Academic Profile : Faculty

Dr Teo Chee Chong
Associate Chair (Students), School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Principal Lecturer, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Controlled Keywords
Dr Teo’s current research interest is in the application of operations research to solve problems in supply chain, production and service operations. His research projects emphasize on industry application. He had worked on research projects with companies such as Keppel Offshore and Marines (Singapore), DHL Supply Chain, Neptune Orient Lines (awarded NOL Fellowship 2012) and Dell Inc. (North America). His research has been published in major operations management journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production & Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, IIE Transactions and International Journal of Production Economics. Dr Teo also served as Director of Education for the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transportation (Singapore) from 2016 to May 2024.
He is also currently working on pedagogical research, particular on Creative Problem Solving and Critical Thinking in undergraduate education. At NTU, he teaches supply chain and logistics courses at both bachelor and master levels. Courses that he had taught include Intermodal Transportation, Distribution & Warehousing, Shipping Logistics and Quantitative Methods in Logistical Analysis.
He received his B.Eng (Mechanical) from the Nanyang Technological University and PhD in Manufacturing Systems & Technologies under the Singapore-MIT Alliance program, which is an education and research collaboration between NTU (Singapore), NUS (Singapore) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He is also currently working on pedagogical research, particular on Creative Problem Solving and Critical Thinking in undergraduate education. At NTU, he teaches supply chain and logistics courses at both bachelor and master levels. Courses that he had taught include Intermodal Transportation, Distribution & Warehousing, Shipping Logistics and Quantitative Methods in Logistical Analysis.
He received his B.Eng (Mechanical) from the Nanyang Technological University and PhD in Manufacturing Systems & Technologies under the Singapore-MIT Alliance program, which is an education and research collaboration between NTU (Singapore), NUS (Singapore) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr Teo's area of expertise are in the application of operations research to solve problems in supply chain, production and service operations. Recent interests also include pedagogical research on creative problem solving and critical thinking.
- School Research Funding Support to Associate Chairs, Assistant Chairs and Prog Directors
Nanyang Education Award (School) 2021
Fellowships & Other Recognition
NOL Fellowship (2012)
Courses Taught
Undergraduate courses
- Shipping Logistics
- Intermodal transportation
- Distribution & Warehousing
- Engineering Economic & Finance
Graduate Courses
- Management of Freight Transportation
- Quantitative Methods for Logistical Analysis
- Maritime Logistics
- Shipping Logistics
- Intermodal transportation
- Distribution & Warehousing
- Engineering Economic & Finance
Graduate Courses
- Management of Freight Transportation
- Quantitative Methods for Logistical Analysis
- Maritime Logistics
Supervision of PhD Students
1. Ma Bohao (2022 - Present); Thesis topic: Supervisor Operation Strategies of Mobile Nodes in Urban Last-mile Delivery Considering Consumer Behaviour.
2. Zhang Zhibin (Co-supervisor, 2015 - 2020); Thesis topic: Multi-period inventory sharing between independent retailers: models for different degrees of information sharing.
3. Tharsis Teoh (Co-supervisor, 2016-2019); Thesis topic: Co-supervisor Suitability of battery electric vehicles and opportunity charging for urban freight transport: An evaluation framework.
4. Wang Xueqin (Co-supervisor, 2017-2019) Thesis topic: Consumers’ participation in co-creating last-mile logistics: a discordant value formation perspective.
5. Wang Xiaoyu (2008-2013); Thesis topic: An integrated approach of bunker fuel hedging and network planning for liner shipping’s bunker risk management.
6. Seyed Mehdi Zahraei (2008-2013); Thesis topic: A tactical planning model
For supply chains with nested ordering policy.
7. Li Yuanyuan (2008-2012, takes over Supervisor role mid-way of candidature); Thesis topic: Critical Success Factors (CSFs) Framework of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Firms for Delivering Green Building Projects.
2. Zhang Zhibin (Co-supervisor, 2015 - 2020); Thesis topic: Multi-period inventory sharing between independent retailers: models for different degrees of information sharing.
3. Tharsis Teoh (Co-supervisor, 2016-2019); Thesis topic: Co-supervisor Suitability of battery electric vehicles and opportunity charging for urban freight transport: An evaluation framework.
4. Wang Xueqin (Co-supervisor, 2017-2019) Thesis topic: Consumers’ participation in co-creating last-mile logistics: a discordant value formation perspective.
5. Wang Xiaoyu (2008-2013); Thesis topic: An integrated approach of bunker fuel hedging and network planning for liner shipping’s bunker risk management.
6. Seyed Mehdi Zahraei (2008-2013); Thesis topic: A tactical planning model
For supply chains with nested ordering policy.
7. Li Yuanyuan (2008-2012, takes over Supervisor role mid-way of candidature); Thesis topic: Critical Success Factors (CSFs) Framework of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Firms for Delivering Green Building Projects.