Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Benedict Lin
Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
De Souza, DE; Lieu, RZ; Mani, L; Toh, GKP; & Lin B.(2020). The Emergence of Modern Science Communication in Singapore (current working title). In Toss Gascoigne(Ed), The Emergence of Modern Science Communication((not available)). Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Lin, B. & Bolton, K. (2019). English centrality and peripherality in a developmental context: a case study of English-medium instruction in Cambodian higher education. 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes.

Lin, B.; McKinnon, J; Winder, RVP; & Li, SY. (2018). Writing Needs of Engineering Undergraduates at NTU: Findings from a Focus Group Discussion Study. LCC Working Paper Series, (5), 13-29.

Lin, B.; Bolton, K.; Khan, B.; Sok, S; and Bacon-Shone, J. (2018, June). English as a Medium of Instruction in Cambodian Higher Education: Issues in a Developmental World Englishes Context’. Paper presented at the 23rd International Association for World Englishes conference, Manila.

Lin, B. and Lin, E. (2018, June). English Language Needs in the Cambodian Hospitality Industry: A Case Study of Hotel Receptionists and Room Service Waiters’. Paper presented at the 23rd International Association for World Englishes conference, Manila.