Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Chu Kiu-wai
Assistant Professor, School of Humanities
External Links
Journal Articles
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Chu, Kiu-wai (2024) “Future Emotions and Senses: Chen Qiufan’s Science Fiction of the Anthropocene”, Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature, Special Issue in “Chinese Eco-writing in the Age of (Un)Natural Crisis”, eds. by Gong Haomin and Wang Ban. Duke University Press.

Chu, Kiu-wai, and Jamie Uy (2024) “Ecocinema”, Gabbard, Krin, Ed. Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies. Oxford University Press. (Originally written by Kiu-wai Chu, published in 2017).

Chu, Kiu-wai (2023) “From Guano to Bitcoin Mining: Extractive Aesthetics in Multi-screen Video Art in Asia”, in ASAP/J, Cluster on “GeoSemantics: Inhuman Becomings and Earthly Memories in the Global South”

Chu, Kiu-wai. (2022). “Screening Vulnerability in the Anthropocene: Island of The Hungry Ghosts and the Eco-Ethics of Refugee Cinema”. Screen: No.62.4 Special dossier issue on “Tracing the Anthropocene in Southeast Asian Cinemas”. U:K: Oxford University Press.

Chu, Kiu-wai (2021). “Ruptured Shanshui: Composite Landscape Photography from Lang Jingshan to Yang Yongliang”. Photographies, 14(1), 3-14.
Chu Kiu-wai. (2019). “The imagination of eco-disaster: Post-disaster rebuilding in Asian cinema”. Asian Cinema, 30(2), 255-272.

추큐웨이. (2019), “인류세 시대의 산수화 (Shanshui): 사실주의로의 전환 (Shan Shui in the Anthropocene Epoch: The Realist Turn)”, in Goam Essay, Vol.8. South Korea: Lee Ungno Museum/ Daejeon Goam Art and Culture Foundation, pp.68-76. (in Korean)

Chu, Kiu-wai. (2017). “Screening Environmental Challenges in China: Three Modes of Ecocinema”, Journal of Chinese Governance, 2(4), 437-459.

朱翹瑋. (2017)『わが愛しのハイヒール』(2010)から『無用』(2007)に見る衣服―トランスナショナル・ドキュメンタリーにおける「相互連関」とエコクリティシズムの問題 (梶川瑛里・藤木秀朗訳)『JunCture(ジャンクチャー) 超域的日本文化研究 特集:文化に媒介された環境問題』第8号. 名古屋大学「アジアの中の日本文化」研究センター. 2017, pp.28-47. (in Japanese)

Chu, Kiu-wai (2016) “Ecocinema” (keyword article), in Song Hwee Lim ed, Journal of Chinese Cinemas. Special Issue: New Keywords in Chinese Cinema Studies. Taylor & Francis, pp.11-13.

Chu, Kiu-wai. (2013) “From My Fancy High Heels to Useless Clothing: ‘Interconnectedness’ and Eco-critical Issues in Transcultural Documentaries”, Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture. Vol.2.2. Special Issue on Chinese Ecocinema. U.K.: Intellect Journals. 2012. (Republished in Kääpä, Pietari and Gustafsson, Tommy, Eds., Transnational Ecocinema. U.K/USA. Intellect Books/University of Chicago Press, pp.65-84.)

Chu, Kiu-wai. (2012) “Constructing Ruins: New Urban Aesthetics in Chinese Art and Cinema”, in Modern Art Asia, Issue 2, February 2010. (Republished in Munro, Majella, Ed., Modern Art Asia: Selected Papers Issue 1-8. U.K.: Enzo Arts and Publishing. 2012, pp.191-212.)
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The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies , edited by Antonio Lopez, Adrian Ivakhiv, Stephen Rust, Miriam Tola, Alenda Chang, and Kiu-wai Chu. London & New York: Routledge, 2023. (Open access link:

Coming of Age in Chinese Literature and Cinema: Sinophone Variations of the Bildungsroman , edited by Andrea Riemenschnitter, Kiu-wai Chu, Mung Ting Chung. Netherland: Amsterdam University Press. (Forthcoming in 2025)
Book Chapters
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“Introduction”, The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, co-edited by Antonio Lopez, Adrian Ivakhiv, Miriam Tola, Stephen Rust, Alenda Chang, Kiu-wai Chu. (2023)

Tola, Miriam, Kiu-wai Chu, Stephen Rust (2023). “Centering Africa in Ecomedia Studies: Interview with Cajetan Iheka”, The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, co-edited by Antonio Lopez, Adrian Ivakhiv, Miriam Tola, Stephen Rust, Alenda Chang, Kiu-wai Chu. (2023)

Chu, Kiu-wai (2023). "Life in the Surveillance Dystopia: From Xu Bing’s Dragonfly Eyes to Lu Yang’s Digital Reincarnation", in Sinophone Utopias: Exploring Futures Beyond the China Dream , edited by Andrea Riemenschnitter, Jessica Imbach, Justyna Jaguscik. Cambria Press.

Chu, Kiu-wai (2022). “The Tales of Chinese Herbs: Rethinking Environmental Medicine through Documentaries on Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM)”, in The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Medical-Environmental Humanities, edited by Scott Slovic, Swarnalatha Rangarajan, Vidya Sarveswaran. Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.

Chu Kiu-wai (2021). “Humans/Mermaids/Dolphins: Endangerment, Empathy and Multispecies Coexistence in Stephen Chow’s The Mermaid”. Embodied Memories, Embedded Healing: New Ecological Perspectives from East Asia Lexington Books.

Chu, Kiu-wai.(2019). “Worms in the Anthropocene: The Multispecies World in Xu Bing’s Silkworm Series”. Chinese Environmental Humanities: Practices of Environing at the Margins U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Chu, Kiu-wai.(2019). “Bong Joon-ho’s Snowpiercer – Adventure Cli-Fi”. Cli-fi: A Companion (73-80). Oxford; New York: Peter Lang.

Chu, Kiu-wai (co-authored with Winnie L.M. Yee).(2018). “Local Stories, Global Catastrophe: Reconstructing Nation and Asian Cinema in Japan’s 3.11 Films”, The Palgrave Handbook of Asian Cinema (667-687). U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.

朱翘玮. (2017) “香港电影里的越界物种:从周星驰《美人鱼》看地方意识和多物种生态想象” , 鲁晓鹏, 龚浩敏编辑《中国生态电影论集 》 武汉大学出版社. (in Chinese)

Chu, Kiu-wai. (2015) “Animating Shanshui: Chinese Landscapes in Animated Film, Art and Performance”, in Pallant, Chris, Ed., Animated Landscapes: History, Form, and Function. N.Y.& London: Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.

Chu, Kiu-wai (co-authored with Carter Soles). (2015) “Framing Visual Texts for Ecomedia Studies”, in Cubitt, Sean, Rust, Stephen and Monani, Salma, Eds., Ecomedia: Key Issues. U.K. Routledge, pp.17-26.

Chu, Kiu-wai. (2012) “Displacing Red Childhood: Representation of Childhood during Mao’s Era in Little Red Flowers”, in Olson, Debbie, and Scahill, Andrew, Eds., Lost and Othered Children in Contemporary Cinema. U.S.: Lexington Books. 2012, pp.175-198.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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Keynote Addresses:

1. The 5th Undergraduate Academic Conference on Humanities, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 18 June 2021. Lecture title: “Pandemic and Humanities”

2. East Asian Ecocinema Conference, University of Idaho, Habib Institute for Asian Studies. 22 February 2024. Lecture Title: “Between Self, Nation, and Planet: Ecocinema and the New Wave of Chinese Science Fiction”

3. International Humanities Undergraduate Symposium, Chiang Mai University, The Faculty of Humanities. 15 February 2025 (forthcoming). Lecture Title: "Ecomedia and Just Sustainabilities in the Age of A.I."
Opinions & Commentaries
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[Expert Comment] Lianhe Zaobao, "Balancing Art and Animal Ethics is Difficult?" 联合早报: "鹦鹉飞入美术馆 艺术与动物伦理难两全?" 25 March, 2024. (in Chinese)

[Expert Comment] Channel 8, “Hello Singapore”, On Chinese Animal Zodiacs and the Symbolism of Tiger 狮城有约 | 十分访谈:12生肖文化 老虎的象征意义 ,1 Feb 2022. (in Mandarin)

[Interview] Singapore Community Radio
“Coming Attractions with Asian Film Archive: Interview with Kiu-wai Chu”, 12 November 2020

[Interview] SBS Talk Show【無所不談】“朱翹瑋博士-如何透過電影促進澳中文化交流?”,8 May, 2019. (in Cantonese)
Other Research Outputs/Projects
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Guest curator for “Reframe: An (In)Hospitable World” (Film salon series and academic symposium), Asian Film Archive, Singapore