Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Xu Rong
Director, Singapore Energy Consortium
Professor, School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Co-Director, Singapore Energy Centre
Director, ExxonMobil-NTU-A*STAR Corporate Lab
Professor, Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise
External Links
XU Rong received her Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from National University of Singapore. She joined Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as an Assistant Professor in 2004 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2010 and Professor in 2017. Her lab has actively worked in the field of catalysis for energy and environmental applications. To date, she have published over 160 papers in top tier journals including Journal of the American Chemical Society, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Energy & Environmental Sciences, Science Advances, ACS Nano, Chemical Society Review and so on. Her citation and H-index are >11000 and 61 (Web of Science). She received Top-Cited Papers Award (2010 and 2011) from Elsevier for her paper published in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Her work on metal sulfide photocatalyst was featured in a themed collection 'Celebrating excellence in Dalton Transactions – women of inorganic chemistry’ (2018), Royal Society of Chemistry. She is currently an Associate Editor of EnergyChem, a journal of Elsevier. She is also an Editorial Board Member of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. She has served as the Associate Chair Research (2011-2014) and Interim Chair (2017-2019) of the School of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, NTU. She is currently the Research Director of Engineering and Physical Sciences in Senior Vice President Research’s office. She is also the Director of Singapore Energy Centre (SgEC), an industrial consortium with its mission to develop innovative solutions to meet the growing energy demand through research and education.
- Photocatalysis for reduction of carbon dioxide and hydrogen production by splitting water using visible light.
- Heterogeneous catalysis for environmental applications.
- Organic-inorganic layered materials (LDHs) for pharmaceutical applications.
- Development of artificial cornea (nanoparticle/polymer composite).
- Antimicrobial membrane for water treatment (Silver in microfiltration membrane).
- Immobilization of enzymes on inorganic solid support as scalable and reusable biocatalysts.
  • Member-Directed Research Projects
  • Cambridge Centre For Carbon Reduction In Chemical Technologies Phase 2 (C4Ts)
  • Topic 1: Biomass conversion to low emission fuels (WP5 & 6) (IAF-ICP)
  • Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) Technology for Singapore (XR_SCBE)
  • Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) Technology for Singapore
  • Operations
  • CN23-Cambridge Centre For Carbon Reduction In Chemical Technologies Phase 2 (C4Ts)
  • Singapore Carbon Circular Economy (SCorE) (ExxonMobil)
  • Development of Gas Liquid Solid Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Topic 4: Mineralization of CO2 with Ca and Mg Ions Sourced from Steel Slag, Ash and Natural Occurring Minerals (ARES) (ExxonMobil)
  • Topic 1: Biomass conversion to low emission fuels (WP5 & 6) (ExxonMobil)
  • Topic 3: Methane Cracking and High Temperature Chemistry of Hydrocarbons (ARES) (ExxonMobil)
  • COF Membranes for Advanced Separation Processes
  • Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers Technology for Singapore (Renovation grant)
  • Singapore Carbon Circular Economy (SCorE) (IAF-ICP)
  • Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) Technology for Singapore (Chiyoda)
  • Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) Technology for Singapore (PSA)