Academic Profile : Faculty

Prof Fung Tat Ching
Director, Research Support Office
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Controlled Keywords
Prof Fung is currently in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering since 1991. He received his Bachelor and Ph.D degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Hong Kong. His research interests include structural behaviour of tubular joints and the design of higher order time-step integration algorithms. He has done significant research work his research areas and published over 100 top quality international conference and journal papers. He has been often invited as a referee and reviewer for a number of premier conferences and journals, including International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering etc.
Prof Fung's areas of expertise are Computational Mechanics and Structural Engineering. His current research works focus on structural behaviour of tubular joints and the design of higher order time-step integration algorithms.
- Vulnerability Assessment of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures to Blast and Subsequent Progressive Collapse
- Blast-Resistant Precast Concrete Façade Walls
- Vulnerability Assessment of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures to Blast and Subsequent Progressive Collapse (PI: Fung Tat Ching)
- Vulnerability Assessment of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures to Blast and Subsequent Progressive Collapse (PI: Tan Kanghai)
- Vulnerability Assessment of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures to Blast and Subsequent Progressive Collapse (PI: Ivan Au)
- Modelling of Structures Subjected to Combined Blast and Fragment Loadings and Damage Assessment