Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof K Radhakrishnan.jpg picture
Assoc Prof K Radhakrishnan
Associate Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Research Director (Microsystems Technology Development Centre - Growth), Temasek Laboratories at NTU (TL@NTU)
External Links
Dr K Radhakrishnan is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He was the Principal Investigator for several major research projects related to the epitaxial growth of III-V Compound Semiconductors, devices and circuits over the years, primarily using arsenide and phosphide based material systems. His current research interests include MBE/MOCVD thin film growth and characterization of III-nitrides for various applications such as high power RF devices, UV detectors and gas sensors. His other research interests include synthesis and fabrication of oxide based thin film solar cells. He has authored and co-authored more than 200 international journal and conference papers and delivered invited talks at several international conferences. In 2007, he was one of the recipients of the prestigious Singapore’s Defense Technology Prize for his technological contributions in MMIC (microwave monolithic integrated circuits) R & D.
Epitaxial growth and characterization of compound semiconductor materials including III-Nitrides. Development of advanced structures for gas sensing, biosensing and optical detectors and emitters. Device fabrication and characterization for various electronic and photonics applications.
  • Project SESTO
  • MC-HEMT Epistructure Growth
  • WP4.3 Regrown Ohmic Contacts to GaN-based Heterostructures
  • ScAlN/GaN HEMT heterostructures for high-frequency and high-power applications
  • Work Package 3: Ohmic Regrowth by MBE
  • Low-Voltage Bias GaN-on-Si for Mobile Applications
  • Work Package 1: Device Fabrication
  • LEES+ Monolithic CMOS + GaN HEMT Integrated Circuits for 5G and Beyond
  • Development of “All GaN” logic integrated circuits via a 3D integration of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
  • Project SESTO Task A
  • Gallium nitride-based polarization doped high conductivity p-type material and transistors for efficient complementary electronics
Courses Taught
EE2003 - Semiconductor Fundamentals