Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Thomas Allard
Assistant Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Marketing
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Allard, Thomas and Stefano Puntoni. (2022). Misunderstood Menu Metrics: Side-length Food Sizing Leads to Quantity Underestimation and Overeating. Forthcoming at Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

Allard, Thomas and Brent McFerran. (2022). Ethical Branding in a Divided World: How Political Orientation Motivates Reactions to Marketplace Transgressions. Forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Allard, Thomas, Lea H. Dunn, and Katherine White. (2020). Negative Reviews, Positive Impact: Consumer Empathetic Responding to Unfair Word-of-Mouth. Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 86-106.

Allard, Thomas, David Hardisty, and Dale Griffin. (2019). When "More" Seems Like Less: Differential Price Framing Increases the Choice Share of Higher-Priced Options. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(5), 826-841.

Allard, Thomas and Dale Griffin. (2017). Comparative Price and the Design of Effective Product Communications. Journal of Marketing, 81(5), 16-29.

Allard, Thomas and Katherine White. (2015). Cross-Domain Effects of Guilt on Desire for Self-Improvement Products. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(3), 401-419.