Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Chua Geoffrey Bryan Ang_1.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Chua Geoffrey Bryan Ang
Associate Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Information Technology & Operations Management
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
G.A. Chua, Y. Feng, J.R.L. Senga, S. Viswanathan. (2023). An Efficient Approximation to the Pull Policy for Hybrid Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Systems with Setup Costs. IISE Transactions, Forthcoming.

J. Kong, G.A. Chua, F. Yang. (2023). Firms’ Cooperation on Recycling Investments in a Three-Echelon Reverse Supply Chain. International Journal of Production Economics, Forthcoming.

D. Chen, G.A. Chua. (2023). Differentially Private Stochastic Convex Optimization under a Quantile Loss Function. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 202.

G.A. Chua, G. Hu, F. Liu. (2023). Optimal Multi-unit Allocation with Costly Verification. Social Choice and Welfare, Forthcoming.

G.A. Chua, A. Ravindran, J.R.L. Senga, S. Viswanathan. (2023). Job Scheduling for Maximum Revenue on Uniform, Parallel Machines with Major and Minor Setups and Job Splitting. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Forthcoming.

J. Wang, G.A. Chua, A. Sainathan, A. Vijayendiran. (2022). Equilibrium Queueing Analysis in a Ride-hailing Service with Sharing Option. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Forthcoming.

G.A. Chua, J.R.L. Senga. (2022). Blood Supply Interventions During Disasters: Efficiency Measures and Strategies to Mitigate Volatility. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Forthcoming.

L. Bertazzi, G.A. Chua, D. Lagana, R. Paradiso. (2022). Analysis of Effective Sets of Routes for the Split-Delivery Periodic Inventory Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 298(2), 463-477.

Q. Yuan, G.A. Chua, X. Liu, Y.F. Chen. (2015). Unsold versus Unbought Commitment: Minimum Total Commitment Contracts with Nonzero Setup Costs. Production and Operations Management, 24(11), 1750-1767.

M.C. Chou, G.A. Chua, H. Zheng. (2014). On the Performance of Sparse Process Structures in Partial Postponement Production Systems. Operations Research, 62(2), 348-365.

M.C. Chou, G.A. Chua, C.P. Teo, H. Zheng. (2011). Process Flexibility Revisited: The Graph Expander and its Applications. Operations Research, 59(5), 1090-1105.

M.C. Chou, G.A. Chua, C.P. Teo, H. Zheng. (2010). Design for Process Flexibility: Efficiency of the Long Chain and Sparse Structure. Operations Research, 58(1), 43-58.