Academic Profile : Faculty

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Ms Estelle Bech
Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Estelle Bech (2021). Enhancing Language Learning with a Smartphone-based Classroom Response System: The Student Perspective on Wooclap. Secundo Congresso Internacional “Inovação e Tecnologia no Ensino de Línguas” 2021. Universidade Aberta de Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal.

Estelle Bech, Hani Mustafa, Jean-Francois Ghesquière. (2019). Making cell-phone videos in a task-based Learning Environment : Students’ perspective in Beginner French as a Foreign Language classes in Singapore. Paper presented at Tenth International Symposium on European Languages in East Asia: Didactics, Literature, Culture and Translation of European Languages, National Taiwan University (NTU).

Lespinasse Karine, Bech Estelle. (2018). Promote a growth mindset approach in the students in Foreign Language Education Motivational Strategies for Teachers and Learners: Promote a growth mindset approach in the students in Foreign Language Education Motivational Strategies for Teachers and Learners. CLaSIC 2018 - The Eighth CLS International Conference (pp. 143-153)Singapore: National University of Singapore.

Estelle Bech, Hani Mustafa, Jean-Francois Ghesquière. (2018, December). Using asynchronous cell-phone video production for improving students’ oral communication skills in a Task-Based Learning environment.. Paper presented at CLaSIC 2018 - The Eighth CLS International Conference, NUS - National University of Singapore - Singapore.
Book Chapters
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Bech Estelle, Lespinasse Karine.(2019). Sources de motivation pour les apprenants plurilingues abordant le français à l'université : un état d'esprit de développement. Cas des étudiants de français à NTU, Singapour. Langues et éducation : comparaisons internationales(185-207). Louvain La Neuve (Belgium): EME editions.