Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

Asst Prof Edmund Lee Wei Jian_1.jpg picture
Asst Prof Edmund Lee Wei Jian
Assistant Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
1. Li, B. J., Lee, E. W. J., Goh, Z. H., & Tandoc jr, E. (2022). From frequency to fatigue: Exploring the influence of videoconference use on videoconference fatigue in Singapore. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 7(100214), 1–6.

2. Viswanath, K., McCloud, R. F, Lee, E. W. J., Bekalu, M. A. (2022). Measuring what matters: Data absenteeism, science communication and the perpetuation of inequalities. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political & Social Sciences, 700(1), 208-219.

3. Zhou, X., Lee, E. W. J., Wang, X., Lin, L., Xuan, Z., Wu, D., Lin, H., & Shen, P. (2022). Infectious diseases prevention and control using an integrated health big data system in China. BMC Infectious Diseases, 22(1), 1–9.

4. Han, Z., Goh, D. H-L., Lee, E. W. J., Lee, C. S., & Theng, Y-L. (2022). Understanding the effects of message cues on COVID-19 information sharing on Twitter. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology## 73, 847-862.

5. Vanden Abeele, M. M. P., Halfmann, A., & Lee, E. W. J. (2022). Drug, demon or donut? Theorizing the relationship between social media use, digital wellbeing and digital disconnection. Current Opinion in Psychology##.

6. Lee, E. W. J., McCloud, R. F., & Viswanath, K. (2022). Designing effective ehealth interventions for underserved communities: Five perennial lessons from a decade of ehealth interventions design and deployment. Journal of Medical Internet Research##, 24(1), e25419. doi: 10.2196/25419

7. Lu, J., & Lee, E. W. J. (2021). Examining Twitter discourse on electronic cigarette and tobacco consumption during the 2018 National Cancer Prevention Month: A topic modelling and geospatial approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research##, 23(12), e28042. doi: 10.2196/28042

8. Lee, E. W. J. & Shi, J. (2021). Examining the roles of fatalism, stigma, and risk perception on cancer information seeking and avoidance among Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 1-16

9. Lee, E. W. J., Bekalu, M. A., McCloud, R. F., & Viswanath, K. (2021). Toward an Extended Infodemiology Framework: Leveraging Social Media Data and Web Search Queries as Digital Pulse on Cancer Communication. Health Communication#, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2021.1951957

10. Wang, X., & Lee, E. W. J. (2020). Negative emotions shape the diffusion of cancer tweets: Toward an integrated social network-text mining. Internet Research#, 31(2), 401-418.

11. Viswanath, K., Lee, E. W. J., & Pinnamaneni, R. (2020). We need the lens of equity in COVID-19 communication. Health Communication#, 35, 1743-1746.

12. Lee, E. W. J., Bekalu, M. A., McCloud, R. F., Vallone, D., Arya, M., Osgood, N., Li, X., Minsky, S., & Viswanath, K. (2020). The potential of smartphone apps in informing protobacco and antitobacco messaging efforts among underserved communities: Longitudinal observational study. Journal of Medical Internet Research##, 22(7), e17451. doi:10.2196/17451

13. Lee, E. W. J., Han, Z., Aung, H. H., Seidmann, V., Li, C., Aroor, M. R.,…Theng, Y. L. (2020). Examining organizational, cultural, and individual-level factors related to workplace safety and health awareness and risks: A systematic review and metric analysis. Health Communication, 36(5), 529-539. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1731913

14. Lee, E. W. J., & Yee, A. Z. H. (2020). Toward data sense-making in digital health technologies research: Why theory matters in the age of big data. Frontiers in Communication, 5(11), 1-10. doi:10.3389/fcomm.2020.00011

15. Lee, E. W. J., & Viswanath, K. (2020). Big data in context: Addressing the twin perils of data absenteeism and chauvinism in the context of health disparities research. Journal of Medical Internet Research##, 22(1), e16377. doi: 10.2196/16377

16. Lee, E. W. J., & Ho, S. S. (2018). Are photographs worth more than a thousand words? Examining the effects of photographic–textual and textual-only frames on public attitude toward nuclear energy and nanotechnology. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95, 948-970. doi: 10.1177/1077699017741090

17. Ho, S. S., Lwin, M. O., Yee, A. Z. H., & Lee, E. W. J. (2017). Understanding factors associated with Singaporean adolescents’ privacy protection behavior using an extended theory of planned behavior. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking#, 20, 572-579.

18. Ho, S. S., Lwin, M. O., & Lee, E. W. J. (2017). Till logout do us part? Comparison of factors predicting excessive social network sites use and addiction between Singaporean adolescents and adults. Computers in Human Behavior##, 75, 632-642. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.06.002

19. Yang, X., Chuah, A. S., Lee, E. W., & Ho, S. S. (2017). Extending the cognitive mediation model: Examining factors associated with perceived familiarity and factual knowledge of nanotechnology. Mass Communication and Society, 20(3), 403-426. doi: 10.1080/15205436.2016.1271436

20. Lee, E. W. J., Ho, S. S., & Lwin, M. O. (2017). Extending the social cognitive model—Examining external and personal antecedents of social network sites use among Singaporean adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior##, 67, 240-251. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.10.030

21. Lee, E. W. J., Ho, S. S., & Lwin, M. O. (2017). Explicating problematic social network sites use—A review of concepts, theoretical frameworks and future direction for communication theorizing. New Media & Society##, 19, 308-326. doi: 10.1177/1461444816671891 [Best Published Article Award 2019 from the Children, Adolescents, and the Media Division at International Communication Association]

22. Ho, S. S., Lee, E. W. J., & Liao, Y. (2016). Social network sites, friends, and celebrities: The roles of social comparison and celebrity involvement in adolescents’ body image dissatisfaction. Social Media + Society, 2(3), 1-11. doi:10.1177/2056305116664360

23. Lee, E. W. J., Shin, M. C., Kawaja, A., & Ho, S. S. (2016). The augmented cognitive mediation model: Examining antecedents of factual and structural breast cancer knowledge among Singaporean women. Journal of Health Communication#, 21, 583-592. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2015.1114053

24. Ho, S. S., Lee, E. W. J., Ng, K., Leong, G., Tham, T. (2016). For fit's sake: A norms-based approach to healthy behaviors through influence of presumed media influence. Health Communication#, 31, 1072-1080. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2015.1038772

25. Lee, E. W. J., & Ho, S. S. (2015). The perceived familiarity gap hypothesis: Examining how media attention and reflective integration relate to perceived familiarity with nanotechnology in Singapore. Journal of Nanoparticle Research#, 17(228), 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s11051-015-3036-z

26. Lee, E. W. J., & Ho, S. S. (2015). Staying abreast of breast cancer: Examining how communication and motivation relate to Singaporean women’s breast cancer knowledge. Asian Journal of Communication, 25, 422-442. doi:10.1080/01292986.2014.976580

27. Ho, S. S., Detenber, B. H., Sonny, R., & Lee, E. W. J. (2014). Seeking information about climate change: Effects of media use in an extended PRISM. Science Communication#, 36, 270-295. doi: 10.1177/1075547013520238

28. Lee, E. W. J., Ho, S. S., Chow, J. K., Wu, Y. Y., & Yang, Z. X. (2013). Communication and knowledge as motivators: Understanding Singaporean women's perceived risks of breast cancer and intentions to engage in preventive measures. Journal of Risk Research, 16, 879-902. doi:10.1080/13669877.2012.761264
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