Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Dr Goh Chye Tee
Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences
Director, Biomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine, School of Biological Sciences (SBS)
Dr Goh Chye Tee is currently a Senior Lecturer in Nanyang Business School. He is concurrently Director of the NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic and Deputy Director of the Double Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine at the School of Biological Scie. He received his Postgradute Diploma in Teaching in Higher Education from the National Institute of Education, Bachelor degree (Honour) in Commerce (Accountancy) from Nanyang University, Master degree in Commerce (Honour) from University of New South Wales, Diploma in TCM from the Singapore College of TCM, and Ph.D. degree in TCM from the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China.

His research interests include Accounting and Financial Disclosure, Cost Management, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Sustainability, and the integration of Chinese culture and managment. He has done research in these areas and published a number of quality conference and journal papers. He has served in a number of positions, including, Director, Centre for Continued Education, NTU; Academic Advisor and Director, Jimei University, China; Member of Accreditation Committee, TCM Pratitioners Board, MOH Singapore, and Director and Financial Consultants to various business organisations.
Prof Goh Chye Tee's areas of expertise are Accounting, Cost Management and TCM. His current research works focus on the integration of traditional culture and modern management.
  • Acupuncture augmentation therapy for in-hospital patients with major depression disorder: a pragmatic, randomized controlled trial
  • Characterization, in vitro and in vivo validation of local tropical herbs for colon cancer, stomach cancer and liver cancer prevention and treatment
  • Community Tai Chi programme as a complementary modality to mitigate age-associated decline in metabolic and musculoskeletal health in older adults