Academic Profile : Faculty
Dr Koh Cheng Boon
Senior Lecturer, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Leadership, Management & Organisation
Journal Articles
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Koh, C. B. (2020, ed). Art and Science of Leadership. Flipped Book.
Koh, C. B., & O’Higgins, E. (2018). Relationships between emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness in the military context, Military Psychology, 30:1, 27-42, DOI: 10.1080/08995605.2017.1419021
Koh, C. B. (2023). An Exploratory Study of Crisis Leadership Qualities: the Creative, Adaptive, Resilient, Emotional Intelligence (CARE) Survey. Eurasian Journal of Business and Management, 11(2), 58-77. DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2023.11.02.001.
Koh, C. B. (2023- in print). Collective Leadership For VUCA: From Theoretical Exploratory Study to Knowledge Creation. Journal of Public Policy and Global Affairs,
Koh, C. B., & O’Higgins, E. (2018). Relationships between emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness in the military context, Military Psychology, 30:1, 27-42, DOI: 10.1080/08995605.2017.1419021
Koh, C. B. (2023). An Exploratory Study of Crisis Leadership Qualities: the Creative, Adaptive, Resilient, Emotional Intelligence (CARE) Survey. Eurasian Journal of Business and Management, 11(2), 58-77. DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2023.11.02.001.
Koh, C. B. (2023- in print). Collective Leadership For VUCA: From Theoretical Exploratory Study to Knowledge Creation. Journal of Public Policy and Global Affairs,
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Foo, M. D., Koh, C, B., Pua, M. (Mar 2022). (Ed). Towards a Sustainable Future: Delivering positive economic, environmental, and social impact multi-media e-book. Asian Business Case Center.
Koh, C. B. (2020, ed). Art and Science of Leadership. Flipped Book.
Koh, C. B. (2020, ed). Art and Science of Leadership. Flipped Book.
Opinions & Commentaries
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1. Koh, C. B. (28 Feb 2023-OPED). Dismissed tech workers got lavish severance pay but unclear whether others will. The Straits Times.
4. Koh, C. B. (14 Oct 2022). Decentralized Decision-Making in a D-VUCAD World. Singapore Directors Bulletin, Q4, pp 18-24.
5. Koh, C. B. (22 Aug 2022). Moving beyond the ‘Chosen One’ approach to collective leadership. The Business Times – Leadership.
6. Koh, C. B. (20 June 2022. OPED). Who really is a true leader in a crisis? The Business Times – Leadership and Management.
7. Koh, C. B. (2020). Commentary for TODAY: Lifelong employability is more than lifelong learning in Dec 2020.
4. Koh, C. B. (14 Oct 2022). Decentralized Decision-Making in a D-VUCAD World. Singapore Directors Bulletin, Q4, pp 18-24.
5. Koh, C. B. (22 Aug 2022). Moving beyond the ‘Chosen One’ approach to collective leadership. The Business Times – Leadership.
6. Koh, C. B. (20 June 2022. OPED). Who really is a true leader in a crisis? The Business Times – Leadership and Management.
7. Koh, C. B. (2020). Commentary for TODAY: Lifelong employability is more than lifelong learning in Dec 2020.
Other Research Outputs/Projects
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(Not applicable to NIE
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Koh, C. B. Tan, N., & Dhevarajulu, D. (2022). From Hierarchical organization to boundaryless hospital: “Kampung” Spirit and Collective Leadership beyond Eleven Jalan Tan Tock Seng. Pp. 1-16.
Koh, C. B., Tan, N., Dhevarajulu, D. Hendrick, Jr, D. (2022). Change Management and Collective Leadership: The Transformational Journey of TTSH. Pp. 1-24.
Foo, M. D., Koh, C, B., Pua, M. (2021-2022). Sustainability Development. Multi-media e-book. Asian Business Case Center.
Koh, C.B.& Stephen Chua C. W. (2021). Race and Rise Against the Tide: Sustainability for Singapore. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-16. With Teaching Notes on (1) Sustainability and Triple Bottom line.
Tania, N., & Koh, C. B. (Oct 2021). UglyGood to SimplyGood: From a Mission to Rescue Waste to a Passion for Reducing Single-use Plastics. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-19. With Teaching Notes on Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability.
Koh, C. B., & Foo, M. D. (Sep 2021). Wateroam: Social Enterprise in Singapore.
Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-15. With Teaching Notes on Business Planning Processes and Sustainability.
Koh, C. B. (Aug 2021). Lessons in Crisis Leadership: From Peacetime to Post-911.
Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-16. With Teaching Note on Crisis Leadership.
Koh, C. B., Koh, S., & Foo, M. D. (Jul 2021). Wateroam: The quest for social impact and sustainability. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-6. With Teaching Note on Social Entrepreneurship.
Koh, C. B., Ong, B. & Lim, L (2020). SEA Games 2015. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-8, 9 June 2020. With two teaching Notes (pp. 1-15): (1) Scenario planning; (2) Crisis leadership. For details, click this link.
Koh, C. B., Liang X, X., Tan, K. & Teo, J. (2020). Grabbed! How the PMD ban almost immobilized the food delivery industry? Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-8, 22 June 2020. With two teaching notes (pp. 1-21): (1) Communication barriers in crisis management, (2) Change Management: Kotter’s 8-step change model. For details, click this link.
Koh, C. B. (2018). Part I: Cross-cultural Connection in the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP): Relationships, Reasons, then Rules or Rules, Reasons, then Relationship, 情,理,法,法,理,情,如何接轨? Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-15.With Teaching Note on Leadership in Cross-cultural context. For details, click this link.
Koh, C. B. (2018). Part II: Relationships, Reasons, then Rules or Rules, Reasons, then Relationships: Different perspectives - 情,理,法,法,理,情,不同的视角. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-5. With Teaching Note on Leadership in Cross-cultural Context.
Koh, C. B., Tan, N., Dhevarajulu, D. Hendrick, Jr, D. (2022). Change Management and Collective Leadership: The Transformational Journey of TTSH. Pp. 1-24.
Foo, M. D., Koh, C, B., Pua, M. (2021-2022). Sustainability Development. Multi-media e-book. Asian Business Case Center.
Koh, C.B.& Stephen Chua C. W. (2021). Race and Rise Against the Tide: Sustainability for Singapore. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-16. With Teaching Notes on (1) Sustainability and Triple Bottom line.
Tania, N., & Koh, C. B. (Oct 2021). UglyGood to SimplyGood: From a Mission to Rescue Waste to a Passion for Reducing Single-use Plastics. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-19. With Teaching Notes on Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability.
Koh, C. B., & Foo, M. D. (Sep 2021). Wateroam: Social Enterprise in Singapore.
Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-15. With Teaching Notes on Business Planning Processes and Sustainability.
Koh, C. B. (Aug 2021). Lessons in Crisis Leadership: From Peacetime to Post-911.
Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-16. With Teaching Note on Crisis Leadership.
Koh, C. B., Koh, S., & Foo, M. D. (Jul 2021). Wateroam: The quest for social impact and sustainability. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-6. With Teaching Note on Social Entrepreneurship.
Koh, C. B., Ong, B. & Lim, L (2020). SEA Games 2015. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-8, 9 June 2020. With two teaching Notes (pp. 1-15): (1) Scenario planning; (2) Crisis leadership. For details, click this link.
Koh, C. B., Liang X, X., Tan, K. & Teo, J. (2020). Grabbed! How the PMD ban almost immobilized the food delivery industry? Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-8, 22 June 2020. With two teaching notes (pp. 1-21): (1) Communication barriers in crisis management, (2) Change Management: Kotter’s 8-step change model. For details, click this link.
Koh, C. B. (2018). Part I: Cross-cultural Connection in the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP): Relationships, Reasons, then Rules or Rules, Reasons, then Relationship, 情,理,法,法,理,情,如何接轨? Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-15.With Teaching Note on Leadership in Cross-cultural context. For details, click this link.
Koh, C. B. (2018). Part II: Relationships, Reasons, then Rules or Rules, Reasons, then Relationships: Different perspectives - 情,理,法,法,理,情,不同的视角. Asian Business Case Center for international distribution, pp. 1-5. With Teaching Note on Leadership in Cross-cultural Context.