Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Prof Fidel Costa Rodriguez
Visiting Professor, Asian School of the Environment
Provost’s Chair in Earth Sciences
Professor, Asian School of the Environment
Visiting Professor, Earth Observatory of Singapore
Fidel COSTA is a Principal Investigator with the Volcano group at EOS. He is an igneous petrologist and geochemist specializing in volcanic processes. He studied Earth Sciences at the University of Barcelona (Spain), and received his Ph.D. from the University of Geneva (Switzerland). He was Marie Curie Fellow (CNRS, Orleans), and subsequently held positions as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Ruhr-University, Bochum (Germany), and at the CSIC in Barcelona (Ramon y Cajal Fellow). He has been involved in developing new geochronological methods to determine the rates of volcanic and magmatic processes occurring on human time scales.
I'm interested in understanding the formation, transport, and eruption of magmas (silicate melt, gas and crystals) on the Earth's surface. Main focus are the conditions (pressure, temperature, volatile contents) at which magmas are stored prior to eruption, the processes that lead to the erupted magma compositions (magma mixing, crystallization), the rates and time scales at which these processes occur, and, finally how all this information relate to volcanic monitoring data and unrest phenomena. I have expertise and use a large variety of geochemical (SEM, electron microprobe, SIMS, FTIR, LA-ICP-MS, XRF, INAA), experimental (high pressure and temperature apparatus for phase equilibria), and modeling (finite differences for kinetics in solid state) approaches.
  • Integrating Volcano and Earthquake Science and Technology (InVEST) in Southeast Asia