Academic Profile : Faculty

Controlled Keywords
BSc. in Chinese Medicine from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin, China
MSc. in Chinese Medicine from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin, China
Ph.D. in Chinese Medicine from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China
Research Experience
Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, NTU
Research Scientist, National University of Singapore
Research Fellow, National Cancer Center, Singapore
Postdoctoral Fellow, Genome Institute of Singapore
Academic and Grant Committees
Co-Chair of TCM Research Grant Committee, MOH
Academic Committee Member, Singapore TCM Practitioners Board,
Research Committee Member, Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore,
Members of TCMP Taskforce, MOH
BSc. in Chinese Medicine from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin, China
MSc. in Chinese Medicine from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin, China
Ph.D. in Chinese Medicine from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China
Research Experience
Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, NTU
Research Scientist, National University of Singapore
Research Fellow, National Cancer Center, Singapore
Postdoctoral Fellow, Genome Institute of Singapore
Academic and Grant Committees
Co-Chair of TCM Research Grant Committee, MOH
Academic Committee Member, Singapore TCM Practitioners Board,
Research Committee Member, Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore,
Members of TCMP Taskforce, MOH
The main emphasis of my research is focused on deciphering the signal transduction pathways of drug resistance and apoptosis as it pertains to in cancer biology. Using novel TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) herbal extracts and established chemotherapeutic agents, my laboratory is currently working on the signal transduction pathways that are crucial in inducing apoptosis in cancer cells. The role of histone deacetylase, prenylation, methylation and acetylation inhibitors are currently being investigated as therapeutic agents for the treatment of a variety of cancers. In addition, putative proto-oncogenic transcription factors, like those of Kruppel-like family of transcription factors are being investigated for their role in tumorgenesis. In trying to decipher cancer signal transduction pathways, my lab is currently in the process of establishing a first order transcriptional network for these transcription factors. In conjunction with expression profile analysis, we also make use of shRNA libraries, HTS (high-throughput screening) and global transcription factor binding site analysis to answer some of the basic biology underlying drug resistance and apoptosis.
• Anti-cancer effects of extracts prepared from Chinese herbal medicines
• Anti-diabetic effects of extracts prepared from Chinese herbal medicines.
• Toxicity and pharmacokinetic studies on herbal extracts.
• Establish in vivo models for senile dementia and ischemia-reperfusion on rats.
• Patho-physiological studies on a new Chinese medicine therapy for senile dementia.
• Mechanistic studies on ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Current Projects
• Herbalomic: Novel approach for fingerprinting and authentication of herbal products
• A pilot randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of FUling tea concoction and phySical activity advice on body constitution and blood chOlesterol levels among individuals with phlegm-dampNess body constitution. (FUSION)
• Anti-cancer effects of extracts prepared from Chinese herbal medicines
• Anti-diabetic effects of extracts prepared from Chinese herbal medicines.
• Toxicity and pharmacokinetic studies on herbal extracts.
• Establish in vivo models for senile dementia and ischemia-reperfusion on rats.
• Patho-physiological studies on a new Chinese medicine therapy for senile dementia.
• Mechanistic studies on ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Current Projects
• Herbalomic: Novel approach for fingerprinting and authentication of herbal products
• A pilot randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of FUling tea concoction and phySical activity advice on body constitution and blood chOlesterol levels among individuals with phlegm-dampNess body constitution. (FUSION)
- A pilot randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of FUling tea concoction and phySical activity advice on body constitution and blood chOlesterol levels among individuals with phlegm-dampNess body constitution (FUSION)