Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Feng Qu
Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences
External Links
Dr. FENG Qu is currently Head of Economics Division and an associate professor at School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. His research areas include econometrics, Chinese economy and financial markets. Recently, A/P Feng conducts research on exploring big data on economics and business areas by applying machine learning algorithms. His research papers appear in top economics journals, including Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, China Economic Review, etc.

At NTU, A/P Feng teaches econometrics courses at all levels, and Chinese Economy. He was honored at NTU Convocation Ceremony 2013 for inspirational teaching and mentorship, and was nominated by department for the Nanyang Award for Research Excellence, NTU, 2012.

A/P Feng obtained his PhD in Economics at Syracuse University (USA), MA in Economics at Fudan University (Shanghai) and BS in Mathematics at Southeast University (Nanjing).
Econometrics, Chinese Economy, Financial Markets, Machine Learning Applications in Economics and Finance
  • Estimation and Robust Inference of Panel Data Models with Common Factors with Applications to Macroeconomic Data
  • How ICT Infrastructure Affects Productivity and Employment?
  • Nonstationary and Dynamic Panel Data Models with Multiple Structural Changes with Applications to Climate Change
  • Robust Inference for High-Dimensional GMM with Clustered, Spatial or Network Dependence
Courses Taught
D6610 - Chinese Economy: Transition & Development

CC6002 - China's Economy In Transformation