Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Hsieh Yi-Chin
Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities
Controlled Keywords
Dr. Hsieh Yi-Chin joined the Language and Communication Centre (LCC) at Nanyang University in 2015. She earned her Ph.D. in Language Education from Indiana University at Bloomington, United States, with a minor in Instructional Systems Technology. Her M.A. was completed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States, specializing in TESOL. Dr. Hsieh has extensive teaching experiences in a variety of settings, including English for academic purposes (EAP), English for specific purposes (ESP), and communicative Mandarin in tertiary level. Her research interests include learner interactions in collaborative learning, second language learners’ digital literacy, and technology incorporation into language classroom. Her current research focuses on the teaching effectiveness of EAP courses, including learning transfer and computer-mediated peer review practices. She has also embarked on the research in English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in higher education.
• Learning transfer in an English for specific academic purposes (ESAP) course
• Effectiveness of peer feedback in an English for specific academic purposes (ESAP) course
• TEL in academic writing courses (online anonymous peer review)
• English as a medium of instruction (EMI)
• AE slide design approach
  • Feedback system in NTU: A Student-faculty Collaboration
  • English-medium instruction (EMI) in Taiwanese universities: Language policies and linguistic realities
School of Humanities Lecturers Excellence (LEX) Award 2022, NTU
ICC Teacher of the Year Award 2023/24, NTU
Courses Taught
CC0001: Inquiry and Communication in an Interdisciplinary World
HW0207/HW0208: Academic Communication in Linguistics/ the Social Sciences
HW0206: Academic Communication in Chinese Studies
HW0105: Academic Communication in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
HW0188: Engineering Communication I
HW0128: Scientific Communication I
Supervision of PhD Students
Serving as TAC member for a doctoral student at LMS