Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Yu Han
Associate Professor, College of Computing & Data Science
External Links
Dr Han Yu is a tenured Associate Professor in the College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Between 2018 and 2024, he was a Nanyang Assistant Professor (NAP) in CCDS, NTU. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) from 2017 to 2018. Between 2015 and 2018, he held the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew Post-Doctoral Fellowship (LKY PDF) at the Joint NTU-UBC Research Centre of Excellence in Active Living for the Elderly (LILY). Before joining NTU, he worked as an Embedded Software Engineer at Hewlett-Packard (HP) Pte Ltd, Singapore. He obtained his PhD from the School of Computer Science and Engineering, NTU in 2014. During his PhD study, he held the prestigious Singapore Millennium Foundation (SMF) PhD Scholarship. His work focuses on trustworthy federated learning. He has published over 300 research papers in leading international conferences (e.g., AAAI, AAMAS, ACM MM, CIKM, CVPR, ECAI, EMNLP, ICASSP, ICLR, ICME, ICML, ICWS, IJCAI, INFOCOM, NAACL, NeurIPS, SIGIR, SIGMOD, WWW), journals (e.g., PIEEE, TII, TIST, TKDE, TNNLS) and book chapters. He co-authored the book Federated Learning - the first monograph on the topic of federated learning. His research work has been recognized with multiple scientific awards. In 2021, he co-founded the Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning (TrustFUL) Research Lab ( He is an Associate Editor of IEEE TNNLS, IJCAI Sponsorship Officer General, WWW'25 Sponsorship Co-Chair, and Vice Chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Standards Committee. He is a Distinguished Member of CCF, and a Senior Member of AAAI and IEEE. For his continued contributions to the field of trustworthy AI and real-world impact in the society, he has been identified as one of the World's Top 2% Scientists in AI, and selected as one of the JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) of Singapore.
Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Federated Learning
Trust and Reputation Management
  • TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning (WeBank)
  • Next-Generation Brain-Computer-Brain Platform – A Holistic Solution for the Restoration & Enhancement of Brain Functions (NOURISH)
  • TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning (SCSE)
  • Towards Real-time, Seamless, and Ubiquitous Edge Intelligence-empowered Metaverse
  • TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning
  • Logically Explainable Federated Learning
US 2016/0379296 A1: Method And Apparatus For Algorithmic Control Of The Acceptance Of Orders By An E-Commerce Enterprise (2021)
Abstract: This invention proposes an autonomous interaction decision support apparatus to provide the operator of an e-commerce business with a recommendation of which received orders to perform. The apparatus autonomously tracks situational information comprising the existing level of work of the e-business, for each of multiple products and/or services offered by the business, and also a desired level of work. In this way, the recommendation protects both the reputation of the business and achieves work-life balance for the business owner.
2025: Innovative Application of AI Award, AAAI - "IMQC: A Large Language Model Platform for Medical Quality Control".
2024: 2023 Best Influential Conference Paper Award, IEEE Communications Society.
2024: ESI Highly Cited Paper, "Privacy and Robustness in Federated Learning: Attacks and Defenses", IEEE TNNLS.
2024: ESI Highly Cited Paper, "Toward Personalized Federated Learning", IEEE TNNLS.
2024: ESI Highly Cited Paper, "STMGCN: Mobile Edge Computing-Empowered Vessel Trajectory Prediction Using Spatio-Temporal Multigraph Convolutional Network", IEEE TII.
2024: ESI Highly Cited Paper, "Transfer Learning with Dynamic Distribution Adaptation", ACM TIST.
2024: Excellent Paper Award, International Journal of Crowd Science (IJCS) - "Fairness in Design: A Framework for Facilitating Ethical Artificial intelligence Designs".
2024: Innovative Application of AI Award, AAAI - "Transformer-empowered Multi-modal Item Embedding for Enhanced Image Search in E-Commerce".
2024: Innovative Application of AI Award, AAAI - "HiFi-Gas: Hierarchical Federated Learning Incentive Mechanism Enhanced Gas Usage Estimation".
2024: Innovative Application of AI Award, AAAI - "IBCA: An Intelligent Platform for Social Insurance Benefit Qualification Status Assessment".
2023: Best Poster Award, Singapore ACM SIGKDD Symposium 2023 - "Fairness-Aware Client Selection for Federated Learning", ICME'23.
2023: Best Poster Runner-Up Award, Singapore ACM SIGKDD Symposium 2023 - "Competitive-Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Auction-based Federated Learning", IJCAI'23.
2023: Innovative Application of AI Award, AAAI - "Efficient Training of Large-scale Industrial Fault Diagnostic Models through Federated Opportunistic Block Dropout".
2022: PREMIA Certificate of Commendation, "Federated learning for personalized humor recognition", ACM TIST.
2022: Top 5 Most Popular Video Award, College of Engineering (CoE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore - "Trust-based Open Collaborative Federated Learning".
2022: Best Paper Award, AI for Transportation Workshop, AAAI-22 - "DADFNet: Dual Attention and Dual Frequency-Guided Dehazing Network for Video-Empowered Intelligent Transportation".
2022: Best Paper Award, AI for Transportation Workshop, AAAI-22 - "DADFNet: Dual Attention and Dual Frequency-Guided Dehazing Network for Video-Empowered Intelligent Transportation".
2022: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "Contribution-Aware Federated Learning for Smart Healthcare".
2022: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "Intelligent Online Selling Point Extraction for E-Commerce Recommendation".
2022: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "Automatic Product Copywriting for E-Commerce".
2022: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "Prior-Guided Transfer Learning for Enhancing Item Representation in E-commerce".
2021: Best Paper Award, "Personalised Federated Learning: A Combinational Approach," STCAI'21.
2021: PREMIA Best Student Paper Runners Up Award, "Noise-resistant Deep Metric Learning with Ranking-based Instance Selection", CVPR'21.
2021: PREMIA Best Presentation Award, "Latent-Optimized Adversarial Neural Transfer for Sarcasm Detection", NAACL-HLT'21.
2021: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "Enhancing E-commerce Recommender System Adaptability with Online Deep Controllable Learning-To-Rank".
2020: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "FedVision: An Online Visual Object Detection Platform powered by Federated Learning".
2020: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "Accelerating Ranking in E-Commerce Search Engines through Contextual Factor Selection".
2020: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "PIDS: An Intelligent Electric Power Management Platform".
2019: Innovation Award, IJCAI'19 - "Fair and Explainable Dynamic Engagement of Crowd Workers".
2019: Most Educational Video Award, IJCAI'19 - "Learning Federated Learning".
2018: Most Societally Beneficial Video Award, IJCAI'18 - "Persuasive AI Companions for Active Independent Ageing".
2018: Innovative Applications of AI Award, AAAI - "SmartHS: An AI Platform for Improving Government Service Provision".
2017: Best Student Paper Award, IJIT - "Towards Trust-aware Health Monitoring Body Area Sensor Network".
2016: Best Poster Award, ICCSE'16 - "Efficient Crowd-powered Active Learning for Reliable Review Evaluation".
2016: Best Paper Award, ICCSE'16 - "Towards Data-driven Software Engineering Skills Assessment".
2016: Best Paper Award, SCSM'16 - "Towards Emotionally Intelligent Machines: Taking Social Contexts into Account".
2016: Best Student Poster Award, AAAI-16 - "Efficient Collaborative Crowdsourcing".
2016: Best Video - People's Choice Award, AAAI-16 - "Artificial Intelligence for Liveable Cities".
2015: Best Demo Award, WI-IAT'15 - "Agent Augmented Inter-generational Crowdsourcing".
2015: Best Application Video Award, IJCAI'15 - "Goal Oriented Teachable Agent in Virtual Learning Environment".
2011: Best Paper Award, ICCT'11 - "Dynamic Witness Selection for Trustworthy Distributed Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks"
Fellowships & Other Recognition
2022 - present: World's Top 2% Scientists, Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing, Stanford University.
2022: Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) of Singapore (Scientific and/or Technological Development), Junior Chamber International (JCI).
2015 - 2018: Lee Kuan Yew Post-Doctoral Fellow (LKY PDF)
Courses Taught
AI6101, CET794, CET799, CZ2004, CZ3003, SC3000/CZ3005, CZ4031