Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Md Saidul Islam
Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences
External Links
Journal Articles
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1. Hafijur Rahman, M. S. Islam, and Naguib Gounjaria. 2024. “State and Politics in the Transitional Era of Globalization: Twisting and Turning toward Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes.” Politics and Policy 00(0): 1-16.
2. Islam, Md Saidul, Zach Lee, Adha Shaleh, and Han Sen Soo. 2023. “The United Nations Environment Assembly resolution to end plastic pollution: Challenges to effective policy interventions.” Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(5): 10927-10944.
3. Hui, Ng Xin, Kuan Shu Wen, and M. S. Islam. 2023. “Out of Sight, out of the Mind: The Invisible Society of Waste in Singapore.” Nature and Culture 18(3): 302-324.
4. Kais, S. M. and M. S. Islam. 2023. “Climate Change, Ecological Modernization, and Disaster Management: The Coastal Embankment Project in Southwestern Bangladesh.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(672): 1-12.
5. Islam, Md Saidul. 2022. “Certification regimes in the global agro-food system and the transformation of nature-society relationship: Ecological modernization or modernization of ecology?” Nature and Culture 17(1): 87-110.
6. Islam, Md Saidul, Edson Kieu. “Sociological Perspectives on Climate Change and Society: A Review.” Climate 9(7):1-14.
7. Kais, S. M. and Md Saidul Islam. 2021. “Resilience to Climate Change in Industrial Shrimping in Bangladesh: Assessing the Comparative Role of the Stakeholders” Sustainability 13(307):1-21.
8. Islam, M. Hedayatul, Md Saidul Islam and Fadzli Adam. 2020. “Preventive Measures for a Healthy Life: Towards an Islamic Perspective with Reference to COVID-19.” Intellectual Discourse 28(2): 487–510.
9. Simon, R. Bush, Ben Belton, Md Saidul Islam and David Little. 2019. “Emerging trends in aquaculture value chain research.” Aquaculture 498 (2019): 428-434.
10. Kais, S. M. and Md Saidul Islam. 2019. “Perception of Climate Change in Shrimp-Farming Communities in Bangladesh: A Critical Assessment.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(672): 1-12.
11. Teo Xin Yi Belicia and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Towards a Decommodified Wildlife Tourism: Why Market Environmentalism Is Not Enough for Conservation.” Societies 8, 59:1-15.
12. Islam, Md Nazrul and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Politics and Islamic Revivalism in Bangladesh: The Role of the State and Non-State/Non-Political Actors.” Politics, Religion & Ideology 19(3):326-353.
13. Kais, S. M. and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Impacts of and Resilience to Climate Change at the Bottom of the Shrimp Commodity Chain in Bangladesh: A Preliminary Investigation.” Aquaculture 493 (2018) 406–415.
14. Islam, Md Nazrul and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Islam, Politics and Secularism in Bangladesh: Contesting the Dominant Narratives.” Social Sciences 7(37):1-18.
15. Pey, Peili and Md Saidul Islam. 2017. “Eco-Governmentality: A Discursive Analysis of State-NGOs-Youth Relations in Singapore.” Social Sciences 6(133): 1-20.
16. Islam, M. N and Md Saidul Islam. 2017. “Islam and Democracy: Conflicts and congruence.” Religions 8 (104): 1-19.
17. Islam, Md Saidul. 2017. “Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology: An Introduction.” Sustainability 9(3), 474: 1-11.
18. Islam, Md Saidul and Andrea Wong. 2017. “Climate change and food (in)security: A critical intersection.” Environments 4(38): 1-15.
19. Kais, S. M. and Md Saidul Islam. 2016. “Community Capitals as Community Resilience to Climate Change: Conceptual Connections.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(12), 1211: 1-16.
20. Islam, Md Saidul, Yap Hui Pei and Shrutika Mangharam. 2016. “Transboundary haze pollution in Southeast Asia: Sustainability through Plural Environmental Governance.” Sustainability 8(499): 1-13.
21. Islam, Md Saidul and M. Nazrul Islam. 2015. “‘Environmentalism of the Poor’: Tipaimukh dam, ecological disasters, and environmental resistance beyond borders.” Bandung: Journal of the Global South 2(27): 1-16.
22. Chan, Andrew and Md Saidul Islam. 2015. “State, Religion, and Environmentalism: Fostering social cohesion and environmental protection in Singapore.” Environmental Sociology 1(3):177-189.
23. Islam, Md Saidul and Lim Si Hui. 2015. “When ‘Nature’ Strikes: A Sociology of Climate Change and Disaster Vulnerabilities in Asia.” Nature and Culture 10(1): 57-80.
24. Bush, S., B. Belton, D. Hall, P. Vandergeest, F. Murray, S. Ponte, P. Oosterveer, Md Saidul Islam, A.P.J. Mol, M. Hatanaka, F. Kruissen, T. T. ThuHa, D. Little, R. Kusumawati. 2013. “Global Food Supply: Certify Sustainable Aquaculture?” Science 341(9 September 2013):1067-1068.
25. Islam, Md Saidul. 2012. “Old philosophy, new movement: The rise of the Islamic Ecological Paradigm in the discourse of environmentalism.” Nature and Culture 7(1):72-94.
26. Islam, Md Saidul. 2011. “Minority Islam in Muslim majority Bangladesh: The violent road to a new brand of secularism.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 31(1):125-141.
27. Islam, Md Saidul. 2009. “In search of 'white gold’: Environmental and agrarian changes in rural Bangladesh.” Society and Natural Resources 22(1):66-78.
28. Islam, Md Saidul. 2008. “From sea to shrimp processing factories in Bangladesh: Gender and employment at the bottom of a global commodity chain.” Journal of South Asian Development 3(2):211-236.
29. Islam, Md Saidul. 2008. “From pond to plate: Towards a twin-driven commodity chain in Bangladesh shrimp aquaculture.” Food Policy 33(3):209-223.
30. Islam, Md Saidul. 2005. “Muslims in the capitalist discourse: September 11 and its aftermath.” The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 25(1):3-12.
31. Islam, Md Saidul. 2001. “The role of NGOs in promoting Christianity: The case of Bangladesh.” Intellectual Discourse 9(2):183-202.
2. Islam, Md Saidul, Zach Lee, Adha Shaleh, and Han Sen Soo. 2023. “The United Nations Environment Assembly resolution to end plastic pollution: Challenges to effective policy interventions.” Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(5): 10927-10944.
3. Hui, Ng Xin, Kuan Shu Wen, and M. S. Islam. 2023. “Out of Sight, out of the Mind: The Invisible Society of Waste in Singapore.” Nature and Culture 18(3): 302-324.
4. Kais, S. M. and M. S. Islam. 2023. “Climate Change, Ecological Modernization, and Disaster Management: The Coastal Embankment Project in Southwestern Bangladesh.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(672): 1-12.
5. Islam, Md Saidul. 2022. “Certification regimes in the global agro-food system and the transformation of nature-society relationship: Ecological modernization or modernization of ecology?” Nature and Culture 17(1): 87-110.
6. Islam, Md Saidul, Edson Kieu. “Sociological Perspectives on Climate Change and Society: A Review.” Climate 9(7):1-14.
7. Kais, S. M. and Md Saidul Islam. 2021. “Resilience to Climate Change in Industrial Shrimping in Bangladesh: Assessing the Comparative Role of the Stakeholders” Sustainability 13(307):1-21.
8. Islam, M. Hedayatul, Md Saidul Islam and Fadzli Adam. 2020. “Preventive Measures for a Healthy Life: Towards an Islamic Perspective with Reference to COVID-19.” Intellectual Discourse 28(2): 487–510.
9. Simon, R. Bush, Ben Belton, Md Saidul Islam and David Little. 2019. “Emerging trends in aquaculture value chain research.” Aquaculture 498 (2019): 428-434.
10. Kais, S. M. and Md Saidul Islam. 2019. “Perception of Climate Change in Shrimp-Farming Communities in Bangladesh: A Critical Assessment.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(672): 1-12.
11. Teo Xin Yi Belicia and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Towards a Decommodified Wildlife Tourism: Why Market Environmentalism Is Not Enough for Conservation.” Societies 8, 59:1-15.
12. Islam, Md Nazrul and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Politics and Islamic Revivalism in Bangladesh: The Role of the State and Non-State/Non-Political Actors.” Politics, Religion & Ideology 19(3):326-353.
13. Kais, S. M. and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Impacts of and Resilience to Climate Change at the Bottom of the Shrimp Commodity Chain in Bangladesh: A Preliminary Investigation.” Aquaculture 493 (2018) 406–415.
14. Islam, Md Nazrul and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Islam, Politics and Secularism in Bangladesh: Contesting the Dominant Narratives.” Social Sciences 7(37):1-18.
15. Pey, Peili and Md Saidul Islam. 2017. “Eco-Governmentality: A Discursive Analysis of State-NGOs-Youth Relations in Singapore.” Social Sciences 6(133): 1-20.
16. Islam, M. N and Md Saidul Islam. 2017. “Islam and Democracy: Conflicts and congruence.” Religions 8 (104): 1-19.
17. Islam, Md Saidul. 2017. “Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology: An Introduction.” Sustainability 9(3), 474: 1-11.
18. Islam, Md Saidul and Andrea Wong. 2017. “Climate change and food (in)security: A critical intersection.” Environments 4(38): 1-15.
19. Kais, S. M. and Md Saidul Islam. 2016. “Community Capitals as Community Resilience to Climate Change: Conceptual Connections.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(12), 1211: 1-16.
20. Islam, Md Saidul, Yap Hui Pei and Shrutika Mangharam. 2016. “Transboundary haze pollution in Southeast Asia: Sustainability through Plural Environmental Governance.” Sustainability 8(499): 1-13.
21. Islam, Md Saidul and M. Nazrul Islam. 2015. “‘Environmentalism of the Poor’: Tipaimukh dam, ecological disasters, and environmental resistance beyond borders.” Bandung: Journal of the Global South 2(27): 1-16.
22. Chan, Andrew and Md Saidul Islam. 2015. “State, Religion, and Environmentalism: Fostering social cohesion and environmental protection in Singapore.” Environmental Sociology 1(3):177-189.
23. Islam, Md Saidul and Lim Si Hui. 2015. “When ‘Nature’ Strikes: A Sociology of Climate Change and Disaster Vulnerabilities in Asia.” Nature and Culture 10(1): 57-80.
24. Bush, S., B. Belton, D. Hall, P. Vandergeest, F. Murray, S. Ponte, P. Oosterveer, Md Saidul Islam, A.P.J. Mol, M. Hatanaka, F. Kruissen, T. T. ThuHa, D. Little, R. Kusumawati. 2013. “Global Food Supply: Certify Sustainable Aquaculture?” Science 341(9 September 2013):1067-1068.
25. Islam, Md Saidul. 2012. “Old philosophy, new movement: The rise of the Islamic Ecological Paradigm in the discourse of environmentalism.” Nature and Culture 7(1):72-94.
26. Islam, Md Saidul. 2011. “Minority Islam in Muslim majority Bangladesh: The violent road to a new brand of secularism.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 31(1):125-141.
27. Islam, Md Saidul. 2009. “In search of 'white gold’: Environmental and agrarian changes in rural Bangladesh.” Society and Natural Resources 22(1):66-78.
28. Islam, Md Saidul. 2008. “From sea to shrimp processing factories in Bangladesh: Gender and employment at the bottom of a global commodity chain.” Journal of South Asian Development 3(2):211-236.
29. Islam, Md Saidul. 2008. “From pond to plate: Towards a twin-driven commodity chain in Bangladesh shrimp aquaculture.” Food Policy 33(3):209-223.
30. Islam, Md Saidul. 2005. “Muslims in the capitalist discourse: September 11 and its aftermath.” The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 25(1):3-12.
31. Islam, Md Saidul. 2001. “The role of NGOs in promoting Christianity: The case of Bangladesh.” Intellectual Discourse 9(2):183-202.
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1. Islam, Syed S. and Md Saidul Islam (eds.). 2023. The Jamaat Question: Islam, Politics and Society in a Post-Democratic Nation: New York: Routledge, 262 pages.
2. Islam, Md Saidul and Edson Kieu. 2021. Climate Change and Food Security in Asia Pacific: Response and Resilience. New York, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 241 pages.
3. Islam, M. Nazrul and Md Saidul Islam. 2020. Islam and Democracy in South Asia: The Case of Bangladesh. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 331 pages.
4. Islam, Md Saidul (Ed.). 2018. Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology. Basel, Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona, Belgrade: MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 233 pages.
5. Merrill, Michelle, Patricia Burkhardt-Holm, Chew-Hung Chang, Md Saidul Islam, Chang Youngho, (eds.). 2017. Education and Sustainability: Paradigms, Policies, and Practices in Asia. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 302 pages.
6. Islam, Md Saidul and M. I. Hossain. 2016. Social Justice in the Globalization of Production: Labor, Gender and the Environment Nexus. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 216 pages.
7. Islam, Md Saidul. 2014. Confronting the Blue Revolution: Industrial Aquaculture and Sustainability in the Global South. Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 232 pages.
8. Islam, Md Saidul. 2013. Development, Power and the Environment: Neoliberal Paradox in the Age of Vulnerability. New York, London: Routledge, 261 pp.
2. Islam, Md Saidul and Edson Kieu. 2021. Climate Change and Food Security in Asia Pacific: Response and Resilience. New York, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 241 pages.
3. Islam, M. Nazrul and Md Saidul Islam. 2020. Islam and Democracy in South Asia: The Case of Bangladesh. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 331 pages.
4. Islam, Md Saidul (Ed.). 2018. Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology. Basel, Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona, Belgrade: MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 233 pages.
5. Merrill, Michelle, Patricia Burkhardt-Holm, Chew-Hung Chang, Md Saidul Islam, Chang Youngho, (eds.). 2017. Education and Sustainability: Paradigms, Policies, and Practices in Asia. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 302 pages.
6. Islam, Md Saidul and M. I. Hossain. 2016. Social Justice in the Globalization of Production: Labor, Gender and the Environment Nexus. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 216 pages.
7. Islam, Md Saidul. 2014. Confronting the Blue Revolution: Industrial Aquaculture and Sustainability in the Global South. Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 232 pages.
8. Islam, Md Saidul. 2013. Development, Power and the Environment: Neoliberal Paradox in the Age of Vulnerability. New York, London: Routledge, 261 pp.
Book Chapters
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M. S. Islam, Ashvini Kannan, Chen QingLin, Josephine Toh, Lynette Loh. 2024. “Political Economy of Water Security: The Case of Singapore.” In Building Resilience for Food and Water Security Face to Climate Change and Biodiversity Decline - Perspectives from Asia, Middle-East and Africa (edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Mahjoub El Haiba, Himangana Gupta, Michael R. Reed, and Mirza Barjees Baig). The Netherlands: Springer Nature.
Islam, M. S. 2023. “Commercial Shrimp in Bangladesh: Production, Export and Local Supply Chain.” Pp. 77-107 in Transforming Bangladesh: Geography, People, Economy and Environment (edited by Raquib Ahmed, Abdullah Al-Maruf, and J. Craig Jenkins). Springer.
Islam, M. S. 2022. “Bangladesh as the epitome of a double-risk society: A Foreword.” Pp. xvi-xxii in Bangladesh Under Awami Tyranny (edited by Q M Jalal Khan, Zoglul Husain and R. Chowdhury). New Jersey: Writers Republic.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2022. “Science, Food, and Risk: Ecological Disasters and Social Inequality under the GMO Regime” in Handbook on Risk and Inequalities (edited by Dean Curran, University of Calgary). Elgar.
Md Saidul Islam. 2022. “Bangladesh as the epitome of a double-risk society: A Foreword.” Pp. xvi-xxii in Bangladesh Under Awami Tyranny (edited by Q M Jalal Khan, Zoglul Husain and R. Chowdhury). New Jersey: Writers Republic.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2019. “Sustainability from Theory to Practice: Chinese New Year as an Avenue for Sustainability Education.” Pp. 152-179 in Issues in Teaching and Learning of Education for Sustainability: Theory into Practice (edited by Chew-Hung Chang). London and New York: Routledge.
Chua Yuhan and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Capitalism with a human face: Debates on contemporary globalization and sustainability.” Pp. 208-225 in Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology (edited by Md Saidul Islam). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Islam, Md Saidul and Chua Yuhan. 2018. “Towards an Environmental Sociology of Sustainability. Pp. 226-233 in Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology (edited by Md Saidul Islam). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute).
Edson, Kieu Li Hao and Md Saidul Islam. 2017. “Sustainable Development: Concepts, Histories, and Paradigms.” Pp. 28-43 in Education and Sustainability: Paradigms, Policies, and Practices in Asia (edited by Merrill, Michelle, Chang Youngho, Md Saidul Islam, Patricia Burkhardt-Holm, Chew-Hung Chang). Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Islam, Md Saidul, Chua Pei Yi, Koh Hui Yi, and Wee Ying Wei. 2016. “The Globalization Project and Environmental Sustainability: A Theoretical Debate.” Pp. 30-41 in Environmental Sustainability, edited by Sreekumari Kurissery, Rosario Turvey, I. Florin Pendea (Lakehead University, Canada). Wiley and Sons.
Islam, Md Saidul and Quek Ri An. 2014. “Climate Change and Urban Resilience: The Singapore Story.” Pp. 205-220 in Globalization, Development, and Security in Asia (Vol. IV), edited by Jieli Li. (Ohio University). New Jersey, London: World Scientific Publishing.
Islam, Md Saidul and Iris Carla D. Jesus. 2012. “Regional Initiates on Food Security.” Pp. 255-270 in The Challenge of Food Security, edited by Rosemary Rayfuse and Nicole Wiesfelt. Edward Elgar Publishers Ltd.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2012. “Towards Developing Islamic Science: A Review and Appraisal” Pp. 205-221 in Studies in the Islam and Science Nexus, Vol. 1, edited by Muzaffar Iqbal. Burlington: Ashgate.
Islam, Syed Serajul. and Md Saidul Islam. 2011. “Political cultures that retard democratization in Bangladesh: A socio-political analysis. 27-48 in Democracy in Bangladesh: Essays in Memory of RI Chowdhury, edited by Mahfuzul Chowdhury. Dhaka: AH Development Publishing House.
Mazumder, D. H. and Md Saidul Islam. 2010. “The NGOs and Social Development: The Case of Bangladesh and Chile.” Pp. 159-175 in Public Administration, NGO's and Public Debt: Issues and Perspectives, edited by M. Kratochvil and V. Pokorny. New York: Nova Publishers.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2010. “Capitalism, state, and environmental movements: An analysis from a political economy perspective.” Pp. 321-333 in Handbook of Environmental Policy, edited by J. Meijer and A. der Berg. New York: Nova Publishers.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2009. “Environmental governmentality as a policy apparatus: The case of shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh.” Pp. 141-162 in Handbook of Environmental Policy, edited by J. Meijer and A. der Berg. New York: Nova Publishers.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2009. “From ‘development project’ to ‘globalization’: Understanding Third World Politics, class relations and development choices.” Pp. 107-124 in Globalization: Understanding, Management, and Effects, edited by H. V. Baines and J. R. Ursah. New York: Nova Publishers.
Islam, M. S. 2023. “Commercial Shrimp in Bangladesh: Production, Export and Local Supply Chain.” Pp. 77-107 in Transforming Bangladesh: Geography, People, Economy and Environment (edited by Raquib Ahmed, Abdullah Al-Maruf, and J. Craig Jenkins). Springer.
Islam, M. S. 2022. “Bangladesh as the epitome of a double-risk society: A Foreword.” Pp. xvi-xxii in Bangladesh Under Awami Tyranny (edited by Q M Jalal Khan, Zoglul Husain and R. Chowdhury). New Jersey: Writers Republic.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2022. “Science, Food, and Risk: Ecological Disasters and Social Inequality under the GMO Regime” in Handbook on Risk and Inequalities (edited by Dean Curran, University of Calgary). Elgar.
Md Saidul Islam. 2022. “Bangladesh as the epitome of a double-risk society: A Foreword.” Pp. xvi-xxii in Bangladesh Under Awami Tyranny (edited by Q M Jalal Khan, Zoglul Husain and R. Chowdhury). New Jersey: Writers Republic.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2019. “Sustainability from Theory to Practice: Chinese New Year as an Avenue for Sustainability Education.” Pp. 152-179 in Issues in Teaching and Learning of Education for Sustainability: Theory into Practice (edited by Chew-Hung Chang). London and New York: Routledge.
Chua Yuhan and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Capitalism with a human face: Debates on contemporary globalization and sustainability.” Pp. 208-225 in Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology (edited by Md Saidul Islam). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Islam, Md Saidul and Chua Yuhan. 2018. “Towards an Environmental Sociology of Sustainability. Pp. 226-233 in Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology (edited by Md Saidul Islam). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute).
Edson, Kieu Li Hao and Md Saidul Islam. 2017. “Sustainable Development: Concepts, Histories, and Paradigms.” Pp. 28-43 in Education and Sustainability: Paradigms, Policies, and Practices in Asia (edited by Merrill, Michelle, Chang Youngho, Md Saidul Islam, Patricia Burkhardt-Holm, Chew-Hung Chang). Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Islam, Md Saidul, Chua Pei Yi, Koh Hui Yi, and Wee Ying Wei. 2016. “The Globalization Project and Environmental Sustainability: A Theoretical Debate.” Pp. 30-41 in Environmental Sustainability, edited by Sreekumari Kurissery, Rosario Turvey, I. Florin Pendea (Lakehead University, Canada). Wiley and Sons.
Islam, Md Saidul and Quek Ri An. 2014. “Climate Change and Urban Resilience: The Singapore Story.” Pp. 205-220 in Globalization, Development, and Security in Asia (Vol. IV), edited by Jieli Li. (Ohio University). New Jersey, London: World Scientific Publishing.
Islam, Md Saidul and Iris Carla D. Jesus. 2012. “Regional Initiates on Food Security.” Pp. 255-270 in The Challenge of Food Security, edited by Rosemary Rayfuse and Nicole Wiesfelt. Edward Elgar Publishers Ltd.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2012. “Towards Developing Islamic Science: A Review and Appraisal” Pp. 205-221 in Studies in the Islam and Science Nexus, Vol. 1, edited by Muzaffar Iqbal. Burlington: Ashgate.
Islam, Syed Serajul. and Md Saidul Islam. 2011. “Political cultures that retard democratization in Bangladesh: A socio-political analysis. 27-48 in Democracy in Bangladesh: Essays in Memory of RI Chowdhury, edited by Mahfuzul Chowdhury. Dhaka: AH Development Publishing House.
Mazumder, D. H. and Md Saidul Islam. 2010. “The NGOs and Social Development: The Case of Bangladesh and Chile.” Pp. 159-175 in Public Administration, NGO's and Public Debt: Issues and Perspectives, edited by M. Kratochvil and V. Pokorny. New York: Nova Publishers.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2010. “Capitalism, state, and environmental movements: An analysis from a political economy perspective.” Pp. 321-333 in Handbook of Environmental Policy, edited by J. Meijer and A. der Berg. New York: Nova Publishers.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2009. “Environmental governmentality as a policy apparatus: The case of shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh.” Pp. 141-162 in Handbook of Environmental Policy, edited by J. Meijer and A. der Berg. New York: Nova Publishers.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2009. “From ‘development project’ to ‘globalization’: Understanding Third World Politics, class relations and development choices.” Pp. 107-124 in Globalization: Understanding, Management, and Effects, edited by H. V. Baines and J. R. Ursah. New York: Nova Publishers.
Conference Papers
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Keynote Presentations [last 5 years]:
1. “Geopolitics of Climate Change: Gender and Environmental Justice in the Global South”, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues:(Re)imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh; 16-17 February 2024.
2. “Neoliberal Globalization: Environmental and Social Limits and Paradoxes”, Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 17 February 2024.
3. “Journey to Credible Research: Plans, Preparations and Publications”, Department of Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 18 February 2024.
4. “Islam, democracy and secularism in Bangladesh: Contemporary debates and future dynamics”, Policy and Area Studies Research Unit (PASRU), International Islamic University Malaysia; 15 December 2023.
5. “Journey to research: Selecting a suitable topic for research and dissertation”, Imam Ghazali Centre for Research and Publication, Kuala Lumpur, 28 January 2023.
6. “Restoring Climate Justice in the Unequal World” 2nd International Conference on Social Work and Sustainable Social Development 2023, Department of Social Work Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh, 5-7 January 2023.
7. “Towards a sustainable aquaculture: Limits and possibilities of environmental certifications” Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada; 27 August 2021.
8. “Urban food security in the age of vulnerability: The Singapore story”, Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Social Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada; March 30, 2021.
9. “Social and environmental changes driven by COVID-19: Implications for developing countries”, International Webinar on Social and Environmental Impacts of COVID-19, organized by Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Northern University of Bangladesh and Environment and Sustainability Research Cluster, NTU, 18 July 2020.
10. “Journey to research: Selecting research topic” Workshop on Research and Publication, organized by UniV (, 7 June 2020.
11.“Educational challenges of the Muslim community: Towards a broader agenda”, Workshop for University Teachers Forum, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh; 26 May 2020.
12. “Environmental Ethics of a Muslim”, Keynote Lecture for the Religious Teachers of Singapore, organized by the Asatiza Recognition Board, Singapore; 5 September 2020.
Conference Papers [last 5 years]:
1. “Geopolitics of Climate Change: Deals, Disturbances, and Power Dynamics”, Canadian Sociological Association Meeting, York University, Canada, 31 May-04 June 2023.
2. “Anthropocene, Inequality and Climate Change: Towards an Integrated Climate Justice Framework”, Canadian Sociological Association Meeting, York University, Canada, 31 May-04 June 2023.
3. “Food Self-Sufficiency for Resilient Development and Economic Growth in Small Island Developing States”, in Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA77), New York, 26 September 2022.
4. “Climate change as an apparatus of development: Towards a neoliberal green governmentality”, Canadian Sociological Association Meeting, Western University, Canada, 31 May-04 June 2021.
5. “From racial colonization to neoliberal paradox: Projects, patterns, and subjectivities” Canadian Sociological Association Meeting, Western University, Canada, 31 May-04 June 2021.
6. “How to mitigate and tackle the problem of food security in the post-COVID era?”, International webinar on “Adapting to Climate Change and the “New Normal” post COVID-19 Pandemic: the ASEAN food Supply Chain for Global Food Security”, organized by the Institute for Global Food Security (IGFS); Queen's University Belfast, UK; Center of Excellence in Food Science and Innovation, Thammasat University (TU), Thailand; National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA); 12 October 2020.
7. “Fisheries/aquaculture in Bangladesh and food security: Challenges and opportunities”, International Conference on Food Security in Post Covid-19 Era, Greentech Foundation Bangladesh, Jorashako Communication Ltd., 21 June 2020.
8. “Smart city, urban food security and the future of farming: The case of Singapore”, Interdisciplinary community of agrarian/food studies workshop, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 11 March 2020.
1. “Geopolitics of Climate Change: Gender and Environmental Justice in the Global South”, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues:(Re)imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh; 16-17 February 2024.
2. “Neoliberal Globalization: Environmental and Social Limits and Paradoxes”, Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 17 February 2024.
3. “Journey to Credible Research: Plans, Preparations and Publications”, Department of Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 18 February 2024.
4. “Islam, democracy and secularism in Bangladesh: Contemporary debates and future dynamics”, Policy and Area Studies Research Unit (PASRU), International Islamic University Malaysia; 15 December 2023.
5. “Journey to research: Selecting a suitable topic for research and dissertation”, Imam Ghazali Centre for Research and Publication, Kuala Lumpur, 28 January 2023.
6. “Restoring Climate Justice in the Unequal World” 2nd International Conference on Social Work and Sustainable Social Development 2023, Department of Social Work Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh, 5-7 January 2023.
7. “Towards a sustainable aquaculture: Limits and possibilities of environmental certifications” Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada; 27 August 2021.
8. “Urban food security in the age of vulnerability: The Singapore story”, Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Social Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada; March 30, 2021.
9. “Social and environmental changes driven by COVID-19: Implications for developing countries”, International Webinar on Social and Environmental Impacts of COVID-19, organized by Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Northern University of Bangladesh and Environment and Sustainability Research Cluster, NTU, 18 July 2020.
10. “Journey to research: Selecting research topic” Workshop on Research and Publication, organized by UniV (, 7 June 2020.
11.“Educational challenges of the Muslim community: Towards a broader agenda”, Workshop for University Teachers Forum, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh; 26 May 2020.
12. “Environmental Ethics of a Muslim”, Keynote Lecture for the Religious Teachers of Singapore, organized by the Asatiza Recognition Board, Singapore; 5 September 2020.
Conference Papers [last 5 years]:
1. “Geopolitics of Climate Change: Deals, Disturbances, and Power Dynamics”, Canadian Sociological Association Meeting, York University, Canada, 31 May-04 June 2023.
2. “Anthropocene, Inequality and Climate Change: Towards an Integrated Climate Justice Framework”, Canadian Sociological Association Meeting, York University, Canada, 31 May-04 June 2023.
3. “Food Self-Sufficiency for Resilient Development and Economic Growth in Small Island Developing States”, in Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA77), New York, 26 September 2022.
4. “Climate change as an apparatus of development: Towards a neoliberal green governmentality”, Canadian Sociological Association Meeting, Western University, Canada, 31 May-04 June 2021.
5. “From racial colonization to neoliberal paradox: Projects, patterns, and subjectivities” Canadian Sociological Association Meeting, Western University, Canada, 31 May-04 June 2021.
6. “How to mitigate and tackle the problem of food security in the post-COVID era?”, International webinar on “Adapting to Climate Change and the “New Normal” post COVID-19 Pandemic: the ASEAN food Supply Chain for Global Food Security”, organized by the Institute for Global Food Security (IGFS); Queen's University Belfast, UK; Center of Excellence in Food Science and Innovation, Thammasat University (TU), Thailand; National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA); 12 October 2020.
7. “Fisheries/aquaculture in Bangladesh and food security: Challenges and opportunities”, International Conference on Food Security in Post Covid-19 Era, Greentech Foundation Bangladesh, Jorashako Communication Ltd., 21 June 2020.
8. “Smart city, urban food security and the future of farming: The case of Singapore”, Interdisciplinary community of agrarian/food studies workshop, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 11 March 2020.
Creative Works
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
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Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Member of the editorial board (appointed: Jan 2019—Dec 2025) and a regular peer reviewer (at least one article every month): Society and Natural Resources (Taylor and Francis), Sociology of Development (University of California Press).
Member of the editorial board (appointed: 2008-2012) and a regular peer reviewer (at least one article every month): Journal of Sustainable Development [ISSN: 1913-9063 (Print), ISSN: 1913-9071 (Online), Canada].
Guest editor (2019-2020): Sustainability [a tier-1 journal published from Switzerland]: Special issue on “Climate change and global food security.”
Guest editor (2015-2016): Sustainability [a tier-1 journal published from Switzerland]: Special issue on “Sustainability through the lens of Environmental Sociology.”
Guest co-editor (2016-2017): Aquaculture [a tier-1 journal published by Elsevier]: Special issue on “Emerging Trends in Aquaculture Value Chains.”
Guest Editor (2017-2018): Societies [Web of Science indexed]: Special issue on “The role of environmentalism in social development.”
Member of the editorial board (appointed: Jan 2019—Dec 2025) and a regular peer reviewer (at least one article every month): Society and Natural Resources (Taylor and Francis), Sociology of Development (University of California Press).
Member of the editorial board (appointed: 2008-2012) and a regular peer reviewer (at least one article every month): Journal of Sustainable Development [ISSN: 1913-9063 (Print), ISSN: 1913-9071 (Online), Canada].
Guest editor (2019-2020): Sustainability [a tier-1 journal published from Switzerland]: Special issue on “Climate change and global food security.”
Guest editor (2015-2016): Sustainability [a tier-1 journal published from Switzerland]: Special issue on “Sustainability through the lens of Environmental Sociology.”
Guest co-editor (2016-2017): Aquaculture [a tier-1 journal published by Elsevier]: Special issue on “Emerging Trends in Aquaculture Value Chains.”
Guest Editor (2017-2018): Societies [Web of Science indexed]: Special issue on “The role of environmentalism in social development.”
Opinions & Commentaries
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
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pulled from PRDS)
Tahseen, U. and Islam, Md Saidul. 2020. “Food waste: A Devastating delicacy.” The Independent (Dhaka), 24 September 2020.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2015. “Towards the second wave of liberation.” The Financial Express (Dhaka), 12 March 2015.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2014. “Climate change and food security in Asia: A critical dilemma.” The Daily Star (Dhaka), December 27, 2014.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2014. “Dilemmas of Food Security and Climate Change in Asia” [Editorial], The Financial Express (Dhaka), 26 December 2014.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2015. “Towards the second wave of liberation.” The Financial Express (Dhaka), 12 March 2015.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2014. “Climate change and food security in Asia: A critical dilemma.” The Daily Star (Dhaka), December 27, 2014.
Islam, Md Saidul. 2014. “Dilemmas of Food Security and Climate Change in Asia” [Editorial], The Financial Express (Dhaka), 26 December 2014.
Other Research Outputs/Projects
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
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pulled from PRDS)
Encyclopedia Articles [Total 13 in 5 volumes]:
1. Islam, Md Saidul. 2024. “Ecological Modernization”, 1 Entry in Encyclopedia of Technological Hazards and Disasters in the Social Sciences, edited by Duane A. Gill, Liesel A. Ritchie, and Nania Campbell. Edward Elgar Publishing.
2. Islam, Md Saidul. 2021. “Climate change and society.” 1 Entry in Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. MDPI.
3. Islam, Md Saidul. 2011. “Ecotourism”, “Green and conscious consumerism”, “Non-governmental Organization”, and “Religion.” 4 Entries in Encyclopedia of Green Culture, edited by P. Robbins, K. Wehr, and J. G. Golson. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
4. Islam, Md Saidul. 2011. “Rachel Carson”, “Globalization”, “Sustainability and Distributive Justice” and “Tragedy of the Commons.” 4 Entries in Encyclopedia of Green Ethics and Philosophy, edited by J. Newman, and J. G. Golson. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
5. Islam, Md Saidul. 2010. “Food Safety”, “Labor”, and “Supply Chain.” 3 Entries in Green Food: An A-to-Z Guide, edited by P. Robbins, D. Mulvaney, and J. G. Golson (eds.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Commissioned Paper in Industry Journals/Magazines:
1. Islam, Md Saidul. 2022. “Modernization of ecology: a provocative twist on traditional analysis of socioecological dynamics.” RC40 Newsletter, Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food, International Sociological Association (ISA).
2. Islam, Md Saidul. 2020. “Social forces shaping climate change: Taking on natural disasters and aquaculture with sociological tools” Pushing Frontiers 18(2020): 25.
3. Kais, S. M., and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Challenges for sustainable aquaculture: Evidence from Bangladesh.” Aqua-Practical 3(2, April-June): 3-6.
4. Islam, Md Saidul. 2013. “Aquaculture and food ‘quality’: Role of certifications and technology.” The Practical: Asian Aquaculture 4(15; October-December): 2-6.
6. Islam, Md Saidul. 2012. “Evolution of shrimp farming in Bangladesh: Myths versus reality.” Global Aquaculture Advocate, Nov/Dec 2012, pp. 46-48.
Book Review:
1. Islam, Md Saidul. 2021. [Review of the book Islamic Banking in Pakistan: Shariah-compliant finance and the quest to make Pakistan more Islamic, by Feisal Khan, Routledge, 2015]. Intellectual Discourse 29(1):252-255.
2. Islam, Md Saidul. 2014. [Review of the book Finding Mecca in America: How Islam Is Becoming an American Religion, by Mucahit Bilici, University of Chicago Press, 2012]. American Journal of Sociology 119(4): 1168-1170.
3. Islam, Md Saidul. 2017. [Review of the book Civil Society in Asia: In Search of Democracy and Development in Bangladesh, edited by Fahimul Quadier and Yutaka Tsujinaka, Ashgate Press, 2015]. Asian Journal of Social Science 45(2017): 594-596.
1. Islam, Md Saidul. 2024. “Ecological Modernization”, 1 Entry in Encyclopedia of Technological Hazards and Disasters in the Social Sciences, edited by Duane A. Gill, Liesel A. Ritchie, and Nania Campbell. Edward Elgar Publishing.
2. Islam, Md Saidul. 2021. “Climate change and society.” 1 Entry in Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. MDPI.
3. Islam, Md Saidul. 2011. “Ecotourism”, “Green and conscious consumerism”, “Non-governmental Organization”, and “Religion.” 4 Entries in Encyclopedia of Green Culture, edited by P. Robbins, K. Wehr, and J. G. Golson. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
4. Islam, Md Saidul. 2011. “Rachel Carson”, “Globalization”, “Sustainability and Distributive Justice” and “Tragedy of the Commons.” 4 Entries in Encyclopedia of Green Ethics and Philosophy, edited by J. Newman, and J. G. Golson. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
5. Islam, Md Saidul. 2010. “Food Safety”, “Labor”, and “Supply Chain.” 3 Entries in Green Food: An A-to-Z Guide, edited by P. Robbins, D. Mulvaney, and J. G. Golson (eds.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Commissioned Paper in Industry Journals/Magazines:
1. Islam, Md Saidul. 2022. “Modernization of ecology: a provocative twist on traditional analysis of socioecological dynamics.” RC40 Newsletter, Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food, International Sociological Association (ISA).
2. Islam, Md Saidul. 2020. “Social forces shaping climate change: Taking on natural disasters and aquaculture with sociological tools” Pushing Frontiers 18(2020): 25.
3. Kais, S. M., and Md Saidul Islam. 2018. “Challenges for sustainable aquaculture: Evidence from Bangladesh.” Aqua-Practical 3(2, April-June): 3-6.
4. Islam, Md Saidul. 2013. “Aquaculture and food ‘quality’: Role of certifications and technology.” The Practical: Asian Aquaculture 4(15; October-December): 2-6.
6. Islam, Md Saidul. 2012. “Evolution of shrimp farming in Bangladesh: Myths versus reality.” Global Aquaculture Advocate, Nov/Dec 2012, pp. 46-48.
Book Review:
1. Islam, Md Saidul. 2021. [Review of the book Islamic Banking in Pakistan: Shariah-compliant finance and the quest to make Pakistan more Islamic, by Feisal Khan, Routledge, 2015]. Intellectual Discourse 29(1):252-255.
2. Islam, Md Saidul. 2014. [Review of the book Finding Mecca in America: How Islam Is Becoming an American Religion, by Mucahit Bilici, University of Chicago Press, 2012]. American Journal of Sociology 119(4): 1168-1170.
3. Islam, Md Saidul. 2017. [Review of the book Civil Society in Asia: In Search of Democracy and Development in Bangladesh, edited by Fahimul Quadier and Yutaka Tsujinaka, Ashgate Press, 2015]. Asian Journal of Social Science 45(2017): 594-596.