Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Tay Beng Kang
Co-Director, NTI-NTU Corporate Laboratory
President's Chair in Nanoelectronics
Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Associate Chair (Faculty), School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Deputy Director, CNRS- International-NTU-Thales Research Alliance (CINTRA)
Personal Homepage :

Professor Tay Beng Kang received his B.Eng (Hons) and M.Sc. degrees from the National University of Singapore in 1985 and 1989, respectively, and was awarded Ph.D. from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 1999. He joined the School of EEE of NTU as a Lecturer in 1992 and was subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, and Full Professor in 1998, 1999, and 2006, respectively.

Prof Tay is active in research and he is a pioneer in Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc (FCVA) technology. He has made many contributions in thin film materials especially in amorphous carbon, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC). His current research includes the growth and applications of carbon based, 2D TMDC materials for thermal and high frequency applications such as thermoelectric, EM isolation, waveguides, etc. To date, Prof Tay has secured more than S$15M of research funding in which S$11.4M as the PI. He has published more than 420 journal papers with a Google Scholar H-index of 77 and 3 book chapters. Prof Tay is also the co-inventor of 17 patents in which some of these patents were exclusively licensed to Nanofilm Technologies Pte Ltd, which was established in 1999 as a spin-off from NTU. The research team was subsequently awarded the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Award and National Technology Award in 1997 and 2000 respectively for their outstanding R&D contributions on a new Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc Technology. In addition, he was awarded the NTU Alumni Service Award in 2003, the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards in 2007, the Long Service Medal (Singapore National Day Awards) in 2015 and has been the IES Fellow since 2007.

Prof Tay’s research has been recognized internationally where he works closely with companies such as Nanofilm Technologies International, Excelitas Technologies, Thales Solution Asia where he also supervised several EDB Industry Postgraduate Programme (IPP) students. He has been an invited speaker at numerous international conferences and universities. At present, he is the Deputy Director of CINTRA (since 2014) (, sub-committee member of NTU Research Council (since 2017) and a member of NTU Senate Committee on Faculty (since 2020).
Presently, Prof Tay is maintaining research activities in the following areas through final year project students, postgraduate students, research staff and collaborative research interactions:

Key Areas of Research

Preparation and characterization of wafer-scaled 2D materials and their heterostructures
Application of 2D materials for tunneling diodes, ternary logic and thermoelectric devices.
Development of Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc technologies
Applications of diamond-like carbon / nanocomposites for wear resistive coatings
Low temperature transfer of carbon nanotubes for high frequency applications (such as EM isolation, passive devices, butler matrix, etc).
  • Termination dependent photovoltaic effect of ferroelectric tunneling junctions
  • Advanced Technology for Sub-THz Waveguides based on Carbon Nanotubes
  • CE1: Development of Advanced Plasma Technologies (IAF-ICP) - 01/11/2023 to 31/10/2028
  • CE3: Design and Development of A Large Area Linear Sputter Source for Large Area Vacuum Coatings (IAF-ICP) - 01/11/2023 to 31/10/2028
  • NTI-NTU Corporate Laboratory (NTU cash)
  • Spin Hall Effects in Topological Two-dimensional Semimetals
  • Hollow Cathode Arc Plasma Source and Its Process Development
  • Central Funding: NTI-NTU Corporate Laboratory (NTI) - Central Budget
  • CE1: Development of Advanced Plasma Technologies (NTI) - 01/11/2023 to 31/10/2028
  • CE3: Design and Development of A Large Area Linear Sputter Source for Large Area Vacuum Coatings (NTI) - 01/11/2023 to 31/10/2028
  • NTI-NTU Corporate Laboratory (NTI)
  • Central Funding: NTI-NTU Corporate Laboratory (IAF-ICP)
  • NTI-NTU Corporate Laboratory Renovation
  • NTI-NTU Corporate Laboratory (IAF-ICP)
  • Advancing van der Waals Heterostructures for High Frequency Tunnel Devices
  • Reconfigurable Photoresponsivity of 2D Ferroelectric TMDCs For Machine Vision
  • President's Chair in Nanoelectronics
  • Intercalated 2D Materials for Enhanced Thermoelectric Transport
  • Synthesis of 2D materials for neuromorphic devices
2024: President's Chair in Nanoelectronics
2024: CoE Industrial Excellence Award
2019 : Long Service Award (30 years), NTU
2015: The Long Service Medal, National Day Award
2007: IES Prestigious Engineering Award
2000: Singapore National Technology Award
Fellowships & Other Recognition
2007 - Present Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Courses Taught
EE1003 - Introduction to Materials for Electronic
EE2003 - Semiconductor Fundamentals
EE3013 - Semiconductor Devices and Processing
EE6601 - Advanced Wafer Processing
Supervision of PhD Students
Graduated 26 PhD and several Master students. Many of his graduated students hold key positions within the industries, with 4 of them holding professorship and 8 obtaining awards/recognition.