Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Guo Jian
Associate Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences
External Links
Journal Articles
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- Jian Guo, Guohong Liao, Guozhen Liu, Meicheng Liu, Kexin Qiao, Ling Song: Practical Collision Attacks against Round-Reduced SHA-3. Journal of Cryptology 33(1): 228-270 (2020)
- Zhenzhen Bao, Itai Dinur, Jian Guo, Gaëtan Leurent, Lei Wang: Generic Attacks on Hash Combiners. Journal of Cryptology 33(3): 742-823 (2020)
- Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Eik List: Extended Truncated-differential Distinguishers on Round-reduced AES. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2020(3): 197-261 (2020)
- Ralph Ankele, Christoph Dobraunig, Jian Guo, Eran Lambooij, Gregor Leander, Yosuke Todo: Zero-Correlation Attacks on Tweakable Block Ciphers with Linear Tweakey Expansion.IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2019(1): 192-235 (2019)
- Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, San Ling, Yu Sasaki: PEIGEN - a Platform for Evaluation, Implementation, and Generation of S-boxes. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2019(1): 330-394 (2019)
- Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Tetsu Iwata, Kazuhiko Minematsu: ZOCB and ZOTR: Tweakable Blockcipher Modes for Authenticated Encryption with Full Absorption. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2019(2): 1-54 (2019)
- Wenying Zhang, Meichun Cao, Jian Guo, Enes Pasalic: Improved Security Evaluation of SPN Block Ciphers and its Applications in the Single-key Attack on SKINNY. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2019(4): 171-191 (2019)
- Zhenzhen Bao, Lin Ding, Jian Guo, Haoyang Wang, Wenying Zhang: Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks against AES Hashing Modes. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2019(4): 318-347 (2019)
- Colin Chaigneau, Thomas Fuhr, Henri Gilbert, Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Jean-René Reinhard, Ling Song: Key-Recovery Attacks on Full Kravatte. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2018(1): 5-28 (2018) (Best Paper Award)
- Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Lei Wang: Functional Graphs and Their Applications in Generic Attacks on Iterated Hash Constructions. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2018(1): 201-253 (2018)
- Ling Song, Jian Guo: Cube-Attack-Like Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Keccak Using MILP. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2018(3): 182-214 (2018)
- Subhadeep Banik, Takanori Isobe, Tingting Cui, Jian Guo: Some cryptanalytic results on Lizard. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2017(4): 82-98 (2017)
- Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Ivica Nikolic, Yu Sasaki: Extended meet-in-the-middle attacks on some Feistel constructions. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography 80(3): 587-618 (2016)
- Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Ivica Nikolic, Kexin Qiao, Yu Sasaki, Siang Meng Sim: Invariant Subspace Attack Against Midori64 and The Resistance Criteria for S-box Designs. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2016(1): 33-56 (2016)
- Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Ivica Nikolic, Yu Sasaki: Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on Classes of Contracting and Expanding Feistel Constructions. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2016(2): 307-337 (2016)
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- Jian Guo, Ron Steinfeld (eds): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14438, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-8720-7
- Jian Guo, Ron Steinfeld (eds): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14439, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-8723-8
- Jian Guo, Ron Steinfeld (eds): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14440, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-8726-9
- Jian Guo, Ron Steinfeld (eds): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14441, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-8729-0
- Jian Guo, Ron Steinfeld (eds): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14442, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-8732-0
- Jian Guo, Ron Steinfeld (eds): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part VI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14443, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-8735-1
- Jian Guo, Ron Steinfeld (eds): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part VII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14444, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-8738-2
- Jian Guo, Ron Steinfeld (eds): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part VIII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14445, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-8741-2
Conference Papers
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- Jian Guo, Ling Song, Haoyang Wang: Key Structures: Improved Related-Key Boomerang Attack Against the Full AES-256. ACISP 2022: 3-23 (Best Paper Award)
- Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Meicheng Liu, Li Ma, Yi Tu: Enhancing Differential-Neural Cryptanalysis. ASIACRYPT (1) 2022: 318-347
- Jian Guo, Guozhen Liu, Ling Song, Yi Tu: Exploring SAT for Cryptanalysis: (Quantum) Collision Attacks Against 6-Round SHA-3. ASIACRYPT (3) 2022: 645-674
- Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Danping Shi, Yi Tu: Superposition Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks: Updates on Fundamental Security of AES-like Hashing. CRYPTO (1) 2022: 64-93
- Xiaoyang Dong, Jian Guo, Shun Li, Phuong Pham: Triangulating Rebound Attack on AES-like Hashing. CRYPTO (1) 2022: 94-124
- Zhenzhen Bao, Xiaoyang Dong, Jian Guo, Zheng Li, Danping Shi, Siwei Sun, Xiaoyun Wang: Automatic Search of Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks on AES-like Hashing. EUROCRYPT (1) 2021: 771-804
- Chun Guo, Jian Guo, Eik List, Ling Song: Towards Closing the Security Gap of Tweak-aNd-Tweak (TNT). ASIACRYPT (1) 2020: 567-597
- Zhenzhen Bao, Chun Guo, Jian Guo, Ling Song: TNT: How to Tweak a Block Cipher. EUROCRYPT (2) 2020: 641-673
- Ling Song, Jian Guo, Danping Shi, San Ling: New MILP Modeling: Improved Conditional Cube Attacks on Keccak-Based Constructions. ASIACRYPT (2) 2018: 65-95
- Zhenzhen Bao, Lei Wang, Jian Guo, Dawu Gu: Functional Graph Revisited: Updates on (Second) Preimage Attacks on Hash Combiners. CRYPTO (2) 2017: 404-427
- Ling Song, Guohong Liao, Jian Guo: Non-full Sbox Linearization: Applications to Collision Attacks on Round-Reduced Keccak. CRYPTO (2) 2017: 428-451
- Kexin Qiao, Ling Song, Meicheng Liu, Jian Guo: New Collision Attacks on Round-Reduced Keccak. EUROCRYPT (3) 2017: 216-243
- Jian Guo, Meicheng Liu, Ling Song: Linear Structures: Applications to Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Keccak. ASIACRYPT (1) 2016: 249-274
- Lei Wang, Jian Guo, Guoyan Zhang, Jingyuan Zhao, Dawu Gu: How to Build Fully Secure Tweakable Blockciphers from Classical Blockciphers. ASIACRYPT (1) 2016: 455-483
- Bing Sun, Meicheng Liu, Jian Guo, Longjiang Qu, Vincent Rijmen: New Insights on AES-Like SPN Ciphers. CRYPTO (1) 2016: 605-624
- Bing Sun, Meicheng Liu, Jian Guo, Vincent Rijmen, Ruilin Li: Provable Security Evaluation of Structures Against Impossible Differential and Zero Correlation Linear Cryptanalysis. EUROCRYPT (1) 2016: 196-213
- Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Ivica Nikolic, Yu Sasaki: Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on Generic Feistel Constructions. ASIACRYPT (1) 2014: 458-477
- Jian Guo, Thomas Peyrin, Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang: Updates on Generic Attacks against HMAC and NMAC. CRYPTO (1) 2014: 131-148
- Tetsu Iwata, Kazuhiko Minematsu, Jian Guo, Sumio Morioka: CLOC: Authenticated Encryption for Short Input. FSE 2014: 149-167
- Jian Guo, Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang, Meiqin Wang, Long Wen: Equivalent Key Recovery Attacks Against HMAC and NMAC with Whirlpool Reduced to 7 Rounds. FSE 2014: 571-590
- Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Gaëtan Leurent, Thomas Peyrin, Lei Wang: The Usage of Counter Revisited: Second-Preimage Attack on New Russian Standardized Hash Function. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2014: 195-211 (The First Prize of Streebog Competition)
- Jian Guo, Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang, Shuang Wu: Cryptanalysis of HMAC/NMAC-Whirlpool. ASIACRYPT (2) 2013: 21-40
- Shuang Wu, Dengguo Feng, Wenling Wu, Jian Guo, Le Dong, Jian Zou: (Pseudo) Preimage Attack on Round-Reduced Grøstl Hash Function and Others. FSE 2012: 127-145
- Alexandre Duc, Jian Guo, Thomas Peyrin, Lei Wei: Unaligned Rebound Attack: Application to Keccak. FSE 2012: 402-421
- Jian Guo, Thomas Peyrin, Axel Poschmann, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: The LED Block Cipher. CHES 2011: 326-341
- Jian Guo, Thomas Peyrin, Axel Poschmann: The PHOTON Family of Lightweight Hash Functions. CRYPTO 2011: 222-239 (ISO Lightweight hash function standard)
- Jian Guo, San Ling, Christian Rechberger, Huaxiong Wang: Advanced Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks: First Results on Full Tiger, and Improved Results on MD4 and SHA-2. ASIACRYPT 2010: 56-75
- Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Jian Guo, Simon Knellwolf, Krystian Matusiewicz, Willi Meier: Differential and Invertibility Properties of BLAKE. FSE 2010: 318-332
- Kazumaro Aoki, Jian Guo, Krystian Matusiewicz, Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang: Preimages for Step-Reduced SHA-2. ASIACRYPT 2009: 578-597
- Alex Biryukov, Praveen Gauravaram, Jian Guo, Dmitry Khovratovich, San Ling, Krystian Matusiewicz, Ivica Nikolic, Josef Pieprzyk, Huaxiong Wang: Cryptanalysis of the LAKE Hash Family. FSE 2009: 156-179
- Ron Steinfeld, Scott Contini, Krystian Matusiewicz, Josef Pieprzyk, Jian Guo, San Ling, Huaxiong Wang: Cryptanalysis of LASH. FSE 2008: 207-223
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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Evolution of Cryptanalysis: Security Updates on SHA-3 and AES Hashing. Invited talk at Asiacrypt 2022, Taipei, 7th December 2022.
Security of SHA-3 and Related Constructions. Invited talk at FSE 2019, Paris, France, 27 March 2019.
Security of SHA-3 and Related Constructions. Invited talk at FSE 2019, Paris, France, 27 March 2019.
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