Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Rainer Helmut Dumke
Assistant Chair (Facilities, IT, Safety & Health), School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences - Division of Physics & Applied Physics
Associate Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences - Division of Physics & Applied Physics
Assistant Chair (Facilities, IT, Safety & Health), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS)
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Rainer Dumke studied Physics at the Leibniz University in Hanover / Germany and received his Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) in 2003. The title of the theses was Atom Optic and Quantum Information Processing With Micro Structured Optical Elements. During his PhD he worked for half a year at the National Institute for Standard and Technologies (NIST, Gaithersburg USA) on ultra cold Rydberg atoms. After finishing his PhD in Hanover he received a prestige Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation. In 2003 he went again to NIST (Gaithersburg, USA) to continue research in the same group in the field of ultra cold molecules and quantum degenerate gases. After two years in September 2005 Rainer Dumke started a new research position at the Max Planck Research Group in Erlangen, Germany. Here he focused on the realization of an optical atomic clock based on an ultra cold trapped single Indium ion. In September 2006 he came to Singapore and worked in the new established School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the Division of Physics and Applied Physics at the Nanyang Technological University. During his carresr his achievements included: Analysis of wave packets in an optical lattice. Investigating the formation of Rydberg atoms in an ultra cold plasma. First generation and application of an optical micro structure for a guided atom interferometer. First demonstration of the application of micro optical systems for quantum information processing. Studying the coherence properties of guided-atom interferometers. Sub-natural-linewidth quantum interference features: Atom-Molecule Coherence. All optical generation and photoassociative probing of sodium Bose-Einstein condensates. Development towards an optical frequency standard in the deep UV. His achievements are well documented in numerous publications.
The investigation and utilization of wave properties of atomic matter is of great interest in fundamental as well as in applied physics. Due to the recent progress in the control of ultra cold atomic matter, there is now a major effort to develop compact and fully integrated Atom-Chip devices. These systems will be suitable for a broad spectrum of applications ranging from Bose-Einstein condensation, atom interferometry, quantum information processing to high precision measurements.
  • Transportable Land based Gravimeter
  • Integrating Volcano and Earthquake Science and Technology (InVEST) in Southeast Asia
  • Hardware efficient algorithms for simulating topological phases on near term quantum processors
  • Atom Interferometer based Gravimetry: Development and Application
  • Sub-10 Hz/Hz1/2 low-SWaP lasers for precision measurements (WP-L1) (NUS PIs : Alexander Ling and Wong Chee Wei)
  • Integrated Geophysical Inversion for Geothermal Potential Assessment in Singapore
  • Quantum Assisted Navigation and Magnetic Sensing
  • Hybrid atomic and classical accelerometer (WP-N2)
  • Integrated Atomtronic Circuits
  • Investigation of re-configurable trapped atoms gyroscope (WP-N3) (For research scholarship only)
  • Quantum Assisted Navigation and Magnetic Sensing (For research scholarship only)
  • Investigation of re-configurable trapped atoms gyroscope (WP-N3)
  • Hybrid atomic and classical accelerometer (WP-N2) (For research scholarship only)
  • Sub-10 Hz/Hz1/2 low-SWaP lasers for precision measurements (WP-L1) (NUS PIs : Alexander Ling and Wong Chee Wei) (For research scholarship only)