Academic Profile : Faculty

Asst Prof Yoo Seong Woo_1.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Yoo Seong Woo
Associate Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Highly Cited:
Jeong, Y., Yoo, S., Codemard, C. A., Nilsson, J., Sahu, J. K., Payne, D. N., ... & Piper, A. (2007). Erbium: ytterbium codoped large-core fiber laser with 297-W continuous-wave output power. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 13(3), 573-579.

Yoo, S., Basu, C., Boyland, A. J., Sones, C., Nilsson, J., Sahu, J. K., & Payne, D. (2007). Photodarkening in Yb-doped aluminosilicate fibers induced by 488 nm irradiation. Optics Letters, 32(12), 1626-1628.

Kalita, M. P., Yoo, S., & Sahu, J. (2008). Bismuth doped fiber laser and study of unsaturable loss and pump induced absorption in laser performance. Optics Express, 16(25), 21032-21038.

Webb, A. S., Boyland, A. J., Standish, R. J., Yoo, S., Sahu, J. K., & Payne, D. N. (2010). MCVD in-situ solution doping process for the fabrication of complex design large core rare-earth doped fibers. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356(18-19), 848-851.

Soh, D. B., Yoo, S., Nilsson, J., Sahu, J. K., Oh, K., Baek, S., ... & Philippov, V. (2004). Neodymium-doped cladding-pumped aluminosilicate fiber laser tunable in the 0.9-/spl mu/m wavelength range. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 40(9), 1275-1282.

Kalita, M. P., Alam, S. U., Codemard, C., Yoo, S., Boyland, A. J., Ibsen, M., & Sahu, J. K. (2010). Multi-watts narrow-linewidth all fiber Yb-doped laser operating at 1179 nm. Optics Express, 18(6), 5920-5925.

Jung, Y., Kang, Q., Sidharthan, R., Ho, D., Yoo, S., Gregg, P., ... & Richardson, D. J. (2017). Optical orbital angular momentum amplifier based on an air-hole erbium-doped fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(3), 430-436.

Jain, D., Sidharthan, R., Moselund, P. M., Yoo, S., Ho, D., & Bang, O. (2016). Record power, ultra-broadband supercontinuum source based on highly GeO 2 doped silica fiber. Optics Express, 24(23), 26667-26677.

Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W., Huri, N. A. D., Hamzah, A., Das, S., Pal, M., ... & Sahu, J. K. (2010). Wideband EDFA based on erbium doped crystalline zirconia yttria alumino silicate fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28(20), 2919-2924.

Yoo, S., Kalita, M. P., Boyland, A. J., Webb, A. S., Standish, R. J., Sahu, J. K., ... & Pal, M. (2010). Ytterbium-doped Y2O3 nanoparticle silica optical fibers for high power fiber lasers with suppressed photodarkening. Optics Communications, 283(18), 3423-3427.

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Recent Publication:
Zang, J., Goel, C., Hassan, M. R. A., Chang, W., & Yoo, S. (2022). Antiresonant Hollow-Core Inline Fiber Polarizer. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(16), 5689-5697.

Goel, C., Li, H., Zang, J., & Yoo, S. (2022). Linearly polarized ytterbium laser enabled by an antiresonant hollow-core fiber inline polarizer. Optics Letters, 47(15), 3712-3715.

Goel, C., & Yoo, S. (2022). All-solid antiresonant fiber design for high-efficiency three-level lasing in ytterbium-doped fiber lasers. Optics Letters, 47(5), 1045-1048.

Li, H., Goel, C., Zang, J., Raghuraman, S., Chen, S., Hassan, M. R. A., ... & Yoo, S. (2022). Integration of an anti-resonant hollow-core fiber with a multimode Yb-doped fiber for high power near-diffraction-limited laser operation. Optics Express, 30(5), 7928-7937.

Lin, D., Xu, D., He, J., Feng, Y., Ren, Z., Sidharthan, R., ... & Richardson, D. J. (2022). The generation of 1.2 µJ pulses from a Mamyshev oscillator based on a high concentration, large-mode-area Yb-doped fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology.

S.Chen, Y. Chen, K.Liu, Q.J.Wang, D.Tang, S.Yoo. (2019). Tunable Mode-Locked Fiber Laser in 1750–1870nm by Bending Normal Dispersion Thulium-Doped Fiber as a Distribution Filter. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (pp. doi: 10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.88733511-1).

Yuhao Chen ; Shaoxiang Chen ; Kun Liu ; Qijie Wang ; Dingyuan Tang ; Seongwoo Yoo. (2019). Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2019: All-Fiber 2 μm Amplifier Using a Normal Dispersion Thulium Fiber. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2019 (pp. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2019.ATu4I.6).

S.Chen, Y. Jung, S.U.Alam, R.Sidharthan, D. Ho, S.Yoo, D.J.Richardson, J.M.O. Daniel. (2018). ECOC 2018: Ultra-Short Wavelength Operation of Thulium-Doped Fibre Amplifier in the 1628–1655nm Waveband. European Conference on Optical Communication (pp. 1-3).

Rex Xiao Tan, Daryl Ho, Chun Ho Tse, Seong Woo Yoo, Swee Chuan Tjin, Morten Ibsen. (2018). Bragg Grating Inscribed C-Shape Optical Fiber for Temperature and Strain Insensitive Refractive Index Sensing. 6th International Symposium on Sensor Science and 4th SPINTECH Technology Thesis Award.

Junhua Ji, Huaiqin Lin, Raghuraman Sidharthan, Daryl Ho, Yanyan Zhou, Nan Xia, Johan Nilsson. (2018). Large-mode-area Fiber with Non-circular Cores. Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2018).
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