Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Lim Ai Ching_1.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Lim Ai Ching
Associate Dean (Marketing and Branding), College of Business (Nanyang Business School)
Associate Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Marketing
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Lim, Elison, Lee Yih Hwai, Foo Maw Der. (2017). Frontline Employee’s Nonverbal Cues in Service Encounters Is A Potential Double-Edged Sword. Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 45(5), 657-676.

Lim, Elison, Doreen Kum, and Lee Yih Hwai. (2015). Understanding How Changes Within Service Experiences Impact Prospective Vs. Retrospective Time Judgments. Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 43(6), 730-745.

Ang Swee Hoon, Elison Lim, Leong Siew Meng, and Chen Zhaonan. (2015). In Pursuit of Happiness: Effects of Alternative Comparison and Mental Subtraction. Social Indicators Research, 122(1), 87-103.

Lee, Yih Hwai and Elison Ai Ching Lim. (2010). When Good Cheer Goes Unrequited: How Emotional Receptivity Affects Evaluation of Expressed Emotion. Journal of Marketing Research, 47, 1151-61.

Lim, Elison Ai Ching, Swee Hoon Ang, Yih Hwai Lee, and Siew Meng Leong. (2009). Get the Picture? The Effects of Idiom Processing on Consumer Ad Response. Journal of Pragmatics, 41(9), 1778-1793.