Academic Profile : Faculty

Asst Prof Walid Jumblatt Bin Abdullah_1.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Walid Jumblatt Bin Abdullah
Assistant Chair (Students), School of Social Sciences
Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah received his PhD under a Joint Degree Program between National University of Singapore (NUS) and King's College, London. He works on state-Islam relations, and political parties and elections, with particular focus on Singapore and Malaysia. He has published articles in internationally peer-reviewed journals such as Democratization, International Political Science Review, Government and Opposition, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Asian Survey, Small Wars & Insurgencies, Journal of Church and State, among others.
My research interests include state-religion relations, political parties and elections, political Islam, and Southeast Asian politics.
  • Islamic Revivalism and Reform: Trends in Muslim Southeast Asia
  • Modalities of Religious Populism in Asia: How Secularism Shapes Religion and Politics