Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Huang Changjin
Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
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Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)

C. Huang†, H. Li, J. Powell, Y. Ouyang, S.G. Wendell, S. Suresh, K.J. Hsia†, Y. Sadovsky† and D. Quinn† (2022). Assessing hypoxic damage to placental trophoblasts by measuring membrane viscosity of extracellular vesicles, Placenta, 121: 14-22

C.-P. Chng, K. Wang, W. Ma, K.J. Hsia and C. Huang† (2022). Chloroplast membrane lipid remodeling protects against dehydration by limiting membrane fusion and distortion. Plant Physiology, 188(1): 526-539.

T. M. Tran, C. Chng, X. Pu, Z. Ma, X. Han, X. Liu, L. Yang, C.Huang† and Y. Miao† (2022). Potentiation of plant defense by bacterial outer membrane vesicles is mediated by membrane nanodomain, The Plant Cell, koab276.

A.M. Esfahani, J. Rosenbohm, B.T. Safa, N.V. Lavrik†, G. Minnick, Q. Zhou, F. Kong, X. Jin, E. Kim, Y. Liu, Y. Lu, J.Y. Lim, J.K. Wahl III, M. Dao†, C. Huang† and R. Yang† (2021). Characterization of the Strain Rate-Dependent Mechanical Response of Single Cell-Cell Junctions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (7): e2019347118.

C. Chng, Y. Sadovsky, K.J. Hsia† and C. Huang† (2021). Curvature-regulated lipid membrane softening of nano-vesicles, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 43: 101174.

C. Chng, Y. Sadovsky, K.J. Hsia† and C. Huang† (2021). Site-specific peroxidation modulates lipid bilayer mechanics, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 42: 101148.

C. Chng, N-J. Cho, K.J. Hsia† and C. Huang† (2021). Role of Membrane Stretch in Adsorption of Antiviral Peptides onto Lipid Membranes and Membrane Pore Formation, Langmuir, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c02067.

A. Kalmykov, C. Huang, J. Bliley, D. Shiwarski, J. Tashman, A. Abdullah, S. Rastogi, E. Mataev, A. W. Feinberg, K. J. Hsia and T. Cohen-Karni. (2019). Organ-on-e-chip: Three-dimensional self-rolled biosensor array for electrical interrogations of human electrogenic spheroids, Science Advances 5: eaax0729, 2019.

C. Huang, Z. Wang, D. Quinn, S. Suresh and K. J. Hsia. (2018). Differential Growth and Shape Formation in Plant Organs, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115: 12359-12364.

C Huang, D Quinn, S Suresh and KJ Hsia. (2018). Controlled molecular self-assembly of complex three-dimensional structures in soft materials. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(1), 70-74.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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pulled from PRDS)
Associate Editor of Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics
Member of Early Career Advisory Board of Extreme Mechanics Letters
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