Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Yuen Kum Fai
Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Dr. Yuen is currently an Assistant Professor and Assistant Chair (Students) at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Additionally, he serves as Co-Director of the Maritime Energy & Sustainable Development (MESD) Centre of Excellence. Notably, Dr. Yuen is recognised among the world’s top 2% most influential scientists in both career-long and single-year categories. He has secured over SGD 1.5 million in grants for AI and maritime-related research initiatives. Furthermore, he was awarded the prestigious Inauguration Grant 2019 under the Singapore Teaching and Academic Research Talent Scheme. In recognition of his teaching excellence, he received the CEE Teaching Excellence Award in 2022.

Dr. Yuen currently serves as an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Marine Science (SCI), Maritime Policy & Management (SSCI), and the Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics (ESCI). He also holds positions on the Editorial Advisory Board and as a Review Member for the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (SSCI), International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (ESCI), Transportation Research: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Scopus), and Continuity & Resilience Review. His research interests include maritime studies, supply chain management, and logistics.

He has authored over 200 SCI journal papers, accumulating more than 10,000 citations with an H-index of 56 on Google Scholar. His work is frequently published in leading journals such as Transport Reviews, Computers in Human Behavior, Computers in Industry, Cities, Sustainable Cities and Society, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Marine Policy, Transport Policy, and Transportation Research Part A, D, E & F.

Dr. Yuen is currently supervising 12 PhD students and has graduated 4 PhD students. Below is the list of graduated students and their current positions:

1. Gao Ruobin (Excellent Young Scholar, Professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University (QS #547), China)
2. Zhou Qin (Lecturer, Southampton University (QS #80), United Kingdom)
3. Zhou Yusheng (Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (QS #57), Hong Kong)
4. Li Xue (Assistant Professor, Kyung Hee University (QS #328), Republic of Korea)
Maritime Economics
Maritime AI & Sustainability
Human-Computer Interaction
  • Extreme Weather Effects on Resilience of Container Intermodal Transportation System: Operations and Strategies
  • Maritime Professional Skills and Competency Mapping
  • Disruption management and resilience building of food transportation system in Singapore: A national perspective
  • Resilience analysis and modelling of urban multi-modal transportation system: A simulation of unplanned disruptions
  • School Research Funding Support to Associate Chairs, Assistant Chairs and Prog Directors
  • Safety 4.0: AI-Driven Ship Safety Management System
  • Do anthropomorphization and socialization matter? Exploring their main and interaction effects on public trust in future intelligent vehicles
  • Enhancing Interdisciplinary Critical Thinking: The Role of Digital Serious Games
CEE Teaching Excellence Award (2022)
Courses Taught
MT0001 Shipping and the Environment
MT4002 Essentials of Project Management
MT4003 Maritime Strategy
MT6102 Maritime Economics
Supervision of PhD Students
Dr. Yuen is currently supervising 12 PhD students and has graduated 4 PhD students. Below is the list of graduated students and their current positions:

1. Gao Ruobin (Excellent Young Scholar, Professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University (QS #547), China)
2. Zhou Qin (Lecturer, Southampton University (QS #80), United Kingdom)
3. Zhou Yusheng (Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (QS #57), Hong Kong)
4. Li Xue (Assistant Professor, Kyung Hee University (QS #328), Republic of Korea)