Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Tan Kai Guan, Clement
Associate Professor (Practice), College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Accounting
Journal Articles
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JIAN Ming and TAN Kai Guan, Clement. (2015). Investment Properties - FV Measures and their impacts on Stock Price. Journal of ISCA (Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants), 2015(July), 52-54.
Clement Tan Kai Guan and Khoo Teng Aun. (2015). Foreign-Sourced Income Tax Exemption and Pooling System - Which Works Better. Journal of ISCA (Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants), (February), 56 to 59.
Jian Ming and Tan Kai Guan Clement. (2014). Investment Property: Reporting Practices in Singapore. Journal of ISCA (Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants), November, 44-46.
Khoo Teng Aun and Clement Tan Kai Guan. (2014). Corporatisation or Sole Proprietorship? Business Vehicles for New Businesses. CPA Singapore, (March 2014), 54-56.
Clement Tan Kai Guan and Ng Eng Juan. (2012). Group Relief, Carry-Back Relief and Carry-Forward Relief: An Integrated Perspective. CPA Singapore, (August 2012), 42-45.
Clement Tan Kai Guan and Khoo Teng Aun. (2015). Foreign-Sourced Income Tax Exemption and Pooling System - Which Works Better. Journal of ISCA (Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants), (February), 56 to 59.
Jian Ming and Tan Kai Guan Clement. (2014). Investment Property: Reporting Practices in Singapore. Journal of ISCA (Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants), November, 44-46.
Khoo Teng Aun and Clement Tan Kai Guan. (2014). Corporatisation or Sole Proprietorship? Business Vehicles for New Businesses. CPA Singapore, (March 2014), 54-56.
Clement Tan Kai Guan and Ng Eng Juan. (2012). Group Relief, Carry-Back Relief and Carry-Forward Relief: An Integrated Perspective. CPA Singapore, (August 2012), 42-45.