Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Shannon Ang
Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences
Assistant Professor, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (Courtesy Appointment)
External Links
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
See personal website for full CV.

Shannon Ang, and Rahul Malhotra. 2024. “How helping you helps me: A longitudinal analysis of volunteering and pathways to quality of life among older adults in Singapore”. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences. 79(5):gbae013. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbae013

Yu, Xinfang, Shannon Ang, and Yang Zhang. 2024. “Exploring Rural-Urban Differences in the Association between Internet Use and Cognitive Functioning among Older Adults in China”. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences. 79(4):gbad195. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbad195

Kim, Yijung, Shannon Ang, and Karen Fingerman. 2024. “Older Adults’ and Family Caregivers’ Technological Arrangements on Risk of Institutionalization” Work, Aging and Retirement. 10(1):51-56. doi: 10.1093/workar/waad005

Ang, Shannon, and Johan Suen. 2023. “Receiving Social Support From Diverse Helpers: Associations With Quality of Life”. Research on Aging. 45(5-6):399-409. doi: 10.1177/01640275221120919

Ang, Shannon. 2022. “Internet use and cohort change in social connectedness among older adults” Advances in Life Course Research. 54:100514. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2022.100514

Bloome, Deirdre, and Shannon Ang. 2022. “Is the Effect Larger in Group A or B? It Depends: Understanding Results From Nonlinear Probability Models”. Demography. 59(4):1459-1488. doi: 10.1215/00703370-10109444

Ang, Shannon. 2022. “Changing relationships between social contact, social support and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic”. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences. 77(9):1732-1739. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbac063

Ang, Shannon, and Rahul Malhotra. 2022. “The filial piety paradox: Receiving social support from children can be negatively associated with quality of life”. Social Science and Medicine. 303:114996. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114996
Book Chapters
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pulled from PRDS)
George, Cherian, Ja Ian Chong, and Shannon Ang. 2023. “The State of Academic Freedom in Singapore’s World-Beating Universities” Chapter 3 in New Threats to Academic Freedom in Asia (Asia Shorts Series). Columbia University Press.
Opinions & Commentaries
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Tan, Shin Bin and Shannon Ang. 2024. “Commentary: 'Not in my backyard' — when some groups can protest more loudly, the most vulnerable ones suffer” Today Online. Published online 25 July 2024: backyard-when-some-groups-can-protest-more-loudly-most-vulnerable-ones-suffer-2349421

Ang, Shannon. 2020. “Let us have data for breakfast together” AcademiaSG. Published online 29 August 2020:

Ang, Shannon. 2021. “Race-based data: Friend or foe?” AcademiaSG. Published online 12 July 2021:
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