Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Goh Wooi Boon
Associate Dean (Continuing Education - FlexiMasters & Short Courses), College of Computing & Data Science
Associate Professor, College of Computing & Data Science
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
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pulled from PRDS)
Yaqian Zhang, W.B. Goh. (2018). The Influence of Peer Accountability on Attention during Gameplay. Computers in Human Behavior, 84(Feb 2018), 18-28.
W.B.Goh, M. Chen, C.H. Trinh, J. Tan, W. Shou. (2014). The MOY Framework for Collaborative Play Design in Integrated Shared and Private Interactive Spaces. The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2014).
W.B. Goh., L.L.C. Kasun, Fitriani, Jacquelyn Tan, W. Shou. (2012). Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference: The i-Cube: Design Considerations for Block-based Digital Manipulatives and Their Applications. Designing Interactive Systems (DIS2012) (pp. 398-407)Newcastle, UK: ACM.
P.Song, W.B. Goh, W. Hutama, C.W. Fu, X. Liu. (2012). Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: A Handle Bar Metaphor for Virtual Object Manipulation with Mid-Air Interaction.. The 30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2012) (pp. 1297-1306)Austin, Texas, USA: ACM.
Chi-Wing Fu, Wooi-Boon Goh, and Junxiang Ng, Allen. (2010). ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Multi-touch techniques for Exploring Large-Scale 3D Astrophysical Simulations. CHI 2010 (pp. Atlanta, USA)2213-2223: ACM SIGCHI.
W.B.Goh, M. Chen, C.H. Trinh, J. Tan, W. Shou. (2014). The MOY Framework for Collaborative Play Design in Integrated Shared and Private Interactive Spaces. The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2014).
W.B. Goh., L.L.C. Kasun, Fitriani, Jacquelyn Tan, W. Shou. (2012). Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference: The i-Cube: Design Considerations for Block-based Digital Manipulatives and Their Applications. Designing Interactive Systems (DIS2012) (pp. 398-407)Newcastle, UK: ACM.
P.Song, W.B. Goh, W. Hutama, C.W. Fu, X. Liu. (2012). Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: A Handle Bar Metaphor for Virtual Object Manipulation with Mid-Air Interaction.. The 30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2012) (pp. 1297-1306)Austin, Texas, USA: ACM.
Chi-Wing Fu, Wooi-Boon Goh, and Junxiang Ng, Allen. (2010). ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Multi-touch techniques for Exploring Large-Scale 3D Astrophysical Simulations. CHI 2010 (pp. Atlanta, USA)2213-2223: ACM SIGCHI.