Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Assoc Prof Miles Alexander Powell
Associate Professor, School of Humanities
External Links
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Miles Powell.(2019). ‘How Would You Feel If Someone Were Allowed to Kill One of Your Grandparents?’: Kānaka Maoli Opposition to the Hawaiian Shark Fin Trade. Not Just Green, Not Just White: Race, Justice and Environmental HistoryLincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.

Miles Powell. (2019). Environmental Histories of the Malay World: Legacies of Peter Boomgaard. ICAS 11 (Eleventh Convention of Asia Scholars).

Miles Powell. (2019). Review: This Radical Land: A Natural History of American Dissent [Review of the book Review: This Radical Land: A Natural History of American Dissent] Environment and History, 25 (2).

Miles Powell. (2019, April). Teaching the Environment at Fudan University, Shanghai and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Paper presented at Beyond Despair: Theory and Practice in Environmental Humanities, National Humanities Center, North Carolina, United States.

Miles Powell. (2019, January). Singapore’s Lost Coast: Human and Ecological Displacements during 200 Years of Land Reclamation. Paper presented at From ‘Pelagic Empire’ to EEZs: The Transformation of Asia’s Pacific since the 19th Century, Asia Research Institute, Singapore.