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Prof Liang Zhao-Xun
Associate Dean (Faculty), College of Science
Professor, School of Biological Sciences
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Journal Articles
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Biosynthesis of tasikamides via pathway coupling and diazonium-mediated hydrazone formation, Ma, GL., Candra, H., Pang, LM, Xiong, J., Ding, Y., Tran, HT., Low, ZJ., Ye, H., Liu, M., Zheng, J., Fang, M., Cao, B., Liang, Z.-X.(2022) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 4, 1622–1633.

Ma, G-L, Tran, HT, Low, ZJ, Candra, H., Pang, LM, Chang, QW, Fan, ML, Liang, Z.-X. (2021) Pathway retrofitting yields insights into the biosynthesis of anthraquinone-fused enediynes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 11500–11509.

Ma GL, Chandra, H, Liang, Z.-X. (2020). Taming the flagellar motor of pseudomonads with a nucleotide messenger. Environmental Microbiology, 22, 2496–2513.

Z.J. Low, G-L. Ma, H. T. Tran, Y. Zou, X. Juan, L. Pang, S. Nuryyeva, Y. Hong, J. HuK, N. Houk, Liang, Z.-X. (2020). Sungeidines from a Non-canonical Enediyne Biosynthetic Pathway. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(4), 1673-1679.

Regulation of flagellar motor switching by c-di-GMP phosphodiesterases in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (2019) Xin, L., Zeng, Y., Shen, S., Chea, R., Lin, S, Yang, L., Xu, L, Chiam, K.-H., Liang, Z.-X. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294, 13789-13799.

Pham HT, Nhiep NTH, Vu TNM, Huynh TN, Zhu Y, Huynh ALD, *Chakrabortti A, Marcellin E, Lo R, Howard CB, Bansal N, Woodward JJ, Liang ZX, Turner M, S., (2018) Enhanced uptake of potassium or glycine betaine or export of cyclic-di-AMP restores osmoresistance in a high cyclic-di-AMP Lactococcus lactis mutant. PLoS Genetics. 14(8): e1007574.

Xu, L. H, Xing, L. Y., Zeng, Y., Yam, J. K. H., Ding, Y., Venkataramani, P., Cheang, Q. W., Yang, X., Tang, X., Zhang, L.-H., Chiam, K.-H., L, Yang, Liang, Z.-X. (2016). A cyclic di-GMP–binding adaptor protein interacts with a chemotaxis methyltransferase to control flagellar motor switching. Science Signaling, 9, ra102.

Liang, Z.-X. (2015) The expanding role of cyclic dinucleotides in the biosynthesis of polysaccharides and secondary metabolites. Natural Product Reports, 32, 663-683.

Ho, C. L., Chong, K. S. J., Oppong, J. A., Chuah, M. L. C., Tan, S. M., Liang, Z.-X. (2013). Visualizing the perturbation of cellular cyclic di-GMP levels in bacterial cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135, 566-569.

Sun H, Ho CL, Ding F, Soehano I, Liu X-W, and Liang Z-X. (2012). Synthesis of (R)-Mellein by a Partially Reducing Iterative Polyketide Synthase. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134, (29), 11924–11927.
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