Ledership and Management, HA4026 Selected Topics in Health Care and Ageing, and HA4040 Health, Disease Outbreaks and Politics. She also teaches for the Master of Science in Applied Gerontology programme.

At Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA), Dr. Luk has designed and taught PM6147 E-government and Governance. PM6147 is a module for Master students.

Dr. Luk is the course instructor of CET126 Ageing and Public Policy, FlexiMasters in Health & Ageing (May- June 2024) and seeNTU 2024 Module Lecturer of Understanding Crisis Leadership.

Dr. Luk was a recipient of the 2012 Michael O'Rourke PhD Publication Award at the University of Birmingham for her research contributions and publication record. She was also the Highly Commended Award Winner of the 2013 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the Healthcare Management Category.

She was the leading contributor to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) report on Evolution of Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development: The Experiences of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Singapore. The report was officially launched on March 18, 2019. In March 2019, Dr. Luk presented her knowledge and expertise on STI policies for frontier technologies in the Training Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which was jointly organized by UNESCAP and the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) of the Republic of Korea, in collaboration with the Asia Research and Training Network on Science Technology and Innovation Policy (ARTNET on STI).

On 5 October 2023, Dr. Luk was invited by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) to be a Resource Person to an Online Workshop on Digital Government on Inclusive Public Service Delivery (4–6 October 2023). She gave a session on Transforming Public Service Delivery through Digital Innovation using the case study of Singapore. Participants included government officials and scholars from APO member countries.

In late March 2024, Dr. Luk gave training sessions on smart nations and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Chongqing government officials.

In late April 2024, Dr. Luk gave an online lecutre on smart nations and articifial intelligence to graduate students from China. In July 2024, she gave a face-to-face lecture on leadership and stakeholders in digital innovation and an online lecture on digital health to students from Nankai University.

On 30 July 2024, Dr. Luk was invited by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) to give a talk titled Digital Innovation: The OneService App in Singapore. The talk was broadcast on YouTube and was most viewed within the first hour of broacdcast in APO hisotry:

In August 2024, Dr. Luk and her team members (Asst Prof. Hortense Le Ferrand, Miss Euncie Tan, Dr. Alex Pui, Dr. Poernomo Gunawan and Dr. Mukta Bansal) ran a two-day workshop on Effective and Ethical Ways to Write Literature Reviews Using Generative AI (GenAI) Tools. She has also co-authored a book chapter on Adaptive Governance in Higher Education (forthcoming), which examines ways to ensure the ethical and responsible use of GenAI tools and how the development of an adaptive governance framework can balance GenAI’s innovative potential with the risks it poses in higher education.

Dr. Luk featured in the Women in GovTech Special Report 2019:

Recently, Dr Luk's work on ageing and long-term care in Asia has attracted media attention. She has been interviewed by journalists to explain ageing population in China. Her interviews appeared in The New York Times, Business Insider, Barron's (published by Dow Jones & Company) and Deutsche Welle, which is Germany's international broadcaster:

[i] January 20 2023: China's going to have to figure out how to care for 400 million elderly people by 2040 — more people than the entire population of the US (Journalist: Matthew Loh)

[ii] February 20 2023: China has to figure out how to care for 400 million people over the age of 60 by 2040 — and it's off to a rocky start (Journalist: Matthew Loh)

[iii] March 13 2023: East Asia grapples with an aging society. Deutsche Welle (DW) (Journalist: Emmy Sasipornkarn)

[iv] May 8 2023: Deaths of Seniors in Hospital Fire Point to China’s Elder Care Shortfall. The New York Times (Journalists: Vivian Wang and Joy Dong)

[v] 26 July 2024: Retiring at 50 has long been a guarantee for parts of China's working class - until now. Business Insider (Journalist: Matthew Loh)

[vi] 7 August 2024: China Wants to Raise Its Retirement Age. A Pension Crisis Looms. Barron's (Journalist: Tanner Brown)

Dr. Luk was interviewed by Channel 8 on May 1 2023 to talk about the "super-ageing" challenges. 狮城有约 | 十分访谈:超老龄社会的挑战
Healthy aging
Health financing reforms
E-government and smart cities

Public lecture:
[1] 'E-government and Smart Nation Initiative in Singapore (January 7, 2020), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
[2] ‘Smart Cities in Asia’ (January 18, 2019), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Trainer for NTU Summer Programme 2019 -The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Are You Ready?
Training session: Cybersecurity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2019 July 18)

Keynote presentations

Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk (22 April 2023) “Ageing in Place via Telehealth: A case study of Singapore” Paper presented CPCE Health Conference 2023: Trends and Challenges in Healthcare Professional Management in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area (online, organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s College of Professional and Continuing Education and Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives).

Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk (10 January 2022) “A Comparative Analysis on Long-term Care Models in Qingdao, Nantong, and Shanghai” Paper presented to CPCE Health Conference 2022 on Long-term Care: Financing and Service Delivery in Asia-Pacific (online, organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s College of Professional and Continuing Education).

Invited presentations

[1] Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk (5 October 2023) “Transforming public service delivery through digital innovation: The case study of Singapore”. Workshop on Digital Government on Inclusive Public Service Delivery (online, organized by Asian Productivity Organization. Participants were government officials overseas.)
[2] Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk (11 July 2023) “Supporting people with dementia to age in place: The case study of Singapore” Paper presented to 2023 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) FORUM on Human Rights of Older Persons: Present and Future (online, organized by ASEM Global Ageing Center).
[3] Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk (24 June 2021) “Building and sustaining dementia-friendly communities in Singapore” Paper presented to International Conference on Housing and Ageing Policies (online, organized by the Open University of Hong Kong).
[4] Sabrina Luk (2020 November 9) The use of ICT and digital technology to contain COVID-19: The Singapore Experience. Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Digital Multicountry Conference on Smart Public Service Delivery (Online).
[5] Sabrina LUK (2019 April 11) ‘AI-powered Governance in China: Implications for the Asia Pacific Countries’, the 13th Asia-Pacific Programme for Senior National Security Officers (APPSNO), 8-12 April 2019, Singapore.
[6] Sabrina Luk (2019 March 19) 'Policy responses to frontier technologies from East and North-East Asia’, Training Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Incheon, the Republic of Korea.
[7] Sabrina Luk (2019 March 18) ‘Policies for frontier technologies in China, Japan, South Korea and Singapore’, Expert Group Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office, Incheon, the Republic of Korea.
[8] Sabrina Luk (2019 March 4) "The Creation of a Dementia-friendly Community in Singapore”, Seminar organized by the Centre for Ageing and Healthcare Management Research (CAHMR) at the School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED), Hong Kong.
[9] Sabrina Luk (2019 February 8) “The Application of Artificial Intelligence in China: Current Status and Future Directions”, The workshop on “Unpacking Industry 4.0: The Limit of Digitalizing Everything”, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
[10] Sabrina Luk (2018 October 20) “The Past, Present and Future of HealthHub in Singapore”, Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan and the Hospital Chief Information Officer Summit (JCMIT 2018).
[11] Sabrina Luk (2018 October 17) “E-government and Cybersecurity in Singapore”, Seminar organized by United Nations Students Associations Publication Wing, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
[12] Sabrina Luk (2018 April 12) “Data, Security and Trust- The Case from China”, Gemalto Evolution 2018, Singapore.
[13] Sabrina Luk (2018 April 11) "The Social Credit System in China", ‘Public Service 2030 and beyond’, the UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, Singapore.
[14] Sabrina Luk (2018 March 28) “The Financial Sustainability of the Health Insurance System in China: Challenges for the Present and Future”, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore.
  • Social Trust of Artificial Intelligence in East Asia (A Survey-Based Study)
  • SocioDigital Framework for Urban Resilience
Courses Taught
HA2009 The Making of E-government
HA3026 Crisis Leadership and Management
HA4026 Selected Topics in Health Care and Ageing
HA4040 Health, Disease Outbreak and Politics
AG6002 Ageing Policy and Practice in Asian Contexts (Master of Science in Applied Gerontology)
PM6147 E-government and Governance (Nanyang Centre for Public Administration)
Supervision of PhD Students
Wu You, 2020-present
Melissa Chew, 2022-present