Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Tan Seet Koh
Associate Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Accounting
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Vincent Chee, Krishna Savani and Tan Seet Koh. (2023). Mitigating the Influence of Analysts Who Issue Aggressive Stock Price Targets: The Role of Joint versus Separate Evaluation. Contemporary Accounting Research.

Tan Seet Koh. (2022). Moderating Effect of Error Source on the Continued Influence of Retracted Disclosure on Individual Investors' Judgements. Abacus 58(4), 742-758.

Khim Kelly, Bernardine Low, Tan Hun Tong and Tan Seet Koh. (2012). Investors' Reliance on Analysts' Stock Recommendations and Mitigating Mechanisms for Potential Reliance. Contemporary Accounting Research, 29(3), 991-1012.

Tan Seet Koh and Lisa Koonce. (2011). Investors' Reactions to Retractions and Corrections of Management Earnings Forecasts. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 36(6), 382-397.

Tan Hun Tong and Tan Seet Koh. (2009). Investors' Reactions to Management Disclosure Corrections: Does Presentation Format Matter?. Contemporary Accounting Research, 26(2), 605-626.

Tan Seet Koh and Tan Hun Tong. (2008). Effects of Exposure to Subsequently Invalidated Evidence on Judgments of Audit Workpaper Preparers and Reviewers. Contemporary Accounting Research, 25(3), 921-946.