Academic Profile : Faculty

Asst Prof Walid Jumblatt Bin Abdullah_1.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Walid Jumblatt Bin Abdullah
Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2019). The Mahathir Effect in Malaysia’s 2018 Election: The Role of Credible Personalities in Regime Transitions. Democratization, 26(3), 521-536.

Walid Jumblatt Bin Abdullah.(2019). Intra-Party Dynamics in the People’s Action Party: Party Structure, Continuity and Hegemony. The Limits of Authoritarian Governance in Singapore’s Developmental State(151-171). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2018). Bureaucratizing Islam: State Strategies and Muslim Responses in Singapore. Journal of Religious and Political Practice, 4(3), 297-313.

Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2018). Inclusion-moderation or political opportunity? Lessons from the case of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, PAS). Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 56(4), 407-426.

Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2018). Bureaucratising Islam state strategies and Muslim responses in Singapore. Journal of Religious and Political Practice, 4(3), 297-313.