Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Gemma Anne Calvert
Professor (Practice), College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Marketing
Deputy Director, Nanyang Centre for Marketing and Technology (NCMT)
Journal Articles
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Pathak, A., Calvert, G.A., Motoki, K. (2021) Sound symbolism overrides the in/out effect in taste continuum. Food Quality and Preference, in press.

Pathak, A., Calvert, GA., Motoki, K. (2021) Sooo Sweeet: Presence of long vowels in brand names lead to expectations of sweetness. Behavioural Sciences, in press.

Calvert, G.A., Trufil, G., Pathak, A., Fulcher, E. (2020). IMPULSE moment-by-moment test: An implicit measure of affective responses to audiovisual televised or digital advertisements.. Behavioural Sciences, 10(73), doi:10.3390/bs10040073.

Pathak, A., Calvert, GA., Lim, LKS. (2020). Harsh voice, sound branding: How voiced consonants in a brand's name can alter its perceived attributes.. Psychology & Marketing, 37(6), 837-847.

Pathak, A., Calvert, GA., Motoki, K. (2020) Long vowel sounds induce expectations of sweet tastes. Journal of Food Quality and Preference, 86, DOI. 10.1016/j.foodqual.2020.104033

Lwin,M., Panchapakesan,C**,.Sheldenkar, A., Calvert, G.A., Lim, LKS., Lu. J. (2020) Determinants of eHealth literacy among adults in China. Journal of Health Communication, 25(4), 1-9.

Pathak, A, Calvert, G.A. (2020) Sounds sweet, sounds bitter: How the presence of certain sounds in a brand’s name can alter its perceived taste. Food Quality and Preference; 83, 1-10.

Calvert, G.A., Lim, E., Pathak, A., Fulcher,G., & Fulcher E. (2019) Psychological and Emotional Responses to Giving and Receiving Customer Service. Behavioural Science, 9 (10) 109.

Pathak, A., Velasco, C. & Calvert, G.A. (2019). Identifying counterfeit brand logos: On the importance of the first and last letters of a logotype. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 53 No. 10, pp. 2109-2125.

Pathak, A., Velasco, C., Petit, O., & Calvert, G. A. (2019). Going to great lengths in the pursuit of luxury: how longer brand names can enhance the luxury perception of a brand. Psychology and Marketing 36 (10) 951-963.