Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

Prof Hwang Chuan Yang_1.jpg picture
Prof Hwang Chuan Yang
Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Banking & Finance
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Chuan Yang Hwang, Yuan Li. (2017). Analysts’ Reputational Concerns, Self-censoring and the International Dispersion Effect. Management Science, .

Chuan Yang Hwang , Sheridan Titman, Yuxi Wang. (2017). Is it Who You Know or What You Know? Evidence from IPO Allocations and Mutual Fund Performance. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, .

Tom George, Chuan Yang Hwang, Yuan Li. (2017). The 52 Week High, q Theory and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns. Journal of Financial Economics, .

George Tom, C. Hwang. (2010). A Resolution of the Distress Risk and Leverage Puzzles in the Cross Section of Stock Returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 96(1), 56-79.

Tom J. George, Hwang Chuan Yang. (2007). Long Term Retrun Reversal: Overreaction or Taxes?. The Journal of Finance, , 2865-2896.