Academic Profile : No longer with NTU
Assoc Prof Lan Shau-Yu
Visiting Associate Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences - Division of Physics & Applied Physics
Associate Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences - Division of Physics & Applied Physics
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Dr. Lan received his Bachelor’s degree from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and then worked at National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center for one year. He moved on to Georgia Institute of Technology working under Professor Alex Kuzmich for quantum optics and quantum communication experiments and completed his Ph.D. in physics in 2009. Dr. Lan continued his academic career as a postdoctoral scholar in Professor Holger Müller’s group at University of California, Berkeley, where he worked on large momentum transfer beam splitter atom interferometer for precision measurement. In 2013, he won the prestigious NRF award and joined School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the Division of Physics and Applied Physics at the Nanyang Technological University as Nanyang Assistant Professor.
My research interests focus on utilizing quantum optics, atom optics, and laser cooling and trapping techniques for quantum sensing, precision measurement, and quantum metrology. For example, I am going to explore the use of an optical matter wave guide based on a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. This could lead to demonstration of atom interferometry with optically guided matter waves inside the fiber and use it for mobile gravity gradiometry, testing the charge neutrality of atoms, and eventually measuring Newton’s gravitational constant G. This research could bring research in the field of atomic sensor and precision measurement to the next level of compactness and versatility combined with high accuracy.
- Investigation of re-configurable trapped atoms gyroscope (WP-N3)
- Investigation of re-configurable trapped atoms gyroscope (WP-N3) (For research scholarship only)
- Quantum Assisted Navigation and Magnetic Sensing
- Quantum Assisted Navigation and Magnetic Sensing (For research scholarship only)