Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Benoit Taisne (2)_1.JPG picture
Assoc Prof Benoit Taisne
Associate Chair (Students)
Provost's Chair in Volcanology
Associate Professor, Asian School of the Environment
External Links
After receiving BSc and MSc degrees in Geosciences from the Ecole Normal Superieure de Paris, France, Benoit Taisne obtained his PhD at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France. His post-doctoral research conducted him to work in different volcano observatories, Piton de la Fournaise (La Reunion, Indian Ocean), La Soufriere (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles) and Soufriere Hills Volcano (Montserrat, Lesser Antilles) to analyse both magma migration and dome emplacement.
Since July 2012, Benoit Taisne is a Principal Investigator at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, and an Assistant Professor at the Division of Earth Sciences.
Benoit Taisne’s current research focuses on the early anticipation of the style and size of volcanic eruptions. He uses new tomographic methods (muon telescopes) to shed light on two crucial parts of the volcanic system that have so far remained elusive for volcanologists and hazard managers, and which are key inputs for ash dispersal models:
- The structure (i.e. density distribution) and geometry of the volcanic conduit,
- The characteristics of ash columns.

Results from the muon tomography experiments will be complemented by more traditional data and methods from different disciplines like geophysics (seismologic studies), geodesy (GPS studies), and geochemistry (petrology and gas chemistry). All these data will be jointly inverted in near real-time with physics-based models of magma migration to get quantitative values for key physical parameters controlling the eruption style, and hence anticipate the style and size of eruptions to come.

His main research interests are:
- Magma migration
- Eruption dynamic
- Development of realtime monitoring technics
- Numerical simulation
- Laboratory experiments in fluids dynamics
  • Developing a new platform for assessing volcano hazard through analysis of globally acquired monitoring data
  • Atom Interferometer based Gravimetry: Development and Application
  • Provost's Chair in Volcanology
  • Integrating Volcano and Earthquake Science and Technology (InVEST) in Southeast Asia
  • Infrasound Sensor Network for Real-Time Volcano Monitoring
  • Satellite-based detection and characterization of Volcanic Ash Plumes
  • Singapore based Gravimetry survey
Courses Taught
ES2001 Computational Earth Systems Science