Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Tan Soon Keat
Emeritus Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
External Links
Journal Articles
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Wang X.K., Wang C., Li Y.L., Tan S.K. (2017). Flow patterns of a low mass-damping cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration: Transition from initial branch and upper branch. Applied Ocean Research, 62(89), 99.

Zhang, D.Q., Trzcinski, A.P., Stuckey, D.C., Tan, S.K., Ng, W.J. (2017). Comparison and distribution of copper oxide nanoparticles and copper ions in activated sludge reactors. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, ,

Zhang, D.Q., Gersberg, R.M., Ng, W.J., Tan, S.K. (2017). Centralized versus decentralized stormwater management: case studies of Singapore and Berlin, Germany. Urban Water Journal, 14(2), 113-124.

Wang, M., Zhang, D.Q., Dong, J., Tan, S.K. (2017). Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in cold climate. Journal of Environmental Science, ,

Li Y, Wu B, Zhu G, Liu Y, Ng WJ, Appan A, Tan SK. (2016). High-throughput pyrosequencing analysis of bacteria relevant to cometabolic and metabolic degradation of ibuprofen in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Science of the total environment, 562, 604-613.
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Tan S K, Wang X K, Gho W M, and J Chua (2014) “The 11th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2014)” Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Hydrodynamic (ICHD 2014), 19-24 October 2014. Singapore. Pub. Maritime Production Research Pte Ltd. ISBN 978-981-09-2175-0. 650 pp.

Ng Wun Jern, Tan Soon Keat and others (2011) “WATER AND ENERGY IN THE URBAN WATER CYCLE: Improving Energy Efficiency in Municipal Wastewater Treatment” Global Water Research Coalition Research Report - published by NEWRI, NTU.

Tan S K and Huang Z H (2009) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (2009) Ed Tan S K and Huang ZH. World Scientific, Singapore - 4 volumes.

S.-K. Tan, J.-Y. Wang, T. Nakajima, W.-C. Chang, T. Oki, J. Dahe, P. V. Tan, X. Wang, D. Yang, M. Iyngararasan, S. Devotta, A. K. Gosain, M. R. Rahman, P. H. Viet, M. Rupakheti, J. Kim (2007-8) “Part II: Impacts of Atmospheric Brown Clouds on Water” 80 pps.

Chan Eng Soon, Tan Soon Keat (2003) Proc of the 2nd Int Conf on Port & maritime R & D and Technology, Pan Pacific, Singapore Sep 2003, Vol I and II, ed.

Brekke HB, Duan CG, Fisher RK, Tan, S.K. and Winoto SH (ed) (1998) Proceedings of the XIX IAHR Symposium - Hydraulic Machinery and Cavitation, Hydraulic Machinery and Cavitation, Singapore, World Scientific. 2 volumes.
Book Chapters
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Shirley Lim and Tan S K (2002) “The Importance of Biology in Environmental Impact Assessment” in G267 Life Sciences- Engineering Applications in Biology. Ed. Chia T F, pp 138-165, McGraw Hill Singapore.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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“The Evolution of Hydraulics to Environmental Hydraulics – a Hydraulic Engineer’s Perspective”, Keynote address at the 4th IEM Water Resources Colloquium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2003.

Technical Review of Underwater Infrastructure Developments and Underwater City. Keynote address - A special seminar jointly organised by MRC/I3C/CIS/NTU/JTC, 8 Feb 2012, Singapore.

“A Strategic Framework for an Integrated Water Management and Water Supply Chain for an Urban Centre: Watersheds, Reservoirs and Water Supply Network – Security and Risk” Keynote address: Proc of International Symposium on Urban Lakes Monitoring and Management, 18 May 2012, CAP-NET Lanka, U of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

“Creation of NUspace under water”. Invited presentation in an international workshop “UK - Singapore Future Cities Programmes” at The Crystal, London. Jointly organised by the British Building Development and NRF, Singapore. 13 – 15 March 2013.

“Human Society in Urban Environment – Liveability and Sustainability: A perspective from an environmental engineer” in Sustainability in Education: Pedagogical Themes and Practices In Asian Countries; 27-28 Feb 2014, Nanyang Executive Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

“Creating Useable Space In the Coastal Nearshore Area Against Potential Future Sea Level Rise” Coastal Adaptation Seminar 2015, 6 Feb 2015 Furama Riverfront Hotel, BCA Singapore.

“Space creation based on floating, semi-submersible and underwater structure - challenges in design, construction and utilisation” in “Navigating the future of construction industry 2016”, Seoul Korea, The K-Hotel, Nov 18 2016.

“Sustainable Built Environment” Corporate workshop, Singapore, 2019.

“Urban Water Management” Corporate Workshop, Singapore, 2019.

“Feasibility Study of Integrated Water Resources Development and Urban Space Creation for an Island Nation” Webinar on Urban Space Organised by Centre for Urban Solutions (CUS) and Co-Hosted by China Harbour (Singapore) Engineering Company Pte. Ltd. (CHEC): Space Creation, Multipurpose Development and Resource Conservation in the Coastal Waters. 25 Nov 2020, Singapore.