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Journal Articles
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Wagner, Tamara S. (2019). “‘A very Moloch of a baby’: Left to be Minded in Dickens.”. Nineteenth-Century Studies, 29, 71-97.
Wagner, Tamara S.(2019). Emigration and 19th-Century British Colonial Settler Narratives. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of LiteratureOxford UP.
Wagner, Tamara S.(2018). Motherhood. Companion to Victorian Popular FictionMcFarland.
Wagner, Tamara S.(2018). Jane Eyre, Orphan Governess: Narrating Victorian Vulnerability and Social Change. British Women’s Writing from Brontë to Bloomsbury, Vol.1: 1840s and 1850s(81-95). Palgrave Macmillan.
Wagner, Tamara S.(2018). “Mrs Henry Wood’s Model Men: How To Mismanage Your Marriage in Court Netherleigh.”. For Better, For Worse: Marriage in Victorian Novels by Women(116-29). London and New York: Routledge.
Wagner, Tamara S.(2019). Emigration and 19th-Century British Colonial Settler Narratives. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of LiteratureOxford UP.
Wagner, Tamara S.(2018). Motherhood. Companion to Victorian Popular FictionMcFarland.
Wagner, Tamara S.(2018). Jane Eyre, Orphan Governess: Narrating Victorian Vulnerability and Social Change. British Women’s Writing from Brontë to Bloomsbury, Vol.1: 1840s and 1850s(81-95). Palgrave Macmillan.
Wagner, Tamara S.(2018). “Mrs Henry Wood’s Model Men: How To Mismanage Your Marriage in Court Netherleigh.”. For Better, For Worse: Marriage in Victorian Novels by Women(116-29). London and New York: Routledge.
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