Academic Profile : Faculty

Prof Charlie_010822_9024a.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Charlie Charoenwong
Associate Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Banking & Finance
Dr. Charoenwong holds a Bachelor degree in Engineering from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, an MBA and a PhD in Finance from University of Memphis in Tennessee, USA. Prior to joining NTU, Dr. Charoenwong taught for several years at University of Memphis and Chulalongkorn University. While in Thailand, he was frequently invited to teach at various universities. At NTU, he teaches Investments, Financial Modeling, Equity Portfolio Management, Fixed Income Security Analysis, Quantitative Methods for Investment at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Dr. Charoenwong's current research interests are in market microstructure, market efficiency, and investments. His publications appear in international refereed journals such as Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Management, Financial Review, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, and Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets.
2022 The Teacher of the Year Awards for Master of Science in Asset and Wealth Management.
2018 The Teacher of the Year Awards for Master of Science in Finance
2012 Koh Boon Hwee Scholar Award for Inspirational Mentorship
2009 The Teacher of the Year Awards for Master of Science in Financial Engineering
2009 University Scholar Award for Inspirational Mentorship
2008 University Scholar Award for Inspirational Mentorship
1995 Best Article Award, Conference on Finance, National Taiwan University