Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Leong Eng Choon
Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Journal Articles
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E.C. Leong, J. Cahyadi, H. Rahardjo. (2009). Measuring shear and compression wave velocities of soil using bender–extender elements. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 46(7), 792-812.
Leong. E.C., Anand, S., Cheong, H.K. and Lim, C.H. (2007). Re-examination of peak stress and scaled distance due to ground shock. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 34(9), 1487.
Rahardjo, H. and E.C. Leong. (2006). Suction Measurements-KEYNOTE LECTURE. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Geo Institute, Phoenix, Arizona (pp. 81-104)ASCE.
He Liangcai, Leong, E.C., Ahmed Algamal. (2006). A miniature tensiometer for measurement of high matric suction. 4th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (pp. 1897-1907)ASCE.
Tsaparas, I., H. Rahardjo, D.G. Toll and E.C. Leong. (2003). Infiltration characteristics of two instrumented residual soil slopes. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 40(5), 1012-1032.
Leong. E.C., Anand, S., Cheong, H.K. and Lim, C.H. (2007). Re-examination of peak stress and scaled distance due to ground shock. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 34(9), 1487.
Rahardjo, H. and E.C. Leong. (2006). Suction Measurements-KEYNOTE LECTURE. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Geo Institute, Phoenix, Arizona (pp. 81-104)ASCE.
He Liangcai, Leong, E.C., Ahmed Algamal. (2006). A miniature tensiometer for measurement of high matric suction. 4th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (pp. 1897-1907)ASCE.
Tsaparas, I., H. Rahardjo, D.G. Toll and E.C. Leong. (2003). Infiltration characteristics of two instrumented residual soil slopes. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 40(5), 1012-1032.