Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Benoit Taisne
Associate Chair (Students)
Provost's Chair in Volcanology
Associate Professor, Asian School of the Environment
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Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
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Highly Cited:
Roult, G., Peltier, A., Taisne, B., Staudacher, T., Ferrazzini, V., & Di Muro, A. (2012). A new comprehensive classification of the Piton de la Fournaise activity spanning the 1985–2010 period. Search and analysis of short-term precursors from a broad-band seismological station. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 241-242, 78-104.
Taisne, B., Brenguier, F., Shapiro, N. M., & Ferrazzini, V. (2011). Imaging the dynamics of magma propagation using radiated seismic intensity. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(4), L04304.
Taisne, B., & Jaupart, C. (2009). Dike propagation through layered rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 114(B9), B09203.
Theys, N., Hedelt, P., De Smedt, I., Lerot, C., Yu, H., Vlietinck, J., ... & Van Roozendael, M. (2019). Global monitoring of volcanic SO2 degassing with unprecedented resolution from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 2643.
Taisne, B., Tait, S., & Jaupart, C. (2011). Conditions for the arrest of a vertical propagating dyke. Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(2), 191-204.
Hetényi, G., Taisne, B., Garel, F., Médard, É., Bosshard, S., & Mattsson, H. B. (2012). Scales of columnar jointing in igneous rocks: field measurements and controlling factors. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74(2), 457-482.
Taisne, B., & Tait, S. (2011). Effect of solidification on a propagating dike. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 116(B1), B01206.
Taisne, B., & Tait, S. (2009). Eruption versus intrusion? Arrest of propagation of constant volume, buoyant, liquid‐filled cracks in an elastic, brittle host. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 114(B6), B06202.
Girona, T., Costa, F., Newhall, C., & Taisne, B. (2014). On depressurization of volcanic magma reservoirs by passive degassing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(12), 8667-8687.
Taisne, B., & Jaupart, C. (2008). Magma degassing and intermittent lava dome growth. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(20), L20310.
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Recent Publication:
Burgos, V., Jenkins, S. F., Bebbington, M., Newhall, C., & Taisne, B. (2022). A new perspective on eruption data completeness: Insights from the first recorded EruptionS in the Holocene (FRESH) database. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 431, 107648.
Matoza, R. S., Fee, D., Assink, J. D., Iezzi, A. M., Green, D. N., Kim, K., ... & Wilson, D. C. (2022). Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga. Science, 377(6601), 95-100.
Syarifuddin, M., Jenkins, S. F., Taisne, B., Oishi, S., Basuki, A., & Iguchi, M. (2022). Estimating the velocity of pyroclastic density currents using an operational dual-PRF radar. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 424, 107462.
Tailpied, D., Le Pichon, A., & Taisne, B. (2022). Assessing uncertainties in infrasound network performance modelling: application to the Euro-Mediterranean and Southeast Asian region. Geophysical Journal International, 228(2), 1324-1345.
Syarifuddin, M., Jenkins, S. F., Hapsari, R. I., Yang, Q., Taisne, B., Aji, A. B., ... & Legono, D. (2021). Real-time tephra detection and dispersal forecasting by a ground-based weather radar. Remote Sensing, 13(24), 5174.
Christoph Pilger, Peter Gaebler, Lars Ceranna, Alexis Le Pichon, Julien Vergoz, Anna Perttu, Dorianne Tailpied, and Benoit Taisne. (2019). Infrasound and seismoacoustic signatures of the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi super-shear earthquake. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19, 2811-2825.
Tan, C. T., Taisne, B., Neuberg, J., & Basuki, A. (2019). Real-time assessment of potential seismic migration within a monitoring network using Red-flag SARA. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 384, 31-47.
Caudron, C., Taisne, B., Perttu, A., Garces, M., Silber E.A., Mialle, P. (2016). Infrasound and seismic detections associated with the 7 September 2015 Bangkok fireball. Geoscience Letters, 3(26).
Caudron, Corentin; Taisne, Benoit; Garces, Milton; Alexis, Le Pichon; Mialle, Pierrick. (2015). On the use of remote infrasound and seismic stations to constrain the eruptive sequence and intensity for the 2014 Kelud eruption. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 6614-6621.
Roult, G., Peltier, A., Taisne, B., Staudacher, T., Ferrazzini, V., & Di Muro, A. (2012). A new comprehensive classification of the Piton de la Fournaise activity spanning the 1985–2010 period. Search and analysis of short-term precursors from a broad-band seismological station. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 241-242, 78-104.
Taisne, B., Brenguier, F., Shapiro, N. M., & Ferrazzini, V. (2011). Imaging the dynamics of magma propagation using radiated seismic intensity. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(4), L04304.
Taisne, B., & Jaupart, C. (2009). Dike propagation through layered rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 114(B9), B09203.
Theys, N., Hedelt, P., De Smedt, I., Lerot, C., Yu, H., Vlietinck, J., ... & Van Roozendael, M. (2019). Global monitoring of volcanic SO2 degassing with unprecedented resolution from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 2643.
Taisne, B., Tait, S., & Jaupart, C. (2011). Conditions for the arrest of a vertical propagating dyke. Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(2), 191-204.
Hetényi, G., Taisne, B., Garel, F., Médard, É., Bosshard, S., & Mattsson, H. B. (2012). Scales of columnar jointing in igneous rocks: field measurements and controlling factors. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74(2), 457-482.
Taisne, B., & Tait, S. (2011). Effect of solidification on a propagating dike. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 116(B1), B01206.
Taisne, B., & Tait, S. (2009). Eruption versus intrusion? Arrest of propagation of constant volume, buoyant, liquid‐filled cracks in an elastic, brittle host. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 114(B6), B06202.
Girona, T., Costa, F., Newhall, C., & Taisne, B. (2014). On depressurization of volcanic magma reservoirs by passive degassing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(12), 8667-8687.
Taisne, B., & Jaupart, C. (2008). Magma degassing and intermittent lava dome growth. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(20), L20310.
Click here for more publications.
Recent Publication:
Burgos, V., Jenkins, S. F., Bebbington, M., Newhall, C., & Taisne, B. (2022). A new perspective on eruption data completeness: Insights from the first recorded EruptionS in the Holocene (FRESH) database. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 431, 107648.
Matoza, R. S., Fee, D., Assink, J. D., Iezzi, A. M., Green, D. N., Kim, K., ... & Wilson, D. C. (2022). Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga. Science, 377(6601), 95-100.
Syarifuddin, M., Jenkins, S. F., Taisne, B., Oishi, S., Basuki, A., & Iguchi, M. (2022). Estimating the velocity of pyroclastic density currents using an operational dual-PRF radar. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 424, 107462.
Tailpied, D., Le Pichon, A., & Taisne, B. (2022). Assessing uncertainties in infrasound network performance modelling: application to the Euro-Mediterranean and Southeast Asian region. Geophysical Journal International, 228(2), 1324-1345.
Syarifuddin, M., Jenkins, S. F., Hapsari, R. I., Yang, Q., Taisne, B., Aji, A. B., ... & Legono, D. (2021). Real-time tephra detection and dispersal forecasting by a ground-based weather radar. Remote Sensing, 13(24), 5174.
Christoph Pilger, Peter Gaebler, Lars Ceranna, Alexis Le Pichon, Julien Vergoz, Anna Perttu, Dorianne Tailpied, and Benoit Taisne. (2019). Infrasound and seismoacoustic signatures of the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi super-shear earthquake. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19, 2811-2825.
Tan, C. T., Taisne, B., Neuberg, J., & Basuki, A. (2019). Real-time assessment of potential seismic migration within a monitoring network using Red-flag SARA. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 384, 31-47.
Caudron, C., Taisne, B., Perttu, A., Garces, M., Silber E.A., Mialle, P. (2016). Infrasound and seismic detections associated with the 7 September 2015 Bangkok fireball. Geoscience Letters, 3(26).
Caudron, Corentin; Taisne, Benoit; Garces, Milton; Alexis, Le Pichon; Mialle, Pierrick. (2015). On the use of remote infrasound and seismic stations to constrain the eruptive sequence and intensity for the 2014 Kelud eruption. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 6614-6621.
Book Chapters
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pulled from PRDS)
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pulled from PRDS)
Taisne, B., Perttu, A., Tailpied, D., Caudron,C., Simonini, L.(2019). Atmospheric controls on ground-and space-based remote detection of volcanic ash injection into the atmosphere, and link to early warning systems for aviation hazard mitigation. In Alexis Le Pichon, Elisabeth Blanc, Alain Hauchecorne(Ed), Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric Studies Challenges in Middle Atmosphere Dynamics and Societal Benefits(1079-1105). Springer.
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