Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Lim Ni Eng
Assistant Professor, School of Humanities
Associate Professor, School of Humanities
External Links
Journal Articles
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Lim, N-E. (2021). An interactional perspective on grammaticalization of turn-initial linguistic forms in turn-final position: The case of Chinese turn-continuations. Journal of Pragmatics 182, 221-238..

Lim, N-E. (2019). Introduction: Recent developments of Conversation Analysis in Chinese. Chinese Language and Discourse 10(2), 127-132.

Lim, N-E. & Li, Shushu (2019). “不会VP吧”在互动会话中的求证行为和反期待推测 [Seeking verification for unexpected inference using “buhui VP ba”]. Chinese Language and Discourse 10(2), 241-262. (in Chinese)

Lim, N-E. & Hong, H. (2012). Intensifiers as Stance-markers: A corpus study on Genre-variations in Mandarin Chinese. Chinese Language and Discourse 3(2), 129-166.
Book Chapters
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Lim, N-E., Ng, Gim Thia & Luke, Kang-Kwong (2023). Resisting Responsibility for Decision-Making during Medical Consultation: A Conversation Analytic Study in Singapore. In Zayts, Olya & Bridges, Susan (Eds.), Language, Health and Culture: Problematizing ‘Global Centers’ and ‘Global Peripheries in Healthcare Communication Research. Abingdon: Routledge.

Lim, N-E. (April, 2019). Preliminaries to delicate matters: An initial account of “I say to you” sequences and some of its functions in Mandarin Chinese conversations. In Xiao, Y. & Linda, Tsung (Eds.), Current Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse: Global context and diverse perspectives, pp. 105-136. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Lim, N-E. (March, 2019). On co-operative modalities in the formulation of Mandarin Chinese turn-continuations. In Xiaoting Li & Yoshi Ono (Eds.), Multimodality in Chinese Interaction, pp. 200-231. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Lim, N-E. (2011). From subjectivity to intersubjectivity: Epistemic marker Wo Juede in Chinese. In Xiao, Y., Tao, L. & Soh, H.L. (Eds.), Current Issues in Chinese Linguistics, pp. 265-300. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Conference Papers
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Lim, N-E. (2023, Feb), Utilizing triadic participation frameworks in Advance Care Planning (ACP) consultations: Mitigating disalignment for End-of-Life (EoL) decisions. Invited paper presented at the International Symposium on Healthcare Communication, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Lim, N-E. (2022, Dec), Membership Categorization Device (MCD) as an interactional resource: Flagging ‘oldness’ in doctor-patient interaction. Paper presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse (6th ISCLD), University of Macau and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Lim, N-E. & Lim, D-X. (2022, July), “‘年老’对新加坡华族年长病患意味着什么?”. Paper presented at the 22th International Conference on Chinese Language and Culture (ICCLC) - 第22届中国语言和文化国际学术讨论会, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore. (in Chinese)

Lim, N-E. (2021, October), “新加坡预立医疗照护咨商(ACP)的开展与挑战. Invited paper presented at “全国安宁疗护学术论坛”, Shandong University, China.

Lim, N-E. , Luke, K-K., Oktarini, R. & Makawita, H.(2021, June), “Resisting ‘being a smoker’ during history-taking in medical consultations: A Conversation Analytic study in Singapore”. Invited panel paper presented at 23rd E-Sociolinguistics Symposium, organized by Hong Kong University.

Lim, N-E., Luke, K-K. & Png, K.S. (2021, July), “Is it painful”: Emergent fear of pain in the consent-taking of a diagnostic recommendation. Paper presented at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics & SAGW-ASSH, Switzerland.

Lim, N-E. (2020, Dec), “医患会话分析与‘行医之道’:以医患沟通的‘共情’为例”. Invited paper presented at “第二届全国话语与健康学术论坛”, Shandong University, China.

Lim, N-E., Tse Crepaldi, Y. & Luke, K-K. (2019, June), Doctor-patient relationship-in-flux: Emerging and Emergent relational identities in the medical consultation. Paper presented at the 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China.

Lim, N-E. (2019, Nov), “Soliciting assessment of an experience when there are none: Dilemma in addressing concerns of pain and being empathetic”. Invited paper presented at 1st National Medical Conversation Analysis Workshop, School of Health Humanities, Peking University, China.

Lim, N-E. (2019, June), Turn-initial linguistic forms in turn-final Chinese turn-continuations. Invited Panel Paper presented at the 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China.

Lim, N-E., Ng, G-T. & Luke, K-K. (2019, June), Resisting Responsibility for Decision-making during Medical consultation: A conversation analytic study in Singapore. Paper presented at the 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China.

Lim, N-E., Luke, K-K., Png, K-S. & Oktarini, R. (2019, Feb), Health Literacy in Action in a Singapore clinic. Invited paper presented at the International Symposium on Communication in Health Care 2019, LKCMedicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Lim, N-E. (2018, Nov), Institutionalized Preference Structure in Diagnostic Recommendations: Counseling for the scope in Urology clinics. Invited paper presented at the 2nd Peking University International Conference on Medical Humanities: Narrating Birth, Ageing and Death, Peking University, China.

Lim, N-E. (2018, Nov), Searching for the Phenomenon: Unmotivated ‘statistical’ observation. Paper presented at the 11th AIEMCA Conference, Macau University, China.

Lim, N-E & Luke, K-K. (2018, Oct), Contextualizing Health Literacy in the Medical Consultation. Invited talk presented at the 13th Singapore Public Health & Occupational Medicine Conference. One Farrer Hotel, Singapore.

Lim, N-E. (2018, Aug), “预示‘敏感’话题的会话手段:以‘我跟你说’启始话轮的一些互动功能”. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Interactional and Chinese Language Studies - 第三届互动语言学与汉语研究国际学术讨论会, Beijing Language and Culture University, China. (in Chinese)

Lim, N-E. (2018, July), Counseling for consent in Urology clinics. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA 2018), Loughborough University, UK.

Lim, N-E. (2016, Jun), Managing expectations with turn-initial “I say to you” in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse (ISCLD-4), Bryant University, Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island.

Lim, N-E. (2016, Mar), “从互动交际的的角度看“易位句”的语法化轨迹”. Paper presented at the 2nd Workshop on Interactional and Chinese Linguistics - 第二届互动语言学与汉语研究学术讨论会, Shanghai Normal University, China. (in Chinese)

Lim, N-E. (2015, Jun), Uncooperative Co-tellership. Paper presented at the “Revisiting Participation: Language and Bodies in Interaction” conference, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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Lim, N-E. (Ed.) (April, 2023). 《南大中文系云龙子优秀毕业论文选集》(第二辑). Lingzi Publishing.

Lim, N-E. (Ed.) (December, 2019). Special Issue: Chinese Conversation Analytic Studies. Chinese Language and Discourse 10(2).
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